
  1. 例如博客,目前大家能数的出来的除了三大门户外几乎就只剩下方兴东的博客网。

    Taking blog as an example , not so many BSP can be remembered besides the three portals .

  2. 在中国,洪晃、方兴东肯定都是赫赫有名的明星般人物;

    In China , Hong and Fang are definitely the notable celebrities like shining star in the sky .

  3. 北京智库互联网实验室(ChinaLabs)创始人方兴东表示,广告活动从根本上来说并不重要:“他们将获得关注,这很重要。但真正重要的是拥有一款具有竞争力的手机。”

    Fang Xingdong , founder of Beijing-based think-tank China Labs , says thecampaign ultimately doesn 't matter : " They will get attention , which is important . But what really mattersis they have a phone that is competitive . "