
jiào zōnɡ
  • pope;pontiff
教宗 [jiào zōng]
  • [pope;the pontiff] 即教皇

  1. 他还在盖?里奇的《大侦探福尔摩斯》系列电影中扮演医生华生,他出演的HBO电视剧《年轻的教宗》目前正在播出。

    He also plays Doctor Watson in Guy Ritchie 's Sherlock Holmes films and can currently be seen in HBO 's The Young Pope .

  2. 教宗本笃十六世于五月十日任命费尔南多.菲洛尼(FernandoFiloni)总主教为万民福音部新部长。教会观察家认为他是合适的人选。

    Pope Benedict XVI yesterday appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .

  3. 教宗通常在私人书房里迎接外国政要。

    The pope usually greets foreign dignitaries in his private study .

  4. 教宗在二○○○年四月三十日册封她为圣人。

    The pope had canonized her on April 30 , 2000 .

  5. 布什和教宗坐在草坪的椅子上观看了宗座西斯汀圣堂歌咏团演唱的圣歌。

    A choir performed as they watched from chairs on the lawn .

  6. 教宗将派遣一个使节团到英国。

    The pope would send a legatine commission to England .

  7. 就算是教宗指使的也有可能啊。

    Might as well been the Pope himself far as anybody knows .

  8. 2004年的今天,教皇约翰·保罗二世成为历史上任教宗一职时间第二长的教皇。

    2004-Pope John Paul II becomes the second-longest serving pope in history .

  9. 昨天,教宗比今天不累。

    Yesterday , the pope was less tired than he is today .

  10. 教宗:当今世上的邪恶须以神恩战胜

    Pope : divine mercy needed to overcome today 's evil

  11. 教宗抵达多伦多参加宗教盛会青年夹道欢迎

    Pope Welcomed by Young People When Arriving at Toronto for Religious Gathering

  12. 教宗星期一将用8种语言主持弥撒。

    The pope is planning to celebrate a Mass in eight languages Monday .

  13. 由于这些国家受到威胁,导致后来教宗又发起几次十字军东征。

    Threats to the states led the pope to call for future crusades .

  14. 他参与教宗举行的弥撒及由教宗亲手送圣体。

    He attended the Pope 's msaa and received communion from his hand .

  15. 这个系统依赖于两个机构,教宗和帝国。

    This system depended on two institutions , the papacy and the empire .

  16. 教宗庇护第十二世宗座这种威士忌酒已存放了二十五年了。

    HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS XII The whisky has aged for twenty-five years .

  17. 教宗正尽全力阻止在伊拉克发生战争。

    The Pope is going the extra mile to prevent war in iraq .

  18. 多明尼加修道会被教宗何诺里三世所认可。

    The Dominican order was sanctioned by Pope honorius III.

  19. 教宗为献给波兰第一位圣女新教堂行祝圣仪式

    The pope to consecrate a new basilica dedicated to Poland 's first Saint Sister

  20. 教宗若望保禄二世,《信仰与理性》通谕1998。

    Pope John Paul II , Encyclical letter : Faith and Reason , 1998 .

  21. 教宗将在斯里兰卡逗留两天,然后前往菲律宾访问。

    Pope Francis will spend two days in Sri Lanka before heading to the Philippines .

  22. 耶稣的使徒;被天主教认为是在地球上的天主教教宗。

    Disciple of Jesus ; regarded by Catholics as the vicar of Christ on earth .

  23. 教宗虽然是亿万人的精神领袖,但没有丝毫的世俗权力。

    Although spiritual leader of millions of people , the Pope has no temporal power .

  24. 但他却见到教宗被安排住在非常简陋的住所。

    But he sees that the pope is housed in a far more humble dwelling .

  25. 今天,教宗很累。

    Today the pope is tired .

  26. 就整体而言,但是,教宗对巴勒斯坦人演讲很谨慎。

    On the whole , however , the pope 's words to the Palestinians avoided pitfalls .

  27. 但正如教宗给他们留下自由,他们宁愿保留各自的自主权。

    But as the pope left them free , they preferred to retain their respective autonomies .

  28. 一位律师发现他和某教宗一起到达天堂的珍珠门。

    A lawyer finds himself at the Pearly Gates at the same time as the pope .

  29. 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。

    At that time , the pontiff , Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting .

  30. 在罗马,教宗本笃十六世任命女性出掌教廷高职位,这是前所未有的。

    In Rome , Pope Benedict XVI has placed women in unprecedented levels of curial authority .