
  • 网络Investigative Journalism;News Probe
  1. 现为《新闻调查》出境记者主持人。

    Current foreign correspondent and announcer for news probe .

  2. 论《新闻调查》出镜记者的叙事特质

    A Discussion on Narration Characteristics of On-camera Correspondents and Reporters in " News Probe "

  3. CNN在那里最后的美国新闻调查局,已经在5月份关闭。

    The last American news bureau there , CNN 's , closed in May .

  4. 这项研究的结果今天将由非营利性新闻调查机构公职人员廉正中心(centerforpublicintegrity)发布,它很可能会推高美国民众要求实施更严厉金融监管的呼声。

    The study , which will be released today by the center for public integrity , a non-profit investigative journalism organisation , is likely to strengthen public calls for much tougher financial regulation in the US .

  5. 有时,告密(以及一些新闻调查)可能产生结果。

    Sometimes , whistleblowing ( and some investigative journalism ) can produce results .

  6. 在《赫芬顿邮报》,新闻调查、文化批评和名人八卦同时存在。

    On huffpo , investigative news , cultural criticism and celebrity gossip all coexist .

  7. 新闻调查《名誉的价值》引出的执法思考

    Reflections on law enforcement associated with a study report " Value of Honour " broadcast by CCTV

  8. 新闻调查表明,苏格兰的选民基本上平均分布,支持者与反对者势均力敌。

    The news survey shows Scottish voters are almost evenly split , making it too close to call .

  9. 《每周质量报告》是一档以消费者为服务对象的新闻调查类节目。

    ' Quality Report Weekly ' is a program on CCTV , the objective is to serve the consumers .

  10. 该网站拥有140名记者,在2013年启动了一个英国站点,今年还将增加一个新闻调查部门。

    It has 140 reporters , started a UK site in 2013 and will add an investigative journalism unit this year .

  11. 《新闻调查》是国内最有影响力和最具代表性的电视新闻调查性报道专题节目。

    News Probe , which is the most influencing and representative in China , is a special topic on TV news investigative reporting .

  12. 赖斯也会见了安娜的编辑及亲属,这位杰出的新闻调查记者两周前在莫斯科被谋杀。

    Rice also met with the editors and relatives of Anna politkovskaya , the prominent investigative journalist murdered in Moscow two weeks ago .

  13. 这部103分钟的纪录片名为《穹顶之下》,于2月28日登上中国各大视频网站,它是由前央视新闻调查记者柴静自费拍摄制作。

    Under the Dome , a 103-minute documentary self-funded by former news anchor Chai Jing , was released on video-sharing websites in China on Feb 28 .

  14. 在坚守探寻事实真相的前提下,如何将节目制作得更精致、更精彩是《新闻调查》的成功经验。

    We will stick to " search for truth " under the premise of how to program production more sophisticated , more spectacular , " Investigative Journalism " The successful experience .

  15. 在其成立以来,“欧洲的隐藏数十亿”,由金融时报和伦敦的新闻调查之后新成立的联合调查局似乎足够直截了当。

    At its inception ," Europe 's Hidden Billions ", a joint investigation by the Financial Times and the then newly formed Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London seemed straightforward enough .

  16. 终于一吐为快了-新闻调查,解释性新闻,公开腐败和不公的新闻,为特殊人群和边缘化人群发声。

    Now that I got that off my chest - you know , investigative journalism , explanatory journalism , journalism that exposes corruption and justice gives voice to the different and the marginalized , the voiceless .

  17. 2006年3月号的《建筑》下半月刊法律板块刊发了题为《零利润工程还是陷阱工程》的新闻调查,首次披露了吴忠市民居工程拖欠工程款的真相。

    He news investigation titled Zero Profit Project or Trap Project published in the law board of Construction in the latter half of March of the year 2006 , revealing the truth of default of construction payment for Resident Project of Wuzhong City for the first time .

  18. 去年的9月份,美国新闻周刊调查了前百强公司CEO的教育背景。

    Last November , U.S. News took a look at the backgrounds of the CEOs of the top 100 companies on Fortune 's list .

  19. 该组织全力进行一个长期的自我剖析过程,即新闻可信度调查项目。

    The organization is deepsintosa long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project .

  20. 假新闻民意调查已经成了初选选战最典型的假事件。高级报纸;严肃报纸

    Poll have become the quintessential pseudo - event of the preprimary campaign .

  21. 接受《读卖新闻》调查的受访者中,四分之一的人希望福田尽早下台。

    A quarter of those surveyed by the Yomiuri wanted Mr Fukuda to step down as soon as possible .

  22. 有新闻报道调查显示,英国被评为欧洲第二大不适合居住的国家。

    The news came as it was revealed that Britain has been rated the second worst country in Europe to live in .

  23. 此法律明确禁止任何形式的匿名新闻源调查和提供任何重要的安全港口给新闻公司。

    The laws are almost certain to prohibit any kind of investigations into the identity of an anonymous source , as well as offering significant safe harbours for media companies .

  24. 记者们为新闻界在调查中所起的作用感到自豪。

    Journalists have been congratulating themselves on the role the press has played in the investigations .

  25. 从功能与关联视角看语言与认知中的文化显影&关于可口可乐公司企业新闻的实证调查

    Cultural Encoding and Decoding in the Functional and Relevance-Theoretic Perspecitves : An Empirical Study of the Coca-Cola Corporate News

  26. 该电台说,她们当时正在就人口贩子拐卖北韩妇女的新闻报道进行调查。

    The company said the two women were researching a news report on North Korean women being sold by human traffickers .

  27. 里德大学是为数不多的敢于拒绝《美国新闻》排名调查的名牌大学之一。

    Reed is one of the few prominent colleges that dares to disdain to take part in the US News survey .

  28. 在新闻通讯社调查的经济学家中,预计印度央行将加息25个基点的占明显多数。

    A clear majority of economists polled by news agencies had been expecting the central bank to tighten policy by a quarter-point .

  29. 在《日本经济新闻》的调查中,63%的受访者表示,他们不支持福田内阁,因为他缺乏领导力。

    Of those polled by the Nikkei , 63 per cent said they did not support the Fukuda cabinet because he lacked leadership .

  30. 今年,一项《纽约时报》/哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网的调查发现,49%的母亲希望从事兼职工作,而希望全职工作的比例只有27%。

    A New York Times / CBS Newssurvey this year found that 49 percent of mothers wished to work part-time , compared to 27 percent who wished to work full-time .