
  1. 恢复高考30余年来中学生学习状况的历史回顾

    A Historical Retrospect of Middle School Students ' Learning Over the Past 30 Years

  2. 自1978年恢复高考以来,高校在校学生的规模呈逐年上升趋势。

    Since College Entry Test was resumed in 1978 , the scope of college students raised year after year .

  3. 其中,恢复高考、体制改革和启动大众化的步伐是高等教育政策创新的突出表现。

    The resumption of the entrance examination of university , the system reform and the launch of popularization of higher education are the outstanding symbols of the innovation of higher education policy .

  4. 中考是我国恢复高考制度后制定的第二项考试制度,一般分地市进行。

    The high middle school entrance exam is the second examination system formulated since the reinstitution of college entrance exam in our country , which is carried out in different regions and cities .

  5. 然而,自上个世纪七十年代以来,特别是恢复高考以后,升学的竞争已成为中学教育发展的主要甚至是唯一的动力。

    However , the competition of entering a higher school has become the main power so much as the only power in the middle school educational development since 70s in last century especially renewing college matriculation .

  6. 而中国基础教育择校行为始于我国恢复高考制度以后,自20世纪90年代以来,择校浪潮更是不可抑止。

    The action of school choice in China began to appear after the recovery of the system of higher school entrance examination , and since 1990s , the action of school choice has been more and more popular .

  7. 自从恢复高考以来,虽然中国的英语基础教育取得了长足的发展,但英语教学与学生实际运用语言之间的矛盾日趋明显。

    In spite of the great progress of the fundamental education of English in China , the conflict between English teaching and practical application of language has been becoming more and more intense since the resumption of the College Entrance Examination .

  8. 我注意到,今年,恢复高考后的第一批大学生大多已经退休,大批“00后”进入高校校园。

    I noticed that in the past year , most of the people who went into college when enrollments first resumed in 1977 have retired . In their place , a large number of people born after the year 2000 have entered into university .

  9. 据赵德国介绍,1977年,我国恢复了高考制度,高等院校的人才培养工作重新走上正轨。

    Zhao said that talent cultivation has gotten on the right track since China re-established the college entrance examination system in 1977 .

  10. 此外,我国于2001年在全国范围内恢复了生物高考,这为我国中学生物学教育的深入发展提供了新的契机。

    In addition our country resume biological college entrance examination nationwide on 2001 , this offer the new opportunity for of our country middle school student thing deepening development educated to learn .