
jiào yù jī ɡòu
  • educational agency;education
  1. 在开展额外教育服务的过程中,州教育机构、地方教育机构、家长和提供额外教育服务的组织各负其责。

    In the course of implementing supplemental educational services , the State educational agency , the Local educational agency , parents and the service provider play different roles .

  2. 应受指责的是教师,再则就是教育机构。

    The blame lies with the teachers and , by extension , with the Education Service .

  3. 我的员工中有一名教授充当我们和高等教育机构的联络人。

    I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions

  4. 他们称自己被卷进了教育机构与政府之间的争端。

    They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government .

  5. 这些学者创办了一家教育机构。

    The scholars have founded an educational institution .

  6. 政府建立了一个儿童教育机构。

    The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children .

  7. 联邦法律规定,高等教育机构必须报告毕业率,但这些报告通常只包括佩尔受助者的数据,而不一定有针对第一代学生的比率。

    Higher education institutions are , under federal law , required to report graduation rates , but these reports typically only include Pell recipient numbers — not necessarily rates specific to first-generation students .

  8. 第二十八条学校及其他教育机构行使下列权利:

    Article 28 Schools and other institutions of education shall exercise the following rights :

  9. 第二十九条学校及其他教育机构应当履行下列义务:

    Article 29 Schools and other institutions of education shall fulfil the following obligations :

  10. 学校及其他教育机构中的国有资产属于国家所有。

    The State assets in a school or any other institution of education shall be owned by the State .

  11. 第二十六条设立学校及其他教育机构,必须具备下列基本条件:

    Article 26 For the establishment of a school or any other institution of education , the following basic conditions shall be fulfilled :

  12. 学校及其他教育机构应当同基层群众性自治组织、企业事业组织、社会团体相互配合,加强对未成年人的校外教育工作。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character , enterprises , institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors .

  13. 问谁的责?办法明确,地方政府及有关职能部门、各类学校和其他教育机构以及有关工作人员如存在阻碍教育发展的问题,按规定进行问责。

    Local governments , related departments , schools and other educational institutions , as well as related staff members , shall be held accountable for activities that hamper3 the development of education , it said .

  14. 第七十四条违反国家有关规定,向学校或者其他教育机构收取费用的,由政府责令退还所收费用;

    Article 74 If anyone , in violation of the relevant regulations of the State , collects fees from a school or any other institution of education , he shall be ordered by the government concerned to return the fees thus collected ;

  15. 少数民族学生为主的学校及其他教育机构,可以使用本民族或者当地民族通用的语言文字进行教学。

    In schools and other institutions of education in which students of a minority ethnic group constitute the majority , the spoken and written language used by the specific ethnic group or commonly used by the local ethnic groups may be used for instruction .

  16. 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。第七十八条学校及其他教育机构违反国家有关规定向受教育者收取费用的,由教育行政部门责令退还所收费用;

    Article 78 Where schools or other institutions of education , in violation of the relevant regulations of the State , collect fees from educatees , such schools or institutions shall be ordered by the relevant administrative department of education to return the fees thus collected ;

  17. 企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人依法举办的学校及其他教育机构,办学经费由举办者负责筹措,各级人民政府可以给予适当支持。

    With respect to schools and other institutions of education established and run by enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations or individuals , their operating expenses shall be raised by the respective sponsors ; the people 's governments at various levels may provide them with appropriate support .

  18. 学校及其他教育机构应当按照国家有关规定,通过以教师为主体的教职工代表大会等组织形式,保障教职工参与民主管理和监督。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall , in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State guarantee that teachers , staff members and workers participate in the democratic management and supervision through the congress of teachers , staff members and workers with teachers as its main body , or through other forms .

  19. 第六十九条中国境外个人符合国家规定的条件并办理有关手续后,可以进入中国境内学校及其他教育机构学习、研究、进行学术交流或者任教,其合法权益受国家保护。

    Article 69 Individuals outside the territory of China , who meet the requirements of the State and complete the relevant formalities , may enter China to study , do research , engage in academic exchange or teach in schools or other institutions of education . Their lawful rights and interests shall be protected by the State .

  20. (苹果已在逐步淘汰白色MacBook,现在白色MacBook只面向教育机构。)

    ( that model is now only available to educational institutions . )

  21. WASP的身份认证是依据家族血统,而家族血统――即恰如其分的出身――会自动让人与恰当的教育机构产生关联。

    WASP credentials came with lineage , and lineage that is , proper birth automatically brought connections to the right institutions .

  22. 澳大利亚最大的TAFE教育机构。

    TAFE New South Wales is Australia 's largest educational institution ( and among the largest in the world ) .

  23. 在结合管理与决策支持系统和数据挖掘理论后,利用分布式的Java技术,设计开发了教育机构的专家人事信息管理系统SPMS。

    After combined the system of management and decision support with the theory of data mining , a specialist personnel management system is developed by taking advantage of Java .

  24. 上周,调研机构NPD报告称,21%的笔记本,买家是商业组织、教育机构和政府机构等机构组织。

    Last week , the NPD group reported that 21 % of all notebooks sold through resellers , which are mainly purchased by organizations like businesses , educational institutions , and government agencies .

  25. 如果你碰到了强行推销的教育机构,Ryan建议说:就问问该所学校的负责人员,在去年有哪位雇主雇佣了你们学校毕业的人?

    If you 're getting the hard-sell from an educational institution , Ryan says , Ask the people at the school that 's doing the certifying , ' Which local employers have hired your graduates in the past year ?

  26. E&hing(电子学习)概念正在成为全球企业、教育机构和政府机构认真对待的新事物。E-Learning的全球发展趋势和商业化运作将成为二十一世纪重要的教育变革。

    The concept of E-learning becomes a new thing that the global corporation , educational department and government pay serious attention to the global trend and business trend of E-learning will become the most important education revolution in the 21st century .

  27. 第四部分对南非入境跨国教育机构最热门的MBA项目的质量保障实施情况进行个案研究,考察了MBA项目质量保障的具体操作,提出了一些值得思考的经验。

    The forth parts is a case study of the implementation of quality assurance for the most popular MBA programs run by the inbound transnational education providers . It exposes the concrete operation of their quality assurances and concludes some experience from that which is worth considering .

  28. 部分原因是由于教育机构的时间都相当紧迫。

    Part of this is time pressure on the educational institution .

  29. 但对于以质量为根本的现代远程教育机构来说,在其发展中存在着不可忽视的一些问题。

    But problems still exist as distance educational institutes focus on quality .

  30. 激励教师教育机构之间的竞争,并有利于教师教育机构扩大学术自由;

    Encouraging competition among teacher education institutions and academic mobility ;