
jiào huì fǎ
  • canon law;ecclesiastical law
  1. 作为一门独特的法律体系,教会法是在教会内部运行的法律规范的统称。

    As an unique legal system , canon law is a set of legal norms which take effect in the church exclusively .

  2. 尽管英国的法人观念深受罗马法和教会法的影响,但是日耳曼团体本位观念仍被吸收和继承下来。

    While influenced by the Roman law and canon law , the English idea of corporation assimilated the German group-based idea of law .

  3. 中世纪英国法发展的教会法背景

    The Ecclesiastical Background of the Development of Middle-English Law church Ball

  4. 教会法所反映的中世纪西方女性法律权利状况

    On the Legal Rights Medieval Western Women Had in the Canon Law

  5. 他们是,妥善地说,活跃的来源教会法。

    They are , properly speaking , the active sources of canon law .

  6. 罗马-教会法民事诉讼程序的特征及其历史地位

    Romano-canonical Civil Procedure 's Characters and Historical Position

  7. 教会法的发展历程,集中体现了宗教与法律的关系。

    The history of the cannon law shows the relationship between the religion and law .

  8. 但是教会法明确指出,牧民议会在所有问题上只享有谘询权。

    However ﹐ Church Law clearly states that the Pastoral Council has a consultative vote in all matters .

  9. 它对于欧洲中世纪的教会法、罗马法以及商人法等具有普遍主义要素的法律产生了重要影响。

    This exerts a tremendous influence on the Canon Law , Roman Law and Merchant Law in the Middle Ages .

  10. 法定证据正式形成于中世纪,其与罗马教会法诉讼程序紧密相连。

    Legal evidence was officially formed in the Middle Ages , which closely linked with the Roman canon law proceedings .

  11. 本文主要对教会法所反映的中世纪西方女性在家庭婚姻、财产继承等方面的权利,以及对女性的暴力犯罪的处罚进行了考察。

    This article mainly discusses the rights western women had in the aspect of family marriage and property inheritance , etc.

  12. 中世纪西欧教会法对教会与国家关系的理解和规范

    The Way the Relationship Between the Church and the State Was Perceived and Regulated by the Medieval Canon Law in Western Europe

  13. 而隐含在教会法中信仰、社会与爱这三个维度使法律这一社会制度在教会框架之下显示出独特的性质。

    While three dimensions composed of faith , society and charity made laws distinctive in the social system of the church framework .

  14. 别居又称分居,它产生于欧洲中世纪基督教的教会法,至今仍存在。

    Judicial separation , also called separation , originated from the Canon Law of Christianity in Mediaeval Europe , and still exists today .

  15. 在约翰保罗时代教廷获得一系列新的“主教理事会”,准部委处理一切从卫生工作者到教会法的事务。

    Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new " pontifical councils ", quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law .

  16. 文章试图对教会法和英国法之间的关系进行分析,以寻找英国法发生的基本模式。

    The essay tries to analyze the relationship between canon law and English law , in order to seek for an ordinary model to the development of Middle-English law .

  17. 在罗马法的基础上,随着罗马法复兴和新教会法的编纂,法人概念得以明确。

    On the basis of the Roman law , the legal person was conceptualized with the revival of the Roman law and the compilation of the new canon law .

  18. 该章讨论在大法官法院中的衡平法诞生之前运行于英格兰王国中的其他法律&罗马法、教会法以及普通法及这些法律中蕴涵着的衡平理念和衡平规则。

    Before equity of the chancery came into being , common law , roman law and canon law had run in England , and they all had notions of equity and rules of equity .

  19. 本部分并对我国人格权的民法保护进行历史分析,通过比较分析罗马法与中世纪的教会法对于人格权的保护探求人格权保护的伦理基础。

    This part makes the historical analysis of our personality right protection of civil law , which seeks the ethical basis of personality right protection through the comparative analysis of protection of personality right taken by Rome and medieval canon law .

  20. 源于中世纪欧洲教会法的夫妻分居制度,经过数百年的演进,日益在世界许多国家的婚姻家庭立法中焕发出勃勃生机,成为近现代一些国家和地区婚姻法律制度的重要组成部分。

    For several centuries development , couple separation system , which roots from Canon Law in Middle Ages Europe , become an significant part of the legal system in some countries and regions now , show out its vitality day by day .

  21. 在教会法中,12世纪的圣.保罗曾明确指出:人们只须向上帝供认自己的罪孽,而无须向其他任何人招供自己的罪行。

    In canon laws , Saint Paul clearly poins out in the 12th century , " People need only confess their sins to God not anyone others . " It can be said that the right to silence has been heated recently .

  22. 教会法就是这样的一个典型:《圣经》代表了教会的信仰期盼,它为信徒提供了通向彼岸的道路;教会法体现了教会的法律诉求,它为现世的人们提供了结成组织的秩序。

    Canon law is such a typical example : the Bible represents the faith of the church , it is the way to the promise land , the laws represents the order of the church , it is necessary to found a community .

  23. 罗马法的无效婚姻制度和教会婚姻法的可撤销婚姻制度广泛地被近现代许多国家婚姻家庭立法所吸取,构成了对违法婚姻的基本的补救制度。

    Invalid marriage system in Rome law and revocable marriage system in Church law are widely adopted in many countries ' modern marriage and family laws , which constitute a basic remedy to illegal marriage .

  24. 王室法律、教会法律、习惯法、特赦令和免刑状,法学著作、神学著作等等都可以成为裁判的依据。

    The royal family law , church law , customary law , " Amnesty " and " pardon letter ", law books , theological writings , and so on can become the basis for the magistrate .

  25. 第五章论述基督教与近代西欧私人财产权利观念的形成。主要阐述教会法学家和神学家在对罗马法和教会法的注释和教学中,最终形成了现代意义的私人财产权理念。

    Chapter 5 discusses Christianity and the theory of the Private Property Rights in the modern western society It expounds that medieval theologians made comments on the Roman law and canon law , and finally shaped up the modern meanings of the Private Property Rights .

  26. 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。

    The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law .

  27. 在教会管辖权的基础之上,法律科学开始演进出各种实体法律分支,几乎每一分支都在教会法中呈现了其萌芽。

    On the basis of the Church 's jurisdiction , the science of law came up to lots of subjective legal branchs , almost each of which held a safe lead in its realm .