
jiào yù zhì dù
  • educational system
  1. WTO与中国高等教育制度的适应性变革

    WTO and Adaptability Reformation of Higher Educational System in China

  2. 政府通过教育制度的创新、医疗保健服务的保障可以提高农村人力资源开发的效率,同时,引入NGO参与农村人力资源的开发也将是提高效率的重要途径。

    The government can enhance the efficiency of countryside human resource development by the innovation of educational system and the guarantee of health care service . At the same time , it will be an important approach to improve efficiency that NGO 's participate to countryside human resource development .

  3. 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

    These children personify all that is wrong with the education system .

  4. 这两国的教育制度没有大的差别。

    There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries .

  5. 我们希望有一种更切合学生需求的教育制度。

    We want an education system that is more appropriate to the needs of the students .

  6. 这两国的教育制度之间有些有趣的相似之处。

    There are some interesting parallels between the educational systems of these two countries .

  7. 那里的教育制度以强调考试成绩为特征。

    The education system there is characterized by an emphasis on success in exams .

  8. 两国教育制度的比较研究

    a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries

  9. 第十八条国家实行九年制义务教育制度。

    Article 18 The State applies a system of nine-year compulsory education .

  10. 第十九条国家实行职业教育制度和成人教育制度。

    Article 19 The State applies a system of vocational education and a system of adult education .

  11. 在此基础上,首次提议了建立我国的安全管理硕士(MSA)教育制度,以便满足高层次安全管理人才的迫切需要。

    To meet the strong need of more senior safety administration engineers in China , a proposal of building the education system of the master of safety administration ( MSA ) is firstly put forward accordingly .

  12. 我国教师教育制度改革初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Teacher 's Education System

  13. 规范法律职业人才的继续教育制度。

    To standardize a lifelong education system of legal professional personnels ;

  14. 我国公共教育制度与教育均衡化发展

    On Public School System in China And the Balance Development of Education

  15. 越来越多人已在担忧巴西落后的教育制度。

    Worry about brazil 's lagging education system is becoming more widespread .

  16. 论农民职业教育制度创新

    Research on System Innovation of Farmers ' Vocational Education

  17. 高等教育制度变迁中的制度创立者、机遇和预见

    Institutional Entrepreneurs , Chance , and Foresight in Institutional Change in Higher Education

  18. 论教育制度的逻辑结构与权力结构

    The Logic Structure and Power Structure of Education System

  19. 这两个地区实行不同的政治,司法和教育制度。

    The two territories had differing political , judicial , and educational systems .

  20. 人才培养模式变革与教育制度创新

    Talents Cultivation Model Reform and Educational System Innovation

  21. 农民职业教育制度安排体现了典型的需求诱致型制度变迁路径。

    The institution designation of peasant vocational education shows the typical demand-luring institution change .

  22. 教师候选人选拔:问题与对策&兼评师范生免费教育制度

    Selection of Teacher Candidates : Issue and Strategy

  23. 论人力资本理论的最新进展与教育制度创新

    On the Latest Development of Manpower Capital Theory and the Innovation of Educational System

  24. 网络化与高等教育制度创新

    Network Revolution and Higher Education Institution Innovation

  25. 日本的教育制度往往强调考试和机械式学习,而不是创造性和自我表述。

    Japanse education trends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expressing .

  26. 高丽时期的官学教育制度的建立是一个基本形成时期。

    Korea during the official establishment of the education system is a basic formative years .

  27. 经历了150年的发展历程,澳大利亚现已形成较为完善的高等教育制度体系,值得借鉴。

    150 years having passed , Australia now has already formed the advanced education system ?

  28. 教育制度是社会的制度;

    Educational institution is social institution ;

  29. 规范职教师资生源标准,完善教师教育制度建设;

    Regulating students standard for vocational education teachers and optimizing the construction of teacher education system ;

  30. 完善教育制度;

    Perfecting the education policies ;