
  • 网络Regent Street;Regent St
  1. 嗯,从你住的酒店开始出发,沿着摄政街一直走,街道左侧会有一家ScorchWale店。

    Well , there 's a Scorch Wale shop here on the left side as you go down Regent Street from the hotel you are staying .

  2. 在喧嚣的摄政街和熙熙攘攘的富人区新邦德街之间

    Between the chaos of Regent Street and opulent bustle of New Bond Street

  3. 我来到了摄政街,此时,吉普就在距离我大约一码之外的位置,看上去有些不知所措。

    I was in Regent Street , and a yard away , perhaps , and looking a little perplexed with himself , was Gip .

  4. 萨迪•科尔斯(SadieColes)则正搬离自己位于新伯林顿广场(NewBurlingtonPlace)的画廊,转而在摄政王街(RegentStreet)另一边的金利街(KinglyStreet)寻找更大的展场。

    And Sadie Coles is leaving her New Burlington Place gallery for a bigger space in Kingly Street , just on the other side of Regent Street .

  5. 当你来到摄政王街的街角,立刻就意识到发生了什么事,一群人聚在“马克斯和斯潘瑟商场”外面,那儿正是你平时等公共汽车的地方。

    As you turn the corner of Regent Street , you realise immediately that something is up . A crowd has gathered outside Marks and Spencer , right where you normally wait for the bus .