
  1. 基于VRML的虚拟摄影构图教学研究初探

    Research on Virtual Photography Composition Instruction Based VRML

  2. 在第一阶段中,采用基于颜色和纹理特征的块聚类方法将一幅图像划分成四个区域,并依照摄影构图法则将ROI从背景中区分出来。

    In the first stage , an image is partitioned into four regions by using a block clustering based on color and texture features , and the ROI within the image is distinguished from the background according to the principles of photographic composition .

  3. 刑事现场摄像构图与摄影构图的差异

    Differences in View Composition during Video Shooting and Photographs Taking

  4. 你可以以多种不同的方式在摄影构图上发挥你的才能。

    You can use your talents in photographic composition in many different ways .

  5. 在实际工作中,刑事照相中的摄影构图已引起了一定的重视,但还存在一些问题,笔者从刑事照相的特点、刑事照相的取景构图处理及技巧等几个方面作一些讨论。

    This article discusses the characteristics and techniques of composition in take criminal photos .

  6. 国画空白(虚与实)意境与摄影构图

    Chinese Painting in the Blank ( virtual and real ) and Artistic Conceptions and Photographic Compositions

  7. 熟练掌握摄影构图是提高刑事录像水平的关键,因此,我们有必要来探讨一下摄像构图的特点、动态构图的表现形式以及刑事录像构图的操作技巧。

    Therefore , it is necessary to discuss the characteristics and presentation of the composition of visual recording and the operation techniques related to the composition of criminal visual recording .

  8. 他把车停在离桥比较远的地方,以便不妨碍他摄影的构图。

    He parked the truck well back from the bridge so it wouldn 't interfere with his compositions .

  9. 摄影者构图时在主体周围留下大量的额外空间,以便出版时有多种裁剪可能。

    The photographer composed it with plenty of extra space around the subject to permit a variety of print croppings .

  10. 摄影画面构图必须正确处理好主体、客体、空白之间的对比关系,围绕突出主体这一核心任务进行创造性的选择、配置,从而得到严谨而流畅的画面语言。

    The composition of a photographic picture must treat well the contrast relations between the subject and the object and between the void and the solid , and make creative choice and arrangement around the core task of laying stress on the subject , obtaining rigorous and smooth picture language .

  11. 摄影画面的构图与均衡

    The Composition and Balance of Photographic Picture

  12. 拍摄距离与镜头焦距是摄影中影响构图的两个重要因素。

    Shooting distance and lens focus are two important factors that affect composition of a picture in photography .

  13. 所以,记住这些小提示,和一些标准的摄影规则如构图,你将拍摄出很出彩的作品。

    Keep these ideas along with standard photography rules like composition and your pictures will turn out great .

  14. 本文将着重运用格式塔心理学的三大理论,来分析新闻摄影能够反映新闻事件,摄影构图在心理和视觉上得以成立,以及读者对同一图片解读存在差异的原因。

    This thesis mainly use the Three Theories of Gestalt psychology to analyze the reasons why journalistic photography could reflect the events , how the composition of a picture come into existence , and why the readers unscramble the same photo diversely .