
  • 网络Churchyard
  1. 但是就在她走到教堂院子门口时,教堂里面的人已经开始涌出来,苔丝自己也裹在了人群当中。

    But as she reached the churchyard-gate the people began pouring out , and Tess found herself in the midst of them .

  2. 四名男子已越界进入禁区,进入了一个破旧的基督教教堂院子时被士兵谁把他们交给警察抵达面对。

    The four men had crossed into the fenced-off area and entered the courtyard of a dilapidated Christian church when they were confronted by soldiers who turned them over to arriving police officers .

  3. 闪电呈之字形划过教堂的院子。

    The lightning zigzagged through the church yard .

  4. 从东面或者从西面经过三个大踏步,经由一个斜坡,到达教堂的院子中的升起的讲坛,两个楼梯平台都与城市街道的设计非常吻合。

    You access the raised platform of the church yard via a ramp from the east or three broad flights of steps from the west ; the two landings correspond to the layout of the city streets .

  5. 9月30日,他们在瀑布教堂2941餐厅的院子里交换了誓言。

    On Sept. 30 , they exchanged vows in the courtyard of 2941 Restaurant in Falls Church .

  6. 我们的汽车对天主教堂和佛寺都不屑一顾,却驶离大路,开进一个基督教堂的院子里。

    Disdaining both the Catholics and the Buddhists , our truck turned off the road and entered the compound of what had been a Protestant mission .