
xīn làng cháo
  • a new wave
新浪潮 [xīn làng cháo]
  • [New Wave] 一种具有即兴创作、抽象、主观象征主义特性的电影潮流,通常利用实验性的摄影技术

新浪潮[xīn làng cháo]
  1. 90年代发达资本主义国家跨国兼并的新浪潮

    A New Wave of Transnational Annexation in Developed Capitalist Countries in the '90s

  2. 充满各种可能性的海洋的新浪潮

    a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities

  3. 其后,集多媒体、可视化和地理信息技术等多种技术于一体的虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)技术的蓬勃发展又在整个科学界掀起了一次新浪潮。

    Thereafter , the development of VR ( Virtual Reality ) technique , which was a synthesis of multiform technology including multimedia , visualization and GIS etc. , lead to another new tide in scientific domain .

  4. 在线仲裁:ODR新浪潮已经来临

    The Arrival of Arbitration On-line

  5. DV使专业影像有了更大的创作空间和自由度,把新浪潮倡导的作者电影变成了真正的全球化的现实。

    DV has expanded the space and freedom for creating professional videos and has turned the " author movie " advocated by the " new wave " into a global reality .

  6. InfoQ:您觉得我们现在对于mashups及数据服务仅仅是接触到了一点皮毛呢,还是说我们已经可以预见到了即将到来的更趋于流程和事件驱动的服务新浪潮?

    InfoQ : Are we just scratching the surface today with mashups and data services or do you see already the next wave of services which could be more process and event driven ?

  7. 厄休拉·勒奎恩(也译作娥苏拉·勒瑰恩)(UrsulaK.LeGuin)是美国新浪潮的代表作家,也是少数几个被美国主流文学界认可的科幻作家之一。

    Ursula K. Le Guin is a very important writer of the New Wave in the U.S.A. , and is one of a few science fiction writers who has been recognized by the mainstream of the literature field .

  8. 他是新浪潮犯罪小说作家中的一员。

    He is one of the new wave of crime writers .

  9. 就我们而言,我们欢迎这股太平洋的新浪潮。

    For our part , we welcome this new Pacific tide .

  10. 网络时代新浪潮-网络打印机的应用与发展

    New Tide in Network Age-Application and Development of a Network Printer

  11. 徐冰是北京新浪潮的一部分。

    Xu Bing is part of the Beijing New Wave .

  12. 这也促成了台湾电影新浪潮的形成。

    This led to Taiwan 's New Wave of films .

  13. 《一个和八个》与中国电影新浪潮

    One and Eight and the New Wave of Chinese Film

  14. 中国在八十年代经历了「新浪潮」艺术运动。

    China in the1980s experienced its " New Wave " art movement .

  15. 法国建筑,视觉艺术新浪潮

    French Archiecture : A New Tide of Visual Art

  16. 美国对外贸易政策的转变与区域经济一体化新浪潮的兴起

    The Change of America 's International Trade Policies and the Rising of Regionalism

  17. 迎接农业生物技术产业化的新浪潮

    Go to Meet the New High Tide of Industrialization of Agricultural and Biological Technology

  18. 家庭影院&家庭娱乐新浪潮

    Family Cinema - New Move in Family Entertainment

  19. 基恩乐队:摇滚新浪潮

    Keane : A New Wave of Rock

  20. 21世纪新浪潮与世界经济新趋势

    The New Waves of the 21st century and the New Trend of the World Economy

  21. 关注:包装工业发展的新浪潮

    Focus : development in the packaging trade

  22. 其次,分析阐述了香港新浪潮电影的文化环境。

    Secondly , the analysis described the cultural environment of Hong Kong New Wave film .

  23. 网格计算&信息化应用的新浪潮

    Grid Computing-New Tide in the Informative Application

  24. 我始终相信,新浪潮电影从来不是一个人在战斗。

    I always believe that nobody could fight and survive alone in this kind of evolution .

  25. 废塑料回用的新浪潮

    A new wave of plastics recycling

  26. 朱利安阿桑奇卷起新浪潮

    Julian Assange and the new wave

  27. 比如说,得克萨斯州新浪潮女权主义坚定地反对堕胎。

    The Texas-based New Wave Feminists group , for example , are staunchly pro-life and anti-abortion .

  28. 有趣的是,新浪潮的电影导演几乎很少有专业电影院校毕业的科班学生。

    Interestingly , few of the directors during French New Way were students graduating from film colleges .

  29. 本地大学美术馆正在举办一个新浪潮艺术作品展。

    There 's a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college gallery .

  30. 作为超文本现象的让·谷克多&新浪潮之外的法国电影一瞥

    Jean Victor as a Super Text Phenomenon & A Glance at French Films outside the New Tide