
shè yǐnɡ jì zhě
  • photojournalist;press photographer;cameraman
  1. ChrisdeBode,一名获奖摄影记者,前往巴西、印度、巴基斯坦和坦桑尼亚联合共和国收集这些故事。

    Chris de Bode , an award-winning photojournalist , travelled to Brazil , India , Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania to gather the stories .

  2. Celine是一个环保工作者,曾经在美国住过一段时间,有一名当摄影记者的男朋友。

    Celine has become an advocate for the environment , lived in America for a time , and has a boyfriend , a photojournalist .

  3. 她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。

    She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy .

  4. 在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。

    She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel .

  5. 摄影记者们在王室贵宾周围挤来挤去。

    The photographers pressed around the royal visitors .

  6. 她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。

    She 's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere .

  7. 名哥伦比亚广播公司的摄影记者在现场拍摄并编辑录像报道。

    Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports . 3

  8. 她从挤作一团的摄影记者中挤了过去。

    She pushed through the scrum of photographers .

  9. 而对于公民拍摄的视频,合法性几乎不会成为问题,美国国家摄影记者协会(NationalPressPhotographersAssociation)的总顾问米基·奥斯特瑞琪(MickeyOsterreicher)表示。

    When it comes to citizen-captured video , there are few questions regarding legality , said Mickey Osterreicher , general counsel of the National Press Photographers Association .

  10. SBS正在洽谈为朝鲜免费转播世界杯事宜,其条件是允许其摄影记者在平壤拍摄观看比赛的球迷。

    SBS is negotiating to broadcast the World Cup free to North Korea if its cameramen are allowed to film crowds of fans watching games in Pyongyang .

  11. 据报道至少有278人死亡,其中包括报道这个故事的一位摄影记者。在埃及的CNN工作人员发现自己身处这场战斗之中。

    At least 278 were reportedly killed , including one photo journalist covering the story . CNN crews in Egypt found themselves in the middle of the fighting .

  12. “如果你的船要停靠香港,就应当遵守国际规则,履行一定的程序。”他对ABC新闻的摄影记者说。

    " If your ship wants to stop by in Hong Kong , you have to follow the international rules and go through some procedures ," he told a camera crew from ABC News .

  13. 一名纽约自由撰稿报摄影记者,43岁,ScottJones说,当他去年春天去买一个新汽车的时候,他才意识到他的这个汽车贷款可能变为“上下颠倒”的风险。

    Scott Jones , 43 , a New York free lance photographer , said he was aware of the risk of becoming upside down on a car loan when he went shopping for a new vehicle last spring .

  14. 这种强烈的好奇心——更不必说这种互动——同之前他把照片传到Instagram上时颇为类似。不仅是最近访问朝鲜时,在过去担任美联社(AssociatedPress)亚洲首席摄影记者一职时,他也会在Instagram上发布照片。

    That intense curiosity - not to mention engagement - was similar to when he had posted images to Instagram , not only during his recent visit , but also dating back to his tenure as The Associated Press 's chief Asia photographer .

  15. 博尔特找到的摄影记者名叫吉米•维科斯特尔,当时他正在奥林匹克体育场为瑞典晚报Aftonbladet报导这一历史性的200米决赛。维科斯特尔主动将相机借给博尔特拍摄这个重要时刻的照片。

    Bolt approached photographer Jimmy Wixtr , who was covering the historic 200m final at the Olympics for Swedish paper Aftonbladet , who offered his camera to the athlete to take some of his own photos of the momentous occasion .

  16. 新闻记者和摄影记者们正等在总统府外。

    Press reporters and photographers were waiting outside the presidential palace .

  17. 专业的摄影记者受到其他拍摄者和各种影像记录装置的挑战;媒体专职图片编辑的传统地位受到挑战;

    Photojournalists and professional picture-editors are facing challenges from other photographers .

  18. 摄影记者在现场是沉默的观察家。

    The photographer should be a silent observer of a situation .

  19. 几个摄影记者甚至去拍摄他们正在看的电视屏幕。

    Several cameramen even filmed the TV screen they were watching .

  20. 打一个摄影记者?不,我不会这么做!

    Hit a paparazzo ? No , I would not do that !

  21. 摄影记者们的长短火炮的镜头踊簇着我们兜圈圈照相。

    Photographers from the press would crowd around us to take pictures .

  22. 一群摄影记者等在法庭外面。

    A huddle of photographers was waiting outside the courtroom .

  23. 战地摄影记者-当然

    The war photographer . - Yes , of course .

  24. 录像上,一名摄影记者向定居者投掷石块。

    One of the photographers threw stones at the settlers .

  25. 王身敦于1983年任合众国际社摄影记者,自此开始了24年的摄影记者生涯。

    Andrew started his24-year long photojournalist career as he joined UPI in1983 .

  26. 她告诉他自己是某小报的摄影记者;

    She said she was a photographer from some newspaper or other ;

  27. 机场里挤满了等候这个摇滚明星的摄影记者。

    The airport was crawling with photographers waiting for the rock star .

  28. 好,我们会请摄影记者过去。

    Okay . we 'll have a camera crew there .

  29. 他和一名摄影记者扭打起来。

    He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer .

  30. 报社还要立即派摄影记者去摄像。

    A photographer is sent immediately to take photographs .