
  1. 沃尔登端着一个盛满食品的盘子坐下吃起来。

    Walden got a loaded plate and sat down to eat .

  2. 灶上放着一只盛满油的平底锅。

    And there was a frying pan full of oil on it .

  3. 把调温器放在一个盛有水的容器中。

    Place the thermostat into a container filled with water .

  4. 她为男友做了一张盛满了她心意的贺卡。

    She made a heart-filled greeting card for her boyfriend .

  5. 韩佳:这叫觚,是一种盛酒的器具。

    It 's called a " Gu ", a kind of wine vessel .

  6. 杰克拿起一只盛满清水的椰壳一饮而尽。

    Jack took up a coco-nut shell that brimmed with fresh water and drank .

  7. 虽然家里只有少许食物,珍仍然烹调了一顿盛餐。

    Although there was little food in the house , Jean concocted a splendid meal .

  8. 能从灰烬中抢出的就是一只盛着仪器的小金属盒子。

    All that could be salvaged from the ashes was a small metal box containing instruments .

  9. 他手挽一个盛鸡蛋用的空篮子,帽子又旧又破。

    He had an empty egg-basket on his arm , and his hat was old and worn .

  10. 准备一篮盛满事物的野餐吧,到公园有星星的夜幕下一起浪漫吧。

    Pack yourself a picnic basket full of food and eat together in a park under the stars .

  11. 最难的事就是学会做一口盛满爱的井,而不是喷泉;

    The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection , and not a fountain ;

  12. 熏香器主体的顶部凹部槽体内,设一金属盛置续热盘。

    The cavity groove that is at the top of the fragrance body is provided with a metal heating-conducting plate .

  13. 午饭之后请你负责立即让人把碟子,盘子端走.沃尔登端着一个盛满食品的盘子坐下吃起来。

    See to it that all the dishes are cleared away immediately after lunch . Walden got a loaded plate and sat down to eat .

  14. 葫芦在中国是一种盛酒的容器,也是一些老年人消遣的玩意儿。

    In China , the cucurbit is one kind of containers for alcohol liquor and also be used as playthings for aged persons ' recreation .

  15. 不要在流水下漂洗餐具,如果你有两个水池,将其中的一个盛满水来漂洗。

    When washing dishes by hand , dont rinse them under a running tap . If you have two sinks , fill the second one with rinsing water .

  16. 我讨厌一大堆盛著装饰物的硬纸盒子装在车上招摇过市,也讨厌那些写在纸面上的大而空洞的字眼。

    I hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street , and I hate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them .

  17. 四活物中有一个把盛满了活到永永远远之神大怒的七个金碗给了那七位天使。

    And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God , who liveth for ever and ever .

  18. 我们的全身便于这时变成一种盛受器械,能充分去享受大自然和文化所供给我们的色声香味。

    We then transform our bodies into a sensory apparatus for perceiving the wonderful symphony of colors and sounds and smells and tastes provided by Nature and by culture .

  19. 桌上别无它物,只有一只盛有半杯水的普通大水杯,我就捡起杯子,用尽全力向她掷去。

    There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water , and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her .

  20. 一个盛一池水的圣水盘,一个超过两米宽的大钵,所以这只贝比诺第留斯号客厅中放着的还大。

    a holy-water font that could have held a whole lake , a basin more than two meters wide , hence even bigger than the one adorning the Nautilus 's lounge .

  21. 采用双釜流程,在平衡釜前加一个盛有纯溶剂的预饱和器,使平衡釜内的溶剂损失减至最小。

    Using a double cell scheme : in front of the equilibrium cell , setting a presaturation cell filling with pure solvent to minimize the losses of solvent in the equilibrium cell .

  22. 黑色,圆形,面积大约有一个盛黄油的餐盘大小,顶端和底部都是圆润的弧线,所以看起来仿佛一个轻质小飞盘。

    It was circular and black and about the size of a small side plate . Its top and its bottom were smoothly convex so that it resembled a small lightweight throwing discus .

  23. 船舱里还有几支短枪和一只盛火药的大角筒,里面大约有四磅火药。短枪对我来说已毫无用处。

    There were several muskets in a cabin , and a great powder-horn , with about 4 pounds of powder in it ; as for the muskets , I had no occasion for them ;

  24. 一连几天,阿玛兰塔都在家中把手放在一只盛着蛋清的盆子里,的伤就逐渐痊愈了,而且在蛋清的良好作用下,她心灵的创伤也好了。

    For several days she went about the house with her hand in a pot of egg whites , and when the burns healed it appeared as if the whites had also scarred over the sores on her heart .

  25. 1840年,第七世贝德福德公爵夫人安娜?玛利亚?罗素每天都会吩咐仆人在下午4点备好一个盛有黄油、面包以及蛋糕的茶盘,因为她发现自己每天下午4点都会饿,而当时时兴的晚餐时间是晚上8点。

    In 1840 , Anna Maria Russell , the seventh Duchess of Bedford , started asking for a tea tray with butter , bread and cakes at 4 pm every day , as she found she was hungry at this time and the evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at 8 pm .

  26. 一炼钢100t盛钢桶振动时效效果分析

    Analysis on vibrating ageing effects of 100t ladle at No.1 Steel Plant

  27. 这只熊需要一个蜜罐盛他的蜂蜜。

    The bear needs a honey pot for his honey .

  28. 另用一个盆盛两个蛋黄、牛奶和油,搅拌;

    In a separate bowl , whisk egg yolks , milk and oil together .

  29. 发展经济学在二战后半个多世纪的发展中经历了一个由盛而衰的过程。

    In the postwar period , development economics has undergone a process of ups and downs .

  30. 于是,这个男孩努力工作,赚了钱,买了一个用来盛弹珠的漂亮袋子。

    So this boy worked hard and earned money to purchase a nice bag to hold marbles .