
shè yǐnɡ jiā
  • photographer
  1. BenHeine是一个画家、插画家、肖像画家、漫画家和、摄影家。

    Ben Heine is a painter , illustrator , portraitist , caricaturist and photographer .

  2. 在影片《山雨欲来》(BeforetheRain)中,经历了波黑战难的摄影家呓语着,扔了他的获奖摄影作品。

    In the movie Before the Rain , the photographer who has gone through the difficulties of war in Bosnia-Herzogovina utters nonsense as he throws away the film which won him an award .

  3. 欧姬芙受多位画家和摄影家的影响,但她从未加入过任何学派。

    O'Keeffe was influenced by various painters and photographers , but she was never a member of any school .

  4. 女性摄影家安妮镜头下的名人CNN主播:随便说一个名人的名字,不论是音乐家还是世界领袖,安妮·莱波维兹大概都曾拍过他们的照片。

    Behind the Lens Celebrity Photographer Annie Leibovitz Examines a Life in PicturesCNNANCHOR : Name any celebrity , musician or world leader , indeed , Annie Leibovitz has probably photographed them .

  5. 当Richard给我讲述他在那部重现著名摄影家DianeArbus生平电影《fur》的客串经历时,我正努力调整自己在长椅上的坐姿,以便自己能看起来更好看或更舒服一点。

    Richard told me about his gig as an extra on Fur , reenacting famous Diane Arbus portraits , while I struggled to find a flattering or comfortable upright couch position .

  6. 艺术摄影家CYJO出生在首尔(Seoul),在美国长大,目前生活在北京。

    Fine-art photographer CYJO , who was born in Seoul , raised in the United States and now resides in Beijing , shows a collection of photographs of Korean Americans .

  7. 评委中的另一名摄影家MarkCarwardine说他们把获奖图片和西班牙动物园里名叫Ossian的狼的照片做了对比。

    One of the competition judges , photographer Mark Carwardine , said the judges compared the winning shot to pictures of Ossian , a tame wolf from the Canada Real zoo in Spain .

  8. 皮诺说他同意这一观点。他指出圣洛朗的创意总监艾迪·斯理曼(HediSlimane)同时也是个摄影家。

    Mr. Pinault , who pointed out that Hedi Slimane , the creative director of Saint Laurent , also has a career as a photographer , said he agreed .

  9. 纽约摄影家KlausEnriqueGerdes受意大利画家GiuseppeArcimboldo启发创作了这些作品,后者曾于1527-1593年间利用水果、蔬菜、肉类和鲜花拼凑出现实画像,随后他把这些独特的创作画在了画布上。

    New York based photographer Klaus Enrique Gerdes was inspired by Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo who created real-life portraits using fruit , vegetables , meat and flowers . He then painted his creations on to canvas creating a selection of unique artworks between 1527 and 1593 .

  10. 就这一点,我和许多摄影家都闹翻了。

    I fall out with a lot of photographers over this .

  11. 雅各布·里斯,来自丹麦的移民,罪案报道记者,摄影家

    Jacob Riis , Danish immigrant , crime reporter , photographer .

  12. 他不仅是一个摄影家,也是一装饰者。

    He is not only a photographer , but also a decorator .

  13. 法国文化部举办近年中国摄影家作品收藏展

    French Ministry of Culture Shows Recent Collections of Works of Chinese Photographers

  14. 但这是一次一个世界级的摄影家的很棒的展览。

    But this is a great show from a world class photographer .

  15. 对于摄影家来说,早晨和黄昏的“金色时光”是非常宝贵的。

    The golden hour is a precious time of day for photographers .

  16. 这些视觉影像已经成为艺术家和摄影家们的最爱。

    These visual impacts have become a favorite among artists and photographers .

  17. 但中国摄影家协会并不承认存在剽窃行为。

    The CPA did not acknowledge the plagiarism , however .

  18. 再多了解一些罗伯特。金凯,这位摄影家&作家,这就是她想要的。

    More of Robert kincaid , writer-photographer , that 's what she wanted .

  19. 我最喜欢的摄影家之一就是安塞尔•亚当斯。

    One of my favorite photographs is Ansel Adams .

  20. 现为山西省摄影家协会会员。

    And he is the member of Shanxi Photographers'Association .

  21. 摄影家会将他自己投射入他所看见的所有事物。

    The photographer projects himself into everything he sees .

  22. 摄影家从没打算把这世界以其原来的样子展示给大家看。

    Photographers never have much incentive to show the world as it is .

  23. 云南省摄影家协会庆祝建国五十周年摄影展

    The fifty years of Yun Nan Photographers Society

  24. 平遥国际摄影大展中外摄影家艺术交流的平台

    Pingyao International Photography Festival : a Platform for Exchanges between Chinese and Foreign Photographers

  25. 我们的摄影家没拍过我的小孩!

    Our photographer has never photographed my children !

  26. 那摄影家漫游世界。

    The photographer roamed about , the world .

  27. 5个不同历史时期的洞窟将向摄影家开放。

    Five caves dating to different historical periods will be opened to the photographers .

  28. 不是每个人都可以成为摄影家,但是我们可以坚持不懈的拍摄。

    Not everyone can become a photographer , but we can adhere as photos .

  29. 艺术家和摄影家举办个人作品展时,也可以说是在表演“独角戏”。

    Artists and photographers also stage on-man show when their works alone are on display .

  30. 摄影家安妮·莱波维兹:我觉得我的名字还不够大。

    ANNIE LEIBOVITZ , PHOTOGRAPHER : I don 't think that name is big enough .