
  • 网络The remitting bank;Collecting bank
  1. 收到上述通知后,托收行必须就单据的进一步处理作出适当的指示。

    On receipt of such advice the remitting bank must give appropriate instruction as to the further handling of the documents .

  2. 而托收行不管该托收结果如何,应有权向委托人立即收回它所付出的任何金额,连同它自己的支付款,费用和手续费。

    The remitting bank shall be entitled to recover promptly from the principal any amount so paid out by it , together with its own disbursements , expenses and charges , regardless of the fate of the collection .

  3. 出口者通过托收行利用跟单汇票取得货款。

    Exporters use a collecting bank to obtaining payment by documentary bills .

  4. 托收行是汇票的的出票人委托其进行托收的银行。

    Remitting bank is the bank to which the drawer entrusts the collection items .

  5. 如果有任何丢失,必须得到解释,并且通知托收行。

    If any are missing , an explanation should be obtained and the collecting bank must be advised accordingly .

  6. 此信意在通知您我方已付清全部款项,并已自东京银行处获取整套装船单据,东京银行也会将此进展通知贵方托收行。

    This is to advise you that we have made full payment and acquired a complete set of shipping documents upon presentation by Tokyo Bank , who will also advise your collection bank to that effect .

  7. 货物发运后,我方将立刻向贵方开立即期汇票随装船单据通过我方汇款行转到你方托收行。

    When the goods are dispatched , we 'll issue a sight draft against you , which will be sent together with the shipping documents through our remitting bank to the collecting bank at your end .

  8. 国际托收中代收行法律地位的再思考中国银行亦将此事转告你方托收银行。

    Rethinking on the Legal Position of Collecting Bank in Collection ; The Bank of China will also advise the collection bank at your place to that effect .

  9. 单据和托收指示可以由托收行直接或者通过另一银行作为中间银行寄送给代收行。

    The documents and collection instruction may be sent directly by the remitting Bank to the collecting Bank or through another Bank as intermediary .

  10. 在托收所涉及的当事人的法律关系中,委托人与托收行、托收行与代收行之间都是代理关系,这点并无争论。

    However , there are disputes concerning the legal relation between the principal and the collecting bank .