
jiào guī
  • canon;rule
教规 [jiào guī]
  • [canon] 宗教规定信徒恪守的规则;法则;规定

教规[jiào guī]
  1. 该教派教规禁止离婚者再婚。

    The Church 's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons .

  2. n.教规教会就在最近通过这条教规。

    canon This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently .

  3. 这种做法与教规是相悖的。

    These practices are irreconcilable with the law of the church .

  4. 耶鲁公开课所以在罗马书第12章14节里,保罗说“祝福那些逼迫你的人趣味单词Canon佳能['kænən]n.标准;教规;正典圣经;教士

    So in Romans 12:14 , Paul says , " Bless those who persecute you .

  5. 在美国一位恪守教规的犹太教徒参议员约瑟夫利伯曼(josephlieberman)还曾在2000年竞选过副总统。

    In America an observant Jew , Senator Joseph Lieberman , ran for vice-president in 2000 .

  6. 1998年,奥利奥获得Kosher认证(指符合犹太教教规、清洁可食的产品的认证)。

    Oreos became kosher in 1998 .

  7. 这个事件引发了人们关于伊万卡·特朗普(IvankaTrump)的犹太人身份能否在以色列全境获得认可的怀疑。去年,她在接受《Vogue》杂志采访时表示,她和丈夫“严格遵守”教规,持守犹太洁食和安息日规定。

    The case raises the question of whether Ivanka Trump - who said in a Vogue magazine interview last year that she and her husband were " pretty observant , " keeping kosher and the Jewish Sabbath - would be accepted as Jewish herself in all quarters in Israel .

  8. 天主教徒星期天必须去做礼拜。(客观因素,如教规等)

    Exp : Catholics have to go to church on Sundays .

  9. 我们可能迷信教规,成为教条主义者;

    We might blindly worship the canon to become doctrinaires ;

  10. 根据索罗亚斯德教教规,大自然元素是神圣庄严的,而人的身体却是腐朽的。

    In Zoroastrianism , the elements are sacred and the body is corrupt .

  11. 宗教教规的条例严格、具体;

    Rules of a religion are rigid and concrete .

  12. 法衣按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服。

    The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy .

  13. 作为一种文化遗传的美国清教徒教规对美国的道德价值观有很大的影响。

    The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values .

  14. 我的导师经常鼓励我们用餐的时候实行教规。

    My Guru is always encouraging us to practice discipline when it comes to eating .

  15. 教规:由教会确定的法律或法典。

    Canon : an ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council .

  16. 一部分东印度教徒因教规所限不吃牛肉。

    A group of East Indians won 't eat beef because their religion forbids it .

  17. 教士会会员按照一种共同的教规生活并且受到其宣誓约束的某些宗教团体的成员

    A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows

  18. 这个候选人根据教规被认可。

    The candidate was ecclesiastically endorsed .

  19. 这户人家并不严格按犹太教规进食,但他们都买符合犹太教规的洁净可食的肉。

    It 's not a true kosher home , but they , all buy kosher meat .

  20. 殖民地建立后的一百年内,清教的教规已宽大多了。

    Within a century of the first settlements the Puritan disciplines were a good deal relaxed .

  21. 禽类的肝脏应当摘除,并按照犹太教饮食教规的规定单独烹煮。

    The Liver must be removed from the cavity and broiled separately in accordance with kashruth procedures .

  22. 包括对于植树节,对于礼拜作出规定的教规,覆盖了文化以及生活的很多方面。

    Including laws to the Shebat , to the Sabbath to culture , to different aspects of life .

  23. 属于、关于教规或教规规定的。法规、规章规定的其他条件。

    Of or relating to or required by canon law . other conditions prescribed in regulations and rules .

  24. 基督教自创立以来,就不断地与其同宗的犹太教发生教义、教规、甚至人身的冲突,这种现象在中世纪尤为明显。

    Christianity conflicted continuously with co-original religion Judaism on dogma , canon , even physical since its foundation .

  25. 所以有一些人正在遵循,一种现代而平等的饮食教规,比如提倡有机食品。

    So there 're some who are choosing a modern equal Kashrut which embraces organic food for example .

  26. 那些女弟子,除了苦修这点外,也同样遵守修院里所有的教规。

    The pupils conformed , with the exception of the austerities , to all the practices of the convent .

  27. 检查了佛陀身体的教规,一种觉悟就是每个细节都是代表和谐比例。

    Examining the canon of the body of a Buddha , one realises that every detail represents harmonious proportions .

  28. 教规,条例,教条:某宗教派别的建立者为控制其成员的行为而规定的一系列条例。

    The body of regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order for governing the conduct of its members .

  29. 起源于罗马法的法律体系,相对于习惯法或教规而言。

    A system of law having its origin in Roman law , as opposed to common law or canon law .

  30. 而对那些上教堂的年轻人来说,整体上都恪守教义教规,严格要求自己。

    For those young people who attend churches , many of them have serious reservations about the church as a whole .