
Kuí běi kè
  • Quebec
魁北克 [kuí běi kè]
  • [Quebec] 加拿大最古老的城市,濒圣劳伦斯河

  1. 在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。

    Within French-speaking Quebec , anglophone , allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist .

  2. 魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。

    Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools .

  3. 高达70%的法裔加拿大人希望魁北克独立。

    Up to seventy per cent of French Canadians favour Quebec independence .

  4. 这一危机已在魁北克激起了一波民族独立主义情绪。

    The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec .

  5. 魁北克和法国一向关系特别紧密。

    Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France

  6. 他们觉得魁北克省受到了不公平的待遇。

    They feel that Quebec is getting a raw deal

  7. 魁北克直到20世纪60年代还是一片死气沉沉。

    Quebec remained a backwater until the 1960s .

  8. 他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理魁北克威胁要从加拿大分裂出去一事。

    He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec 's threat to separate from Canada .

  9. 莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象。

    There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police

  10. 所以在魁北克省,加拿大日也被称为搬家日。

    So in Quebec , Canada Day is also known as Moving Day .

  11. 我们旅行中最难忘的部分是参观历史悠久的魁北克市。

    The most memorable part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City .

  12. 我去往了魁北克,寄宿在一个说法语的家庭里,他们完全不会说英语。

    I headed for Quebec to live in the province with a French-speaking host family , who didn 't speak any English .

  13. 在魁北克省,许多房屋租赁从7月1日开始,持续整整一年,所以许多魁北克人在加拿大日这一天从一所房子搬到另一所房子。

    In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .

  14. 魁北克是品尝法国风味的好地方。

    Quebec is a good place to enjoy French cuisine .

  15. 他过了半辈子的流浪生活,最后在魁北克定居了下来。

    After roaming around nearly half his life , he finally settled down in Quebec .

  16. 2013年,RBEnergy公司在加拿大魁北克省开采了一座新的碳酸锂矿,第二年便宣告停产;

    In 2013 , RB Energy Inc. opened a new lithium carbonate plant in Quebec , only to suspend operations in 2014 .

  17. 1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    1851-First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  18. 首个北美基督教青年会成立1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    First YMCA in North America established 1851 - First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  19. 在造纸商中,加拿大蒙特利尔的造纸商resoluteforestproducts(原abitibibowater)在魁北克和安大略省的未涂布纸工厂已处于停工状态。

    Among paper producers , resolute forest products , formerly abitibibowater , has idled uncoated paper mills in Quebec and Ontario .

  20. NPR新闻,布莱恩·曼魁北克省拉克·麦肯蒂镇报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Brian Mann in Lac-Megantic , Quebec .

  21. 他于2004年在加拿大魁北克大学与天津理工大学合作的MPM项目中任教。

    On2004 , he was the Lecturing professor in the MPM Program jointed venture by University of Quebec & Tianjin University of Technology .

  22. 魁北克Laval大学在2006年发现比其他同龄人少睡1或者2个小时的儿童体重要明显的高;

    Laval University of Quebec released this finding in2006 , that children who slept even an hour or two less than other children became more overweight .

  23. 北美最大炼油商瓦莱罗(Valero)获得了一张牌照,可以将产于德克萨斯州伊格福特(EagleFord)的原油出口至该公司位于加拿大东部魁北克的炼油厂。

    Valero , the biggest North American refiner , has received a licence to export Eagle Ford crude from Texas to its refinery in Quebec , eastern Canada .

  24. 韩国国民年金管理公团(NPS)以及加拿大魁北克储蓄投资集团(CDPQ)最近都获得了新的中国境内投资配额,而今年6月份卡塔尔则申请了50亿美元的投资额度。

    Korea 's National Pension Service and Canada 's Caisse de Depot Placement du Quebec both recently received fresh onshore investment allocations , while Qatar applied for $ 5bn in quota in June .

  25. 从加拿大魁北克水电局研究所(IREQ)归来魁北克电力40年经验简介

    IREQ as I Know Introduction about Forty Years of Experience at Hydro-Quebec

  26. 2014年8月,当她在魁北克Mont-Tremblant完成铁人三项比赛一周之后,他带她去中央公园的TavernontheGreen餐馆共进晚餐,庆祝生日。

    In August 2014 , a week after she completed a full Ironman triathlon in Mont-Tremblant , Quebec , he took her out for a birthday dinner at Tavern on the Green in Central Park .

  27. 加拿大魁北克省省长JeanCharest否认蒙特利尔网站上一份宣称他以死于心脏病发作的报道。

    The premier of the Canadian province of Quebec , Jean Charest , has laughed off a report on the website of a Montreal daily that he 'd died of a heart attack .

  28. 通过多项研究,蔡尔德证明,Gaga和麦当娜两人同为17世纪从法国移民至加拿大魁北克的一户农家的后代。

    After much research , Child reportedly provided proof of the findings , which showed that the two had common ancestors in the form of a farming couple , who moved from France to Quebec in the1600s .

  29. 当出生于魁北克的圣皮埃尔在2004年开始其UFC职业生涯时,他还不会说一句英文,但现在已经为一些全球大品牌主演广告了。

    The Quebec-born St-Pierre did not speak a word of English when he started his UFC career in 2004 , but is now featured in commercials for major global brands .

  30. 通过对地磁活动性的统计分析,估计加拿大魁北克电网可能经受的最大GIC达每相78A(一年一次)和234A(每十年一次)。

    It is assesed that the possible maximum 1-year ( and 10-year ) GIC values are 78 ( 234 ) A / phase on the Hydro-Queb é c power system according to the statistical analysis of geomagnetic activity .