
  • 网络Dementors;The Dementor
  1. 摄魂怪是专门对付那些真正干了坏事的人。

    Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff .

  2. 不会为了这个把你交给摄魂怪的!

    ' They wouldn 't give you to the Dementors for that !

  3. 教授,为什么摄魂怪会对我有这样大的影响?

    Professor , why do the Dementors affect me so ?

  4. 一只守护神窜了出来,把摄魂怪击退了几米。

    A patron saint of channeling out of the Dementors repulsed a few meters .

  5. 摄魂怪并没有只呆在地面上,邓布利多快气疯了。

    Dementors aren 't supposed to be on the grounds . dumbledore 's furious .

  6. 第五年伊始,住在小惠金区的哈利就遭到摄魂怪的袭击。

    Harry 's fifth year begins with him being attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging .

  7. 会有人来帮助伏地魔,阻止摄魂怪使他变的无助吗?

    Will anyone come to voldemort 's rescue and stop the Dementors from rendering him helpless ?

  8. 但这些人的情感与兴奋会吸引几百个或是几千个摄魂怪的到来。

    But this rush of human emotion and excitement draws hundreds , perhaps thousands , of Dementors to the final confrontation .

  9. 在看到摄魂怪杀死自己父母之时,年幼的落落睁着无邪的眼睛,看刀光剑影没有丝毫惧怕。

    Seeing Demonters killing her parents , little Luoluo opened her innocent eyes , without any fear of swords or blades .

  10. 多年后的一天,摄魂怪开口,声音出人意料的好听:“你,叫什么名字?”

    One day many years later , Demonters opened his mouth and uttered , an incredibly beautiful voice ," You , What 's the name ?"

  11. 因为将要有许多事情都要在这部戏里发生了,比如说摄魂怪,魁地奇的世界杯,巨龙以及其他一些酷毙了的事物。

    Because a lot of things are going to happen ! There are death eaters , the Quidditch World cup , a dragon and a lot of other cool stuff .

  12. 注释:书中并没有指出达力能看到摄魂怪,所以基于这起事件推测达力一定有巫师潜质的假设是毫无根据的。

    NOTE : There is nothing in the book to suggest that Dudley could actually see Dementors , so speculation that Dudley must be magical because of this incident is groundless .

  13. “姿态!”她尖叫起来,盛怒之下的她,看上去有点疯狂。“我忍受摄魂怪的折磨时,你却躲在霍格沃茨,舒舒服服地扮演邓布利多的宠儿!”

    " Gesture !" she shrieked ; in her fury she looked slightly mad . " while I endured the dementors , you remained at hogwarts , comfortably playing dumbledore 's pet !"

  14. 光阴拉开狭长的分割线,在长久的流浪里落落越来越美,而摄魂怪仿佛不会老去,一直是落落第一次见到的那样,戏谑中带着冷峻。

    How time flies ! During the long tramp , Luoluo became more and more beautiful , but Demonters never seemed to grow old , still cold and contemptuous , just as the first time when Luoluo saw him .