
  1. 一起作战的士兵相互间常怀有深厚的兄弟情谊。

    Soldiers who are fighting together often have a strong feeling of brotherhood .

  2. 少得利养,心有希望,常怀不足,不能得与高德者,等获其利养。

    What they have cannot equal that received by the high and virtuous ones .

  3. 而我对我身过的一些奥秘是常怀着关注之情的。

    and I stay open to the mysteries that are living right next to me .

  4. 常怀感恩之心能给生活带来宁静和欢悦。

    There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude , a quiet joy .

  5. 那些常怀感恩之心的人会一直尽力保持冷静和淡定,哪怕压力重重。

    People who are highly grateful try to remain calm and light , even in a stressful situation .

  6. 只要有人常怀怨恨、妒忌之心,便永远会有不和谐发生。

    There will always be disharmony as long as there are individuals who harbour animosity , hate or jealousy .

  7. 常怀感恩之心的人是最幸福的,常怀感激之情的生活是最甜美的。

    With grateful hearts of the people are the most happy , Chang Huai life of gratitude is the sweetest .

  8. 常怀想一些老电影,可能为其中的场景或者片尾的一首歌曲。

    Chang huaikang want to some old movie , for one of the scene or may be the end of a song .

  9. 要常怀感恩之心,感激你眼前的一切,这样你就会更易于和别人分享你目前的好运。

    By being grateful for whatever you currently have , it is much easier to pass some of your good fortune onto someone else .

  10. 如果你在图书馆,商店或者是自己的客厅,常怀感恩之心的人也会意识到皱眉或者消极的表情真的不讨任何人喜欢。

    If youre in the library , the store or your own living room , highly grateful people recognize that frowning and looking sour isnt pleasant for anyone .

  11. 生活中常怀感恩之心并懂得一些表达感激的方式,会使你自己和你周围的人更快乐。

    Find little ways to incorporate gratitude in your life , and you 'll be much happier * and you 'll make the people around you much happier as well .

  12. 好吧,也许偶尔会,但绝对不会一直这样。常怀感恩之心的人总是努力不管在哪对别人微笑。

    Well , maybe they do once in a while , but not often . Highly grateful people make an effort to smile at others no matter where they are .

  13. 你能做的是,保持积极乐观,常怀感恩之心,保持谦卑,活出真我!爱你的你的灵魂

    Keep positive , fill you heart with gratitude for what you already have , and always remind to humble and true to who you are ! With Love , Your Soul

  14. 为他赐给我们的新生命常怀感恩的心,并更加珍爱它,以致我们能够为他人带来更多的祝福。

    We should always be thankful for the new life He has been given to us , and to cherish it even more so that we can bring more blessings to other people as well .

  15. 常怀一颗感恩的心是件很难的事情,因为我们太容易忘记曾受过的伤痛。但只要我们懂得感激,我们就会热爱生活。

    A grateful mood is difficult to keep for we are too forgetful to the pains we have suffered , but as long as we can feel the gratitude , we will begin to relish our life .

  16. 同时,应该常怀感恩的心,无论何时何处我们遇到麻烦都可以依靠圣母玛利亚的转祷,因为在她的爱子面前扮演着非常重要的角色。

    And we also should be thankful that whenever we have trouble , we can always turn to our Holy Mother Mary , the She could play a vital role in intercession for us to His Most Beloved Son .