
  • 网络Photography collection;DIVERSIFORM-LEAVED POPLAR TREES
  1. 该店开业之际,艺术家比尔·雅各布森(BillJacobson)记录本店装修过程的摄影集也同时发行。

    The opening will also celebrate the release of a book showcasing photographs of the store in progress by the artist Bill Jacobson .

  2. 摄影师道基·华莱士(DougieWallace)即将出版一本关于孟买出租车的摄影集,名叫《路上的仆人》(RoadWallah),里面是这些人力车夫的照片,其中很多人告诉他他们工作了20多年,每天的收入不到500卢比(8美元)。

    The photographer Dougie Wallace , who has a book coming out on taxis in Mumbai , " Road Wallah , " shot the drivers on these pages , many of whom told him they 've been working for more than 20 years for less than 500 rupees ( $ 8 ) a day .

  3. 你的新摄影集叫“盛夏的果实”吧!

    Your new album name called " summer 's fruit " ok !

  4. 他还出版了多本诗集和几本摄影集。

    His poetry was voluminous , and he published books of his photography .

  5. 2006年,王彤出版了一本名为《墙上的毛》(MAOONTHEWALL)的摄影集。

    In2006 , Wang Tong published an album entitled Mao On The Wall .

  6. 1991年,环境摄影师乔治·米勒出版了一本该地区的摄影集。

    In1991 , George Oxford Miller published a book of photographs of the region .

  7. 才能让摄影集出版吗?

    Getting the album published ?

  8. 你认为需要大费周折才能让摄影集出版。

    Oh , you think you 're going to have a hard time getting the album published ?

  9. 明年第一个星期将要出售的是马塞卢·龙贵的摄影集《鱼人》。

    The first title on next year 's list is Fish-Man , a photo anthology by Maseru Tatsuki .

  10. 这本摄影集的书名来自于圣渊对于爱上她却得不到回应的痛苦。

    The title for the book came from his anguish from falling in love and it not being reciprocated .

  11. 等到小女孩长大后她就会拥有一个记录她处在各种高危险情况下的完整的摄影集。

    When the little girl grows up shell have a complete photographic record of herself in highly dangerous situations .

  12. 这对于当初在2006年自费出版五百本「陌生人」摄影集的圣渊来说是个极佳的成就。

    This has been an excellent achievement for Sheng-yuan who originally funded the publishing of500 copies himself when the book was completed in2006 .

  13. 香港着名摄影家冯建中在新近出版的摄影集《楼花》中质疑:每一平方呎的楼价可以高到甚么地步?

    In the new book'One Square Foot ' , the well-known Hong Kong photographer John Fung asks , how high can the price of one square foot of property go ?

  14. 姜健来自河南,他曾出版过《主人》、场景》两部摄影集,记录了中原大地上人们的生活状况。

    Jiang Jian , from Henan , he has two photo collections published as Master and Scenes , which has recorded the lives of people in the central plains of China .

  15. 也许这要耗费数年时间,但直到我拍出一部像样关于印度的摄影集才会停下来,没有哪个独立作者做过这件事。

    It may take a couple of years , but I won 't rest until I have created the definitive India photo book , something any single author has yet to do .

  16. 2002年,在给自己的诗集配上自己拍摄的照片之后,尼莫伊出版了《栖息》(Shekhina),这本摄影集有一个犹太主题——上帝的女性一面。

    In 2002 , having illustrated his books of poetry with his photographs , Nimoy published " Shekhina , " a book devoted to photography with a Jewish theme , that of the feminine aspect of God .

  17. 在石怀逊这部“摄影艺术集”里,显著地突现了这一特征。

    Shi huaixun puts this on an outstanding place in this " photography art collection " .

  18. 同一年由于它的“中国之行”摄影作品集而获得美国国家图书奖。

    That same year , she received the National Book Award for her book In China .

  19. 这本于近日发行的、名为《回力之书》的摄影作品集展示了中国各地区穿着回力运动鞋的人们。

    This photography book , Book of Warriors , which features people wearing Warriors in various areas of China , was released recently .

  20. 基于摄影测量点集的参数化三维重建

    Research on Parameterized Three Dimensional Reconstruction Based-on Photogrammetry

  21. 今天,他出手的这个《重现》系列,已经完全脱离传统纪实摄影的框架,集摄影与行为艺术于一体了。

    Today , his new series , Reenactment , represents a complete break-away from the restraints of traditional documentary photography , embracing photography and performance art in one body of work .

  22. 他举办过摄影展,出版过关于意大利和日本的摄影集。

    He has taken exhibitions and published books of pictures about Italy and Japan .