
  1. 晋侯墓地M114出土的叔矢方鼎,铭文记载周王在成周举行盛大祷祀,并于祀后召见群臣。

    The tripod unearthed from M114 at the royal tomb of Marquis of Jin bears an inscription relating that the king of Zhou offered a big sacrifice at Chengzhou , and thereafter met with his ministers .

  2. 一公斤,亦即两磅方鼎重达875公斤。

    A kilo , or two pounds The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms .

  3. 方鼎重达875公斤。

    The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms .

  4. 方鼎重达875公斤。对方不重视我方的警告。

    The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms . The other side paid no attention to our warning .

  5. 方鼎通常被认为是只有高等级贵族才能使用的礼器,其地位和意义丝毫不逊色于圆鼎。

    The ding square tripot is usually considered as the ritual which only the high grade noble can use .

  6. 方鼎重达875公斤。安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。

    The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms . The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist .

  7. 大牛:哎,都说这司母戊大方鼎是目前世界上出土最重的青铜器。

    Well , this huge square bronze cauldron is said to be the heaviest bronze object ever unearthed in the world .

  8. 据考古专家考证,商王铸造这尊司母戊大方鼎是为了纪念自己的母亲。

    According to the archeologists , the King of the Shang Dynasty had the Simuwu Rectangle Ding made to commemorate his mother .

  9. 这件被称为司母戊大方鼎的四足方鼎出土后,因为又大又重,一时无法搬运。

    This four-legged ding known as the Simuwu Rectangle Ding was so big and heavy that it could not be moved after it was unearthed .

  10. 商朝以来传统鼎的形制中,只有方鼎为平底,如商代著名的司母戊大方鼎。

    Of all the traditional cauldrons ( ding ) since the Shang Dynasty , only rectangular cauldrons , such as the famous Simuwu tetrapod of the Shang Dynasty , have flat bottoms .

  11. 最终,把握方鼎所代表的社会历史文化和价值内涵,了解方鼎的起源、发展演变、消亡的过程以及文化变迁的轨迹。

    Finally , it grasps the social historical and cultural connotation of the Ding Square Tripot , understanding the process and culture change of the Ding Square Tripot from origin to development and evolution , until dying out .

  12. 至于为数不少的方鼎究竟在商周社会中扮演着怎样的角色和地位,又是以怎样的形态、造型在不同时期不同地区存在、发展、演变?

    As for the number of the Ding Square Tripot exactly plays what role and status in the Shang and Zhou society , existing , developing and evolving in what form and shape in the different time and the different area ?