
  • 网络populist;populism
  1. 他自称是平民主义者。

    He is a self-declared populist .

  2. 但关于这位58岁的平民主义者几乎没有更多的消息。

    But there is little more information about the 58-year-old populist .

  3. 为何在美国抨击富人是非常不受欢迎的一种平民主义形式?

    Why is bashing the rich such an unpopular form of populism in America ?

  4. 只有这样,他才能唤起一股支持他的平民主义浪潮并且一直到再次竞选。

    Only thus can he summon up a populist wave for himself and ride it to re-election .

  5. 大多数评论用了一种平民主义的严肃论调,我已经屡见不鲜。

    Most of the comments took on a populist , no-nonsense tone that I found all too familiar .

  6. 现在,他采取了更加平民主义的方法&集中在为许多家庭带来金钱痛苦的日常问题。

    Now , he is taking a more populist approach-focusing on the day-to-day issues that create money woes for many families .

  7. 电视真人秀的兴旺靠的是真实性的吸引力,《美国偶像》把真实性与粉丝们对平民主义的狂热结合起来。

    Reality TV thrives on the lure of authenticity , and " Idol " married that to the populist cult of the fan .

  8. 此次英国就退留欧盟举行的公投,可以说是这个平民主义抗议新时代的测试用例。

    This British referendum on the EU was , if you like , the test case for this new era of populist protest .

  9. 英拉是该趋势的一个反例:在竞选中,她很少谈及她哥哥的平民主义,并且与他信的腐败问题也划清界限。

    Ms Yingluck is a variation on the theme : on the campaign , she toned down her brother 's populism and made a virtue of being untainted by his corruption .

  10. 这个颁奖季充满名人与智者——《鸟人》一片有着百老汇式的疯狂乐段,《布达佩斯大饭店》有欧陆气质——可以想见,金球奖也会把平民主义气息融入奖项之中。

    In a season peppered with the cerebral and sophisticated - " Birdman , " with its riffs on Broadway madness , " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " with its Continental savoir-faire - the Globes predictably thrust more populist choices into the awards mix .

  11. 阻止有困难的平民得到人道主义援助是违反国际法的行为。

    It 's a breach of international law to stop humanitarian assistance from getting to civilians who are in need .

  12. 对灾难中平民进行国际人道主义救济原则宣言;

    Declaration of principles for international humanitarian relief to the civil population in disaster situations ;

  13. 卢梭是18世纪法国启蒙运动时代的杰出代表、著名的平民思想家、浪漫主义运动之父。

    Rousseau was an outstanding representative in the 18th century French Enlightenment , the well-known thinker of civilians , the father of the Romantic movement .