
  1. 学术自由、学术规范与教授治学

    Academic Freedom , Academic Standardization and Professors Governing Academic Studies

  2. 教授治学是教授治校的体现,教授治校更多地放大了教授的作用。

    Professors'academic management is the embodiment of faculty governance , which more magnifies the role of professors .

  3. 其中内部环境包括:①校长治校、教授治学(前提);

    The internal context includes : ① the president governs the university while the professor governs academy ( premise );

  4. 但是,我国现代大学在现阶段仍然存在着一些需要重视和有待解决的问题,例如有关教授治学的积极推进问题。

    However , our modern universities exist some important issues to be resolved , for example , how to promote the professor scholarship actively .

  5. 对此,分析原因,建构有利于教授治学的学术自由与学术规范是当务之急。

    The urgent task is to analyze the causes and to establish academic freedom and academic standardization , in a view to facilitating professors governing academic studies .

  6. 教授治学的内涵是对学术事务包括学科、学术、学风和教学进行管理与决策。

    The connotation of doing scholar research by professors means the management and decision-making of the academic affairs in disciplines , academy , style of study and teaching .

  7. 因此,解决教授治学存在的问题,更好地发挥教授的作用,就具有非常重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Thus it is of great significance in theory and reality to solve the problems in the academic governance and to allow the professors to play a better role .

  8. 教授治学并不是对教授治校的否定,而是目前对中国大学教授委员会核心职能更为准确的表述。

    The essence of Chinese university professors ' committee system is doing scholar research by professors which is not negative to governing a university by professors , but a more exact statement of its core function .

  9. 现代大学要坚持“知识、能力、人格”的协调发展的素质教育和推进“教授治学”与“学生为本”的现代大学理念与制度创新;

    Modern universities should not only adhere to quality-oriented education which focusing on the harmonious development of " knowledge , ability and personality " but also boost the innovation in modern university ideas and institutions which stress " professor governing teaching " and " student-centered education ";

  10. 为此,善用学术评价,应强调大学自治和教授治学,实行政学分开、降低管理重心,正确处理质量与数量、统一与多样的关系。

    Therefore , knowing how to handle the assessment of scholarship should emphasize institutional autonomy and academic independence , detach university from government , grant more power to academic organizations , rightly deal with the relationships between quality and quantity , and between unity and diversity .

  11. 视野和信念&台湾大学心理学扬国枢教授的治学之道

    Professor Yang Guoshu : His Field of Vision and Faith

  12. 介绍了现代大学管理制度中,教授治校与教授治学两种主要的内部管理模式。

    Two main types of internal management in modern university management systems are introduced , which are professors'administration and professors'academic management .

  13. 余绪缨教授是一位治学严谨、学术造诣深厚,在国内外享有较高声誉的会计学家和教育家。

    Professor Yu Xuying is a rigorous scholarly research , academic attainments deep enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad accounting scientist and educator .

  14. 第三,中国教授委员会的本质是教授治学,而不是教授治校;

    Thirdly , it is the essential of Professor managed academy in stead of Professor managed college .

  15. 论教授委员会制度的本质&教授治学

    " Professors ' Taking Charge of Academic Study " & the essence of the professor committee system

  16. 学术水平既是教授地位的标志、声誉的象征,也是大学教授治学的前提和基础。

    Academic level serves as premise and basis of university professors'research concerned , and symbol of professors'social status and fame .