- 网络The New Republic

This summer , The New Republic published the most read article in that magazine 's history .
That might come as a relief to Mr. Clinton , who could deliver a marathon self-roast at Wednesday 's gala simply by reading choice vituperative " 90s-era coverage of him and Hillary Rodham Clinton in The New Republic .
Media consultants whose TV ads reshape candidates ' images to suit ephemeral public tastes ( bNew Republic )
Mr. McCormack will appoint Hamilton Fish , the publisher of The Washington Spectator and a former publisher of The Nation , to be publisher and editorial director , The New Republic said .
As the anniversary arrives , Mr. Hughes has hired Guy Vidra , a 40-year-old former Yahoo News executive , for the top of masthead as The New Republic 's first chief executive .
that came out in The New Republic , so pretentious ,
But there are some problems , says The New Republic article .
Not that The New Republic has gone nice .
His elevation to the presidency of the New Republic was generally popular .
A unilateral advantage in defense ( New Republic )
Like Washington 's cast of characters , The New Republic has also changed .
Then the whole story is unfolded according to the development of the new republic .
The leader of the New Republic had no choice but to ratify this treaty .
Magazines such as The New Yorker and The New Republic wrote stories on him .
Over the next few years , the New Republic set up government on Coruscant .
Whatever The New Republic is today , it has been busy flogging its storied past .
The allies would fear that they were pawns in a superpower condominium ( New Republic )
Jacen was held captive by the Yuuzhan Vong , and most in the New Republic believed him dead .
Though Leia stepped away from public office , she still remained a valuable member of the New Republic hierarchy .
To connoisseurs of old-school intrigue in The New Republic , that may sound like a shot at the magazine 's digital future .
The Hapan Prince Isolder proposed marriage to Leia , offering the vast wealth of the Hapes Cluster to the Republic in exchange for her hand .
The sentence was remarkable at the time-a perfect summary , in a few pithy words , of exactly what was new about the new republic .
Making good use of my opportunities in the postwar cultural boom I had reviewed bushels of books for " The New Republic " and the " Times " .
An article in New Republic magazine says The Onion is the US ' best op-ed page , because it has an ability to elegantly locate and dismantle a problem with an economy of words .
What does the CHO do ? According to a story in US magazine The New Republic , a CHO 's daily duties include diagnosing the emotional well-being of their coworkers and the office atmosphere .
Before the World War ⅱ, taking the Old Republic period of Brazil as a start point , it disserts the causes of the polarization of wealth in Brazil and its typical performance in the New Republic period .
But Mr. McCormack said in a statement that he intended to stay true to The New Republic 's traditions and preserve " the journal as an important voice in a new debate over how the basic principles of liberalism can be reworked to meet the equally demanding challenges of our era . "
The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire
He became the first president of the new Cuban republic .
On the " Protestant Republic " in France during 1560-1628