
  • 网络educational management system
  1. 针对我国高等院校当前教育管理体制下的优劣,提出引进ISO9000质量体系原理的管理理念,实现教育管理现代化,推进教育质量全面提高的一些设想。

    Based on the advantages and disadvantages in university under the educational management system in China , this paper introduces the management concept of ISO9000 quality system to realize educational modernization and to improve all round educational quality .

  2. 韩国教育管理体制现状概览

    A Bird 's Eye View of Present Educational Management System in Korea

  3. 采用因子分析的方法,提取规模、结构、教育管理体制、招生方式、教学、就业指导作为分析和评价MBA教育的市场适应性的六个要素。

    By using factor analysis method , it puts forward six elements to analyze and evaluate MBA education 's market adaptability : scale , structure , education management system , way of enrollment , teaching , employment guidance .

  4. 进一步完善农村义务教育管理体制的几点思考

    Consideration to Improving the Compulsory Education Administrative System in the Countryside

  5. 中国高等教育管理体制改革分析

    An Analysis of Reform in Administrative System of Chinese Higher Education

  6. 教育管理体制改革是教育改革的关键。

    Education management system is the key to education reform .

  7. 中国高等教育管理体制演进:1949~2009

    Evolution of Higher Education Management System from 1949 to 2009

  8. 我国职业教育管理体制改革与创新探索

    On the Reformation and Innovation of Vocational Education Management System in China

  9. 变革现行的教育管理体制与学制;

    Reform the present managerial system of education and the school system .

  10. 大学理念与我国高等教育管理体制改革

    The Idea of University and Reform of Management System of Higher Education

  11. 当前农村义务教育管理体制存在的问题及对策

    Problems & Countermeasures of Management System in Rural Compulsory Education

  12. 发达国家职业教育管理体制比较及启示

    Comparison of Managerial Systems of Vocational Education in Developed Countries

  13. 对农村教育管理体制改革的进一步思考

    Considerations on the Educational Administrative Systematical Reform in Rural Areas

  14. 建立、健全与完善我省继续医学教育管理体制;

    To establish and improve the management system of the provincial CME ;

  15. 发达国家教育管理体制的改革

    The Reform of Education Administration System in Developed Countries

  16. 理顺医学教育管理体制,完善运行机制。

    Management system concerning medical education should be further regulated for smooth operation .

  17. 高校合并重组是高等教育管理体制的深刻变革。

    College and university consolidation implies deep reform in higher education administrative system .

  18. 完善我国高等职业教育管理体制的对策分析

    Analyses on management of Chinese high school professional education

  19. 云南农村义务教育管理体制改革对策研究

    Research on the Further Promotion of Compulsory Education in the Countryside of Yunnan

  20. 从制度创新看农村义务教育管理体制

    On the Management System of the Rural Compulsory Education from the System Innovation

  21. 高等教育管理体制改革中政府职能转变研究

    Studies on Transformation of Government Function in the Reform of Higher Education Management

  22. 摘要不同的文化观影响甚至决定着教育管理体制的模式。

    Different cultural conceptions influence and even decide the mode of educational administration .

  23. 改革中等职业教育管理体制;

    Reforming the management system of vocational secondary schools ;

  24. 我国与国外医学教育管理体制的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Management System of Medical Education at Home and Abroad

  25. 试论加快高等教育管理体制改革的进程

    On Speeding Reform of the High Education Administration System

  26. 高等教育管理体制改革及实现条件

    The reform of systematic management of colleges and universities and its realizing conditions

  27. 入世与我国高等教育管理体制的改革与创新

    Reform and innovation of higher education system after China 's entry into WTO

  28. 深化教育管理体制改革

    Deepen the reform of the management system of education

  29. 因此,在“十二五”期间应当继续深化高等教育管理体制改革;

    Therefore , reform in the management system of higher education should be deepened ;

  30. 中美两国军事院校教育管理体制比较

    A Comparative Analysis on the Military College Educational Management System of America and China