
tí shì fǎ
  • method of prompting
  1. 谈图像提示法在犯罪心理测试技术中的运用

    On the Application of Image-hint Methods in the Technology of Criminal Psychological Tests

  2. 根据艺术体操的特征,教学中教师应利用丰富的语言节奏提示法、讲解与示范教学法指导学生进行有效的训练。

    The essay sets forth that the teacher should use rich language rhythm of detailed explanation and vivid demonstration to train the students .

  3. 提示ELISA法检测外周血清中ALR水平具有良好的敏感性和特异性。

    Clew that ELISA is good sensitivity and specify that identify ALR level in serum .

  4. 提示PAP法可以应用于肠阿米巴病的病理诊断及回顾性研究。

    This PAP method could be of help in diagnosis and retrospective study of amoebiasis .

  5. 结论:透穴刺法痊愈率、总有效率均高于对照组,且疗程短,提示本法疗效优于常规刺法。

    Conclusion : The therapeutic effect of penetration needling method is better than that of traditional acupuncture method .

  6. 提示该法有可能对类风湿性关节炎中医证候作出较为客观的判断。

    So we consider this method could give us an objective judgement on TCM syndromes of rheumatoid arthritis .

  7. 提示本法可能成为华枝睾吸虫病辅助诊断和流行病学调查的一种新方法。

    Therefore the indirect fluorescent antibody test might become a new method in the supplementary diagnosis and epidemic investigation of human clonorchiasis .

  8. 提示本法具有控制气道慢性炎症、降低气道高反应性的作用,这可能是其治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘并取得良好疗效的机制之一。

    The present study indicated that this therapy has the dominant of control chronic airway inflammation , reduce bronchial hyperresponsiveness . This may be one of the mechanisms to achieve good effect with CVA .

  9. 根据表面标记物的检测结果提示该法获得的细胞纯度高、周期性慢、多分化潜能,符合干细胞特性。

    The detection of surface markers indicates that cells gained by this method have high purity , slow cycle , and multiple differentiated potential , which is accorded with the feature of stem cells .

  10. 提示本法治疗可能通过局部刺激调节植物神经功能,从而反射性调整大脑皮层的兴奋与抑制状态而起作用。

    It suggested that this therapy might adjust the function of vegetative nerve by stimulating local part of the body , so that it reflexly coordinated the state of excitement and inhibition of cerebral cortex .

  11. 结果提示,比率法平片组与CT组均明显优于绝对值法。

    Results indicated that the ratio method in either radiography group or CT film group was significantly superior to the absolute value method in demonstrating cervical spinal stenosis .

  12. 提示用AQ法检测右心功能的准确性欠佳。

    This suggests that AQ technique is not proper in evaluating right ventricular function .

  13. 此结果提示SOS/Umu测试法在对水中混合有机污染物遗传毒性的检测中尚不能代替Ames试验;而酿酒酵母检测系统可作为Ames试验的重要补充。

    It suggestes that SOS / Umu chromotest can not replace Ames test in detecting genetic toxicity of mixed organic Pollutants in wastewater , and yeast S. cerevisiae as a tool in genetic toxicity test is a important supplement for Ames test .

  14. 提示通瘀法治疗肝病有较好疗效。

    Results showed Dispersing blood stasis therapy had better clinical effects .

  15. 提示:点种法软骨移植能获得透明软骨修复,尤其适用于大面积软骨缺损。

    Point Implantation can obtain satisfactory hyaline cartilage repair when used in some large area defects .

  16. 提示局部针刺法与动气针法对急慢性肱骨外上髁炎均有一定的治疗作用。

    The effect of Dong-Gi or local acupuncture on acute or chronic lateral epicondylitis was compared .

  17. 又一次,如果没有一个包含截止时期的详细的任务清单,先前的提示是没法起作用。

    Once again , the previous tip doesn 't work without a detail task list with deadlines .

  18. 提示益气活血法能改善扩张型心肌病的临床症状、体征和心功能,中西医结合疗法较单纯西医疗法更具有优势。

    Conclusion QB-BA therapy can improve the clinical symptoms , signs and heart function of patients with DCM .

  19. 分析了维吾尔文字母的特点,实现了维文手机两键式提示行输入法。

    It realizes the two-key input method of Uighur characters on mobile phone through the analyzing of Uighur letters characteristic .

  20. 实验结果还提示不灌洗法有如下优点:①不存在灌洗损伤;

    Furthermore , the experiment also showed that the method of non-perfusion has following advantages : ① There is not perfusion injuries ;

  21. 提示微核检测法和单细胞凝胶电泳技术相结合作为早期监测指标更好。

    So , the assay of single cell gel electrophoresis combined with the method of determination of the micronucleus is a better predicting monitoring indicator .

  22. 临床实验过程中,未见药物所致的毒副作用和不良反应,提示疏肝理气法治疗功能性消化不良安全有效。

    Clinical trial process , no drugs due to side effects and adverse reactions , suggesting that liver Qi method is safe and effective treatment of functional dyspepsia .

  23. 本课题结果提示非线性分析法能够作为中医证候研究的方法学,用于中医证候分析。

    The results of this study showed nonlinear analytic methods could be used to research TCM syndromes , and also could be a new methodology of TCM syndrome research .

  24. 非语言的手势示意、表情示意、图示示意和短语、术语的语言提示是示意法的基本方法,而运动心理学和运动生理学则是示意法的理论基础。

    Non-language signal of hand , expression , chart , short words and terms is the fundamental method of the signal method , the sport psychology and sport physiology are the theory fundamental of the signal method .

  25. 灭菌试验提示,高温灭菌法是一种可靠、简便、可行的HAT纳米载体灭菌方法。

    The sterilization test indicates that high temperature sterilization for HAT nanoparticles was a reliable , simple and feasible method .

  26. 上述结果提示:比较PAP法,HRP&SPA法可以广泛地应用于免疫组织化学技术。

    The results show that the HRP-SPA method can be widely used in immuno-histochemistry as compared with the PAP method .

  27. 提示西药结合补肾法是辨病与辨证相结合治疗SLE的有效途径,对临床有一定借鉴意义。

    It is indicated that the western medicine combined with TCM therapy for invigorating kidney is an effective way for the treatment of SLE .

  28. 领操与提示相结合教学法;

    Combination of leading and prompt ;

  29. 本文结果提示,三色染色法能区别显示培养的周围神经组织中的轴索及雪旺细胞。

    The special staining could differentiate neurites and Schwann 's cells in cultured peripheral nerve tissue .

  30. 提示:滋阴祛风法具有较好的止咳功效,可明显的降低上气道阻力。

    These results suggest that the method of nourishing Yin and dispelling wind can remarkable relieve a cough . It apparently reduced bronchial hyperresponsiveness .