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  1. 单宽流量所具有的能量,与原坡面宽度B和径流集中后宽度b比值的三次方成正比。

    The possessed energy of unit width discharge is direct proportion with the cube of ratio of original slope width B to width b after runoff concentrated .

  2. 根据此表达式,稳态蠕变速率与层错能的三次方成正比。

    According to this expression , the creep rate is shown to be proportional to the third power of the stacking fault energy .

  3. 质量与股骨长度的,三次方成正比,同时与股骨厚度的平方,成正比。

    The mass is proportional to the length of the femur to the power three and to the thickness of the femur to the power two .

  4. 发动机噪音很大部分是由于风扇造成的,而风扇的噪声又与叶尖切线速度的4次方成正比。

    As the engine noise is caused largely due to the fan , and fan noise is proportional to the 4th power of the blade tip tangential velocity .

  5. 摘要水泵流量、扬程和功率分别与其转速的一次方、二次方和三次方成正比。

    A water pump ′ s flow rate , lifting capacity and power are respectively in direct proportion to the first , second and third power of its rotating speed .

  6. 结果表明:随机增益引起孤子到达时间的抖动,其方差与传输距离的三次方成正比,从而降低了孤子传输系统的通信容量;

    The results show that the stochastic gain leads to the arrival time jitters , the variation of which is proportional to the cube of the propagation distance , and reduces the capacity of the system .

  7. 第18届上海国际电影节日前隆重召开,据主办方成,本届电影节共收到108个国家和地区的报名影片2096部,将更加凸显亚洲文化。

    The 18th edition of the Shanghai International Film Festival has received a record 2096 entries from 108 countries and regions , organizers said , and this year 's event will have a strong Asian focus .

  8. 结合复合齿轮泵的结构特点,分析了其内部泄漏的途径,并根据流体动力学理论推导出各泄漏流量的计算公式而容积泄漏与间隙的三次方成正比,机械磨擦损失与间隙成反比。

    This paper analyzes the pump 's inner leakage mechanisms with investigations into the pump 's structure characteristics , and with the application of the theory of liquid dynamics , arrives at the calculation formulae for specific leakage volume .

  9. 由电机学可知,平方负载所需功率与速度的三次方成正比,当系统所需风量减小时,利用变频器通过降低转速的方式来调节风量、可以大幅度地实现节能降耗。

    In electromechanics , the power of square torque load is in proportion to the cube of its speed . Thus , the using of inverter to decrease motor speed can achieve big energy saving while the need of air flow is decreased .

  10. 本文应用密度矩阵方程对四能级耦合跃迁进行了计算,得出了三光子吸收过程所占的几率与光强的三次方成正比的具体结果;

    In this paper , the four-energy-level coupling transition is calculated by means of the matrix equation , the result is obtained that the probability of the absorbing process of the three-photon and the cube of the intensity are in the direct rate ;