
tí dān chí yǒu rén
  • holder of bill of lading;BL holder
  1. 为明确收货人与提单持有人的关系,本文主张应规定提单持有人的法律概念,以减少理论的争论和统一实践中的作法;

    This paper proposes to define the conception of the holder of bill of lading , so as to specify the relationship between consignee and the holder of bill of lading , reduce the academic controversies and unify the practice .

  2. 这将导致船、货双方权利与义务不均衡,对于信赖提单文意的提单持有人来说,显然是不合理的,最终将严重影响提单的信用。

    For the holder of bill of lading who belief in its surface terms , it is apparently unfair and will severely effect the credit of the bills of lading .

  3. 最后,本文提出了关于提单持有人和收货人的立法建议,这也正是这篇论文的目的所在。

    At last , this article gives some legislative proposes on the consignee and the holder of Bill of Lading .

  4. 该文通过对无单放货法律性质的分析,为提单持有人的法律救济提供参考,并提出解决问题的几点设想。

    This paper analyzes the legal character of the cases and produces ways of remedies for the holder of the bill of lading , and the solution to the problems .

  5. 单证中关于货物应交付指定收货人或按指示交付,或交付提单持有人的规定,即构成了这一保证。

    A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person , or to order , or to bearer , constitutes such an undertaking .

  6. 然后是无单放货既是侵犯提单持有人的所有权,又是违反了合同的约定,构成侵权和违约竞合说。

    Delivery of cargo without production of bill of lading is both in infringement of title , and in breach of the contract , this is the theory of both of breach and in tort .

  7. 作为原告,合法的提单持有人不仅要求提单获取的途径合法善意,提单的背书完整有效,同时提单持有人接受提单的意图也是必要的;

    To be a lawful holder of a bill of lading , it is expedient that the bill of lading is got through complete valid endorsement with the intent to accept it in good faith .

  8. 无单放货纠纷应定性为违约。这一认定在平衡提单持有人和承运人之间合法权益上具有重要的实践意义。

    Secondly , releasing the goods without bill of lading should be regarded as breaching of contracts , which has great practical meaning in balancing legal benefits between the bill of lading holder and the carrier .

  9. 本人以为,合法的提单持有人享有的提单权利符合物权的法律特征,具有物权性。

    The argumentation of this paper is that the title of the bill of lading held by the legal holder has the nature of the property title in accordance with the legal characteristics of the property title .

  10. 本文有针对性的提出从提单持有人视角出发,在提单合同法律关系中去研究承运人识别问题。

    This article puts forward a creative point of view that , from the point of holder of the bill of lading , do research on how to identify the carrier by the means of combining the theory and the practice together .

  11. 本文从国际海上货物运输合同第三人的角度,主要讨论非合同当事人的收货人和提单持有人依据提单享有的国际海上货物运输合同中的权利、义务及相关法律问题。

    The parties of the Bill of Lading embody exception of privity of contract and this article talks on the rights and duties of the consignee and the holder of the Bill of Lading which arise from the contract of carriage of goods .

  12. 关于有效的租约仲裁条款是否约束提单持有人问题,对否定说和肯定说做了介绍,并针对两种观点都列举了相关案例。

    Regarding the lease on the effective whether or not bound by the arbitration clause question the bill of lading holder , said of the negative and made sure that the introduction and for the two views are related to the case cited .

  13. 当货物发生灭失损害,如何从中确定承运人,进而向其主张承运人赔偿责任,一直是航运实践中困扰广大提单持有人的难题。

    Once the goods suffers loss or damage , how to identify the carrier , then advocates his liability for compensation as the carrier , this is the problem in the marine practice that has troubled the holder of the bill of lading for a very long time .

  14. 而凡任何人真诚地成为提单的持有人,均须为本条例的目的视为已成为该提单的合法持有人。

    And a person shall be regarded for the purposes of this Ordinance as having become the lawful holder of a bill of lading wherever he has become the holder of the bill in good faith .

  15. 仲裁条款并入提单约束提单持有人的理论基础、形式要求、准据法等等都是要解决的相关问题。

    And the theory basis , the form requirements and the applicable law of this incorporation of arbitration clause are all the problems to be solved .

  16. 而是成为国际贸易运输中约束提单所有人或持有人相对于承运人的一种权利义务关系。

    But has become the transportation of international trade constraint bill of lading the owner or holder of a right of the carrier obligations .

  17. 接下来叙述提单是承运人和提单持有人或收货人之间的合同,无单放货则是承运人违反合同的约定,构成违约说;

    Bill of lading is the contract binding the carrier and lawful holder of bill of lading or the consignee , delivery of the goods without production of bill of lading is in breach of the contract of two parities , this is the theory of breach of contract ;

  18. 提单法律关系调整的是承运人和提单持有人之间的关系。

    The lawful relationship of bill of lading regulates the relation between the carrier and the holder of bill of lading .

  19. 在分析提单物权性的基础上,试图得出提单代表的物权是指提单持有人对提单项下货物的占有权的结论。

    Based upon the analysis , the author tries to draw the conclusion that the possession right , represented by the bill of lading , means the owner of the bill has the possession of its listed goods .

  20. 根据提单的法律性质和国际惯例,承运人或其代理人必须凭正本提单放货,以保证提单持有人的合法权益。

    According to the international custom of bills of lading , it is an obligation of carriers to deliver goods against presentation of original bills of lading in order to protect the interest of the lawful holder of bills of lading .

  21. 最后对债权效力在运输环节中的作用范围,指出提单债权关系与原始运输合同关系是相互独立、各自存在的关系,提单关系只作用于承运人与提单持有人。

    At last , as to the scope of this effect in sea transportation , the author points out that the relationship presented in Bill of Lading is independent from that in original carriage contract and it only affects the carrier and the holder .

  22. 提单是海上运输发展到一定阶段的产物,最初的提单只是承运人签发给托运人的、证明其收到货物的收据,据此,提单持有人可以要求承运人交付货物;

    Bill of Lading is the product of the development of carriage of goods by sea to some historic stage . Original Bill of Lading was only a receipt signed to the shipper by the carrier , which proved that the carrier had received the goods .