
  • 网络Education and Research
  1. Intel未来教育与研究性学习

    Intel future education and research learning

  2. 这项研究所用的拉曼显微镜由联邦教育与研究部资助(BMBF05KS7PC2)。

    The funding for the Raman microscope used in this study was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( BMBF05KS7PC2 ) .

  3. STS教育与研究性学习是近几年来教育、教学研究的热点。

    In recent years , research study and education of STS have become hot spots in both education and teaching .

  4. 开展社会药学教育与研究的思考

    Consideration to the Promotion of Education and Research of Social Pharmacy

  5. 区域地理是地理学教育与研究的一个重要组成部份。

    Regional geography is one important part of geographic education and research .

  6. 本科生教育与研究生教育结合论

    To train creative talents by combining the education of undergraduates with graduate students

  7. 教育与研究领域的数字权限管理研究

    The Management of Digital Rights in Education and Research

  8. 第三,身在中国的教师将崛起为教育与研究领域的领导者。

    Third , China-based faculty will emerge as leaders in education and research .

  9. 国际旅游教育与研究述评

    Comment on the International Tourism Education and Research

  10. 论数学观教育与研究

    Mathematics View Education and its Research

  11. 卫生领域的专业人士称,在口罩方面亟需加强公众教育与研究。

    More public education and research are urgently needed about face masks , health professionals say .

  12. 主要分成了教育与研究、医疗保健、社会服务,和艺术文化四项。

    It is divided into education , health care , social service , and arts and culture .

  13. 美国会计学会、会计教育与研究国际学会和加拿大学术会计学会会员。

    American Accounting Association , Accounting Education and Research International Society and the Canadian Academic Accounting Association members .

  14. 人文学科的教育与研究是我国社会主义精神文明建设的一项重要内容。

    The education and research of humanity sciences are an important component of the socialist spiritual civilization construction in China .

  15. 广东新闻教育与研究的发展脉络研究清末民初广东法律教育浅探(1905~1924)

    Studies on Legal Education in Guangdong from Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Period of the Republic of China ( 1905 ~ 1924 );

  16. 随着旅游业成为世界第一大产业,对旅游教育与研究的关注也日益高涨。

    With tourism industry being the number one industry of the world , focus on the international tourism education and research has been increasing .

  17. 现阶段,中国高等教育与研究生教育迅猛发展,规模也在急剧地膨胀。

    With the rapid growing of Chinese economic , higher education and postgraduate education in China is developing rapidly , dramatically expanding the size of graduate education .

  18. 现有的理科院系将被改善,不同专业的院系会被整合起来创建在全球都有竞争力的教育与研究中心。

    Existing university science departments will be upgraded , and departments working on different disciplines will be streamlined to create globally competitive centres of education and research .

  19. 根据一项估算指出,拥有这些专利的勒梅森医疗教育与研究基金会,利用这种手法已经取得了15亿美元。

    By one estimate the Lemelson Medical , Education & Research Foundation , which holds these patents , has garnered $ 1.5 billion by pursuing this strategy .

  20. 从此,我见证了西双版纳热带植物园,在先进的教育与研究规划基础上,从一个乡土植物园向现代化植物园转化的过程。

    At that time I saw XTBG at the start of its transition from a local tropical garden to a modern botanical garden with advanced programs of education and research .

  21. 这样的结果是,非洲大陆的高等教育与研究院所不能受益于来自世界上其它地方的科技知识。

    As a result , the continent 's higher education and research institutes are failing to benefit from the scientific and technological knowledge available to the rest of the world .

  22. 知识产权政策与战略可以为公共和私营部门的文化、教育与研究机构提供支持,使各该机构能够开发与管理知识产权资产。

    Intellectual property policies and strategies , which support cultural , educational and research institutions in the public and private sectors , make it possible for institutions to develop and manage intellectual property assets .

  23. 本科课程在高校人才培养上占有特殊地位,一方面在于它是连接中等教育与研究生教育的桥梁,另一方面也是为本科学生进入社会生活作准备的基础。

    The undergraduate curriculum lies in special position , partly because it is the bridge between secondary education and postgraduate education , partly because it is the foundation for undergraduates to enter social life .

  24. 第四部分,从斯腾伯格所处的美国特定的时空背景及斯腾伯格个人的教育与研究背景出发分析了斯腾伯格英才教育观产生的历史文化背景。

    Gardner . The fourth part analyzes the background for the formation of Sternberg 's idea of the gifted education from American particular time and space background and Sternberg 's personal educational and research background .

  25. 上周,美国政府宣布针对老年痴呆症的大型教育与研究项目。

    Last week , the United States government announced a major education and research campaign against Alzheimer 's disease . The has no cure . The plan includes more efforts to develop drugs to prevent it .

  26. 地方性特色的体现有较多的途径,但最基本的是区域文化教育与研究,首先表现为区域文化课程的开设和相关理论的建构。

    The native features show in many ways , but the most fundamental one is the education research of the regional culture , to be exact , the curriculum setting up and the relative theory and practice researching .

  27. 摘要文章阐述了水文化的概念和水文化研究现状,指出水利院校重视水文化教育与研究的必要性及方法。

    This article introduces the current situation of water culture research , discusses the concept of water culture , the necessity and approaches to attach importance to water culture education and research in water conservancy institutes are proposed .

  28. 我集团坚持让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国的出版原则,全心致力于中国外语教育与研究事业的发展,全心致力于中外文化交流事业的拓展。

    Adhering to the publishing philosophy of assisting China 's march to the world and facilitating world 's understanding of China , the Group commits itself entirely to promoting foreign language education and research in China and advancing cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries .

  29. 关于我国通识教育改革与研究的反思

    Reflection on the Reform and Research of General Education in China

  30. 重视老年学的教育与科学研究;

    To attach importance to the education and research of gerontology ;