
Walden got a loaded plate and sat down to eat .
And there was a frying pan full of oil on it .
Place the thermostat into a container filled with water .
She made a heart-filled greeting card for her boyfriend .
It 's called a " Gu ", a kind of wine vessel .
Jack took up a coco-nut shell that brimmed with fresh water and drank .
Although there was little food in the house , Jean concocted a splendid meal .
All that could be salvaged from the ashes was a small metal box containing instruments .
He had an empty egg-basket on his arm , and his hat was old and worn .
Pack yourself a picnic basket full of food and eat together in a park under the stars .
The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection , and not a fountain ;
The cavity groove that is at the top of the fragrance body is provided with a metal heating-conducting plate .
See to it that all the dishes are cleared away immediately after lunch . Walden got a loaded plate and sat down to eat .
In China , the cucurbit is one kind of containers for alcohol liquor and also be used as playthings for aged persons ' recreation .
When washing dishes by hand , dont rinse them under a running tap . If you have two sinks , fill the second one with rinsing water .
I hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street , and I hate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them .
And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God , who liveth for ever and ever .
We then transform our bodies into a sensory apparatus for perceiving the wonderful symphony of colors and sounds and smells and tastes provided by Nature and by culture .
There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water , and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her .
a holy-water font that could have held a whole lake , a basin more than two meters wide , hence even bigger than the one adorning the Nautilus 's lounge .
Using a double cell scheme : in front of the equilibrium cell , setting a presaturation cell filling with pure solvent to minimize the losses of solvent in the equilibrium cell .
It was circular and black and about the size of a small side plate . Its top and its bottom were smoothly convex so that it resembled a small lightweight throwing discus .
There were several muskets in a cabin , and a great powder-horn , with about 4 pounds of powder in it ; as for the muskets , I had no occasion for them ;
For several days she went about the house with her hand in a pot of egg whites , and when the burns healed it appeared as if the whites had also scarred over the sores on her heart .
In 1840 , Anna Maria Russell , the seventh Duchess of Bedford , started asking for a tea tray with butter , bread and cakes at 4 pm every day , as she found she was hungry at this time and the evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at 8 pm .
Analysis on vibrating ageing effects of 100t ladle at No.1 Steel Plant
The bear needs a honey pot for his honey .
In a separate bowl , whisk egg yolks , milk and oil together .
In the postwar period , development economics has undergone a process of ups and downs .
So this boy worked hard and earned money to purchase a nice bag to hold marbles .