
shè yǐnɡ yì shù
  • photographic art
  1. 摄影艺术典型化的基本方法是选择。

    The principal method that photographic art utilizes in pursuing typicality is screening .

  2. 论审美与摄影艺术的创作关系

    A Study of the Relationship between Aesthetic Judgment and the Creation of Photographic Art

  3. 在三影堂摄影艺术中心进行的这一长期艺术举措,由DSL艺术收藏与红盒子工作室联合推出。

    Public Library for the Arts is an ongoing arts initiative at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre Library , presented by the DSL Collection and RedBox Studio .

  4. 论摄影艺术形象的塑造与表现

    The portrayal and the manifestation of an artistic figure in photography

  5. 光影描绘是摄影艺术的主要表现方法。

    Ligt shade description is a main expression method of photograph art .

  6. 在摄影艺术中明暗的反差是很重要的

    The contrast of light and shade be important in photography

  7. 前景化是摄影艺术应当遵循的一条重要的原则。

    Foregrounding is an import an t principle in photography .

  8. 摄影艺术符号是一种具有多结构层的艺术符号。

    Photographic symbol is a kind of mult structured symbol .

  9. 摩真之美:关于摄影艺术的审美分析

    The Beauty of Imitation : Aesthetic Analysis on Photographical Arts

  10. 审美文化在现代摄影艺术教育中的作用

    The Role of Esthetics in Modern Photo Education

  11. 摄影艺术表现方法&光影描绘

    A expression method of photograph are-light shade description

  12. 中国摄影艺术作品选

    Selected Works of the Chinese Photographic Art

  13. 他是摄影艺术的先驱。

    He was a pioneer of photography .

  14. 仅就我个人基于这一展季的预测来说,摄影艺术将再次成为璀璨明星。

    My own prediction , based on the season so far ? Photography stars again .

  15. 谈摄影艺术的瞬间

    On the instantaneous art of photography

  16. 摄影艺术美学断想

    Thoughts on the Aesthetics of Photography

  17. 摄影艺术教育研究

    Research on the Photographical Art Education

  18. 摄影艺术是“心”与“物”的结合,“情”与“景”的结合。

    Photographic art is the combination of soul and the world , of emotion and sight .

  19. 典型化是一切艺术美的核心,也是摄影艺术美的核心。

    Just as all the other of arts , photographic art owes its life to typicality .

  20. 摄影艺术的简洁美

    The Beauty of Simplicity in Photography

  21. 广告摄影艺术重塑产品形象,表达人文情怀。

    The art of advertising photography reshape the product image and express feeling of human culture .

  22. 在石怀逊这部“摄影艺术集”里,显著地突现了这一特征。

    Shi huaixun puts this on an outstanding place in this " photography art collection " .

  23. 随着人类社会向高科技时代的迈进,摄影艺术产生了新的发展和变化。

    Photography is making new changes and developments along with the progress of science and technology .

  24. 我也喜欢摄影艺术。

    I like photography art .

  25. 摄影艺术的审美价值

    Aesthetic Value of Photographic Art

  26. 摄影艺术的教学思考

    On the Teaching of Photography

  27. 建筑摄影艺术探讨

    View on architecture photography art

  28. 这段录象是丽塔在浙江丽水为国际摄影艺术节开幕式专门作词、作曲、配器、演唱的歌。

    This video depicts the opening ceremony of Lishui International Photo Festival in Zhejiang Province , China .

  29. 黑白亦为彩&浅论黑白摄影艺术中的黑、白、灰

    Black and white are also wonderful & On Black , white and gray in black-and white photography

  30. 她凭借这组作品摘得中国第十五届国际摄影艺术展览女性主题类铜奖。

    Her work won the bronze prize in the China 15th International Photographic Art Exhibition female category .