
  • 网络Prompt Line;presenting bank
  1. 如果是见单即付的单据,提示行必须立即办理提示付款,不得延误;

    In the case of documents payable at sight the presenting Bank must make presentation for payment without delay .

  2. 提示行应毫无延误地将拒绝付款及/或拒绝承兑的通知发送给向其发出托收指示的银行。

    The presenting Bank must send without delay advice of non-payment and / or advice of non-acceptance to the Bank from which it received the collection instruction .

  3. 在Python提示行中,在三个大于号(>>>)标志后输入print'HelloWorld!

    At the Python prompt , denoted by three greater-than symbols ( > > > ), enter print'Hello World !

  4. 在空提示行上按Tab,就会看到PATH中的所有应用程序。

    You can also click Tab at an empty prompt to see all applications in your PATH .

  5. 点击StartSTAF,然后最小化打开的命令提示行。

    Click Start STAF , and then minimize the command prompt that opens .

  6. 为了检查WindowsScriptHost的版本,您可以在命令提示行中输入以下内容:cscript

    To check the Windows Script Host version , type this at a command prompt : cscript

  7. 从命令提示行(buildJavaDoc.bat)中运行JavaDoc,为API文档创建HTML文件。

    Run JavaDoc from Command Prompt ( buildJavaDoc . bat ) to create HTML file for API Documentation .

  8. 要重新构建程序集模块,请将目录更改为geronimo/modules/assembly,并在命令提示行键入maven。

    To rebuild the assembly module , change your directory to geronimo / modules / assembly and type maven at a command prompt .

  9. 当您看到一个命令提示行时,为概要文件名和文件名输入TestProfile。

    When prompted , enter TestProfile for both the profile name and file name .

  10. 在命令提示行窗口中,输入项目的名字,并指定项目的位置。

    In the prompted window , input the project name , and specify the project location .

  11. 旅行保险公司可以给你一个检查清单所有重要的安全提示行。

    Travel insurance companies can give you a check list of all the important tips for a safe trip .

  12. 分析了维吾尔文字母的特点,实现了维文手机两键式提示行输入法。

    It realizes the two-key input method of Uighur characters on mobile phone through the analyzing of Uighur letters characteristic .

  13. 本文结果提示行O型管组腹膜透析可显著降低腹膜炎的发生率。

    This result suggests that introducing of the O set system may greatly reduce the incidence of peritonitis of CAPD patients .

  14. 但是,除非另有指示,提示行仅在全部分款项收妥后才向付款人交付单据。提示行不对任何交付单据的迟延所导致的后果负责。

    However , unless otherwise instructed , the presenting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of the documents .

  15. 提示行对在本票、收据或其他凭证上的任何签字的真实性或签字人的权限不负责任。

    The presenting bank is not responsible for the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signature to sign a promissory note , receipt , or other instruments .

  16. 其中当归使用频数最高,提示行气活血是古代医家比较重视的治疗方法之一,也体现了古人攻补兼施,扶正驱邪的治疗思想。

    Angelica use of which the highest frequency , suggesting that blood flow of qi is the relative importance of ancient physicians one treatment , but also reflects the ancient attack supplementation , treatment of righting evil spirits thought .

  17. 当利息已被拒付时,提示行必须以电讯,当不可能时可用其他便捷的方式,通知向其发出托收指示的银行,不得延误。

    When payment of interest has been refused , the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or , if that is not possible , by other expeditious means without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received .

  18. 然而,除非另有指示,提示行只能在全部货款已收妥后才能将单据交与付款人,并对由此所引起的延迟交单所产生的后果不承担责任。

    However , unless otherwise instructed , the presenting bank will release the documents to the drawee only after full payment has been received , and the presenting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents .

  19. 提示行有责任注意汇票承兑形式看来是完整和正确的,但是,对任何签字的真实性或签署承兑的任何签字人的权限不负责任。

    The presenting bank is responsible for seeing that the form of the acceptance of a bill of exchange appears to be complete and correct , but is not responsible for the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signatory to sign the acceptance .

  20. 都必须不断地给予提示才行。

    But had to be prompted all along .

  21. 提示代收行或持票人将汇票出示并提交给受票人,要求承兑或付款的行为叫做提示。

    Presentation , presentment : The collecting bank or the holder of a draft shows and hands over it to the drawee for acceptance or payment .

  22. 结论:ARMYDA-ACS试验提示,对于行介入治疗的急性冠脉综合征患者来说,即使是阿托伐他汀短期预处理也能改善预后。

    Conclusions : The ARMYDA-ACS trial indicates that even short-term pretreatment with atorvastatin may improve outcomes in patients with ACS undergoing early invasive strategy .

  23. 然后按照提示语就行了。

    And follow the instruction that follows .

  24. 提示:对行长期维持性血液透析病人应加强饮食干预,可改善病人营养状况。

    Suggested that to strengthen the diet intervention in long-term maintenance hemodialysis patients may improve their nutritional states .

  25. SpringRoo框架提供了一个带有tab命令补全、能感知上下文操作及命令提示特性的命令行shell。

    Spring Roo framework provides a command line shell with tab completion , context aware operations and command hinting features .

  26. 在U-boot提示上输入以下行,通过设置环境变量从卡引导

    Type the following lines at the U-boot prompt to set the environment variables for booting from the card

  27. 报名不是那么难的,你只需打开官方报名网站并按照提示去做就行。

    It 's not that difficult ; you just open the official registration website and follow the instructions .

  28. 两项研究提示当我们考虑行经皮冠状动脉介入术时,具体情况比支架选择更重要。

    Data from two studies suggest that when considering PCI , the setting matters more than the stent .