
jiào xué nèi róng
  • content of courses;Teaching contents;Contents;Teaching Material
  1. 加强教学内容的针对性和实用性;

    Strengthen the pertinence and practicability of the content of courses ;

  2. 浅谈准备部分教学内容的更新特点

    The renewal features of content of courses in prepartory part

  3. 教学内容要少而精。

    Teaching content should be concise .

  4. 首先介绍了数据库系统原理课程理论教学内容和实践教学内容,明确哪些内容是实践的重点内容,如SQL语句的应用。

    The paper introduces the contents of database system theory and emphasize important part of database practice , such as SQL application . Subsequently , the paper illustrates steps and contents of practice teaching of database system .

  5. 沟通是管理中极为重要的部分。管理沟通是MBA教学内容的核心,它在MBA教学体系中有着独特的作用,是MBA必备的管理技能。

    Communication is an important part in management , and managerial communication is the kernel content of MBA teaching , playing a unique role in the MBA teaching system and being an essential managerial skill for MBA as well .

  6. 文章从教学内容、方法、个案方面阐述了在遗传与优生教学中渗透STS教育实践,目的是提高学生的科学素养、创新精神和社会责任感。

    This paper sets forth STS education in teaching genetics and orthogenics based on teaching contents , methods and cases . The purpose for it is to improve students ' scientific quality , innovative spirit and the sense of social responsibility .

  7. 体育教学内容、方法和手段单一。

    Physical education content , methods and means of the single .

  8. 高等工程专科教育的教学内容和课程体系的研究

    Research On Teaching Contents and Course System of Higher Engineering College

  9. 留学生生理课程教学内容及方法的研究

    The research of physiology teaching content and methods for foreign students

  10. 面向21世纪谈高校体育教学内容改革

    Teaching Reforms of Physical Training at Universities in the 21st Century

  11. 高校保健体育教学内容的设置与实践

    Keep-fit PE Teaching Contents Offered and Practice In Colleges and Universities

  12. 学科专业建设、教学内容与方法封闭滞后;

    Uninformed and less-developed major construction , teaching contents and methods ;

  13. 教材是体现教学内容和教学方式的载体。

    Textbook is the embodiment of teaching content and teaching method .

  14. 试论高等师范院校课程体系与教学内容的改革

    On the Reform of Course system and Content for Teachers Colleges

  15. 突出职业能力培养选择组织教学内容

    On Highlighting Profession-ability Training and Selecting / Organizing Teaching Contents

  16. 化学实验教学内容和方法改革初探

    Study on Reforming the Old Contents and Methods of Chemical Experimental Teaching

  17. 工程制图教学内容与课程体系改革的探讨

    Some Prospects on the Reform of Engineering Graphics Course Content and System

  18. 以现代高新技术强化实践教学内容与环节的改革;

    Practice teaching content and step were innovated by modern high-new technology .

  19. 高校外国文学教学内容亟待变革

    Teaching Content of Foreign Literature in Colleges Urgently in Need of Reform

  20. 教学内容及方式探讨;

    Secondly , the teaching content and method are discussed .

  21. 按利用功能分类组织文献检索教学内容

    Arrangement of Contents of Document Retrieval Courses According to Their Utilization Functions

  22. 哑铃式基础化学实验教学内容体系改革探索

    A Study of Innovations on Contents of the Dumbbell-shape Basic Chemistry Experiment

  23. 《方剂学》教学内容应与时俱进

    The Content of Science of Prescription Should Keep Pace with the Times

  24. 优化教学内容提高语文素质

    Optimization of Teaching Content and Improving of Chinese Level

  25. 高师无机化学教学内容及方法改革的探讨

    The innovation on teaching contents and methods of inorganic chemistry of normal education

  26. 第三章论述了课堂教学内容的选择和课堂教学的理论根据。

    The third chapter is about the theory of curriculums and teaching methods .

  27. 建设法规课程教学内容与方法探讨

    Discussing the teaching content and teaching method on the course of building law

  28. 高师院校公共心理学教学内容的改革

    On the Reform of Public Psychology Course Content in Normal Colleges and Universities

  29. 充实实践教学内容,完善实践教学体系;

    Enrich the teaching content and perfect its system ;

  30. 关于《古代汉语》课教学内容及教学方法的思考

    On Teaching Contents and Means of Ancient Chinese Lesson