
  • 网络environmental science;Environmental Studies;Environment;Environmental
  1. 手性物质的QSAR研究及环境学意义

    QSAR Study on Chiral Chemicals and Further Application in Environmental Science

  2. 关于构建教育环境学理论体系的几点意见

    Several Opinions on Constructing Theory System of Education Environmental Science

  3. 应用AHP评价建筑装饰材料的微环境学特性

    Evaluation of Interior Environment Characteristics of Building Decoration Materials with Analytic Hierarchy Process

  4. 第一阶段中将有四个院系参与:地理与环境学、教育学、计算机科学以及牛津互联网学院(OxfordInternetInstitute)。

    Four departments are participating in the first phase : geography and the environment ; education ; computer science ; and the Oxford Internet Institute .

  5. 细菌Fe(Ⅲ)还原在生命的进化和整个生物地球化学循环中起到重要作用,具重要的环境学意义。

    In addition , bacterial Fe (ⅲ) reduction play important roles in the biological geochemistry circulation and environmental remediation , therefore has vital environmental significance .

  6. 本文首先对Pareto分布的发展作了简单的介绍,并介绍了Pareto分布族在经济学、社会学、环境学、保险精算学中的广泛应用。

    This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it 's application in Economics , Sociology , Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics .

  7. 利奥波德的土地伦理观及其生态环境学意义

    Leopold 's Land Ethic Ideas and Its Value in Ecological Environment

  8. ~(14)C-辛硫磷的土壤环境学性质

    The Environmental Characteristics of ~ ( 14 ) C-Phoxim Applied Soils

  9. 铁硫化物在古地磁学和环境学中的应用

    Applications of research of iron sulphides in paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism

  10. 设计如何遵从自然&《景观规划的环境学途径》评介

    How to Design with Nature : View on Landscape Planning Environmental Applications

  11. 媒介环境学视野中的多媒体教学研究

    Research on Multimedia Teaching in the View of Media Ecology

  12. 关于构建体育环境学新学科的初步研究

    Initial Study about Structure the New Subject of Sports Environment

  13. 媒介环境学认为,媒介即环境,媒介是人体的延伸。

    Media ecology considers media as environment and an extension of human body .

  14. 可持续发展的重要领域&工程环境学

    The important field of sustainable development & engineering environmentology

  15. 区域环境学刍议

    A discussion on the foundation of Regional Environmental Science

  16. 还原成岩作用对海洋沉积物磁记录的影响及其环境学意义

    Impact of Reductive Diagenesis on Magnetic Records of Marine Sediments and Its Environmental Implications

  17. 荧光技术在海洋环境学上的应用研究

    Applied study of fluorescence technique on marine environment

  18. 木质环境学的研究进展与趋势

    Research Progress and Trend on Wooden Environment Science

  19. 这一计算方法不具有环境学和生态学方面的意义。

    The budgetary method doesn 't have the meaning of environmental science and ecology .

  20. 香泉铊矿化区人体的铊含量特征及环境学意义

    Thallium content in human bodies in the Xiangquan thallium mineralized district and its environmental significance

  21. 生态环境学是高师地理专业必修的专业基础课之一。

    Eco-environment science is one of the courses for college students who major in Geography .

  22. 人类聚居环境学引论

    Studies on Human Inhabitation and Settlement Environment

  23. 山区自然资源的环境学特征与系统开发山区经济建设应与生物资源保护协调发展

    The Coordinated Development Between the Economic Construction and the Protection of Biological Resources in Mountain Area

  24. 城市人居环境学是研究以人为中心的城市环境的科学。

    The science of urban human settlement is a discipline concerned with the environment of city .

  25. 资源学、环境学、生态学是同一层次的学科。

    Natu ral resources science , environment scie-nce and ecology are the disciplines at same level .

  26. 人类聚居环境学理论为指导的城郊景观生态整治规划探析&以滹沱河石家庄市区段生态整治规划为例

    Suburban Landscape Ecological Renovation Planning under The Guidance of The Studies on Human Inhabitation and Settlement Environment

  27. 从环境学角度看,可持续发展理论促使物权观变革。

    Learn from environmental perspective , the theory of sustainable development promote property rights view of change .

  28. 丁悌芬女士是美国伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市伊利诺伊大学环境学副教授。

    Tih-Fen Ting is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield .

  29. 土壤腐殖物质一直是土壤学和环境学领域的研究热点。

    Soil organic matter ( SOM ) is always a research focus in the soil and environmental science .

  30. 对环境学专业使用《环境学概论》教材的体会

    Personal Experience in Teaching the Book " Introduction to Environment Science " to Students Majoring in Environment Science