
tí dēnɡ lonɡ
  • carry the lantern around;carry lantern
  1. 达拉斯的小朋友提灯笼过佳节。

    With lanterns in hand , the Dallas children celebrate the festival .

  2. 提灯笼的是个高个子。

    A tall man carried it .

  3. 元宵节时,不少人会提灯笼,去参加猜灯谜大会。

    On the Lantern Festival , many people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle-guessing contests .

  4. 他就提着灯笼扛着梯子,走过来将街灯点亮。

    With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street .

  5. 他所能做的就是,提著灯笼,做鬼在人间游走。

    All he could do was walk the earth a ghost , a lantern .

  6. 那是他们提着灯笼在走。

    It is the lantern in their hand .

  7. 我吃过晚饭就动身了,那个领事馆的门房走在前面,手里提着灯笼。

    I set out after dinner , with the consular porter going ahead lantern in hand .

  8. 天很黑,没有月亮,他提的灯笼便是仅有的亮光。

    It was a dark night with no moon , and the only light came from his lantern .

  9. 机动车辆(或汽车)不可驶在该市街道上,除非有男子提著灯笼走在车子的前面。

    Motor vehicles may not drive on city streets unless a man with a lantern is walking ahead of it .

  10. 有一天他爬出了木桶,提着灯笼,开始去寻找一个诚实的人。

    One day he climbed out of the barrel , with a lantern and began to search for an honest man .

  11. 这不免弄出了很多响声,獾提着灯笼走在前面,这时转过头。

    All this made a lot of noise , and the Badger , who was in front with the lantern , turned round .

  12. 新年的第15天称为灯笼节日(元宵节),那天晚上的庆祝是灯笼的展览,孩子们提着灯笼炫耀。

    The15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival , which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade .

  13. 但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。

    But down there he played tricks on the Devil ( Satan ), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern .

  14. 大人们通常会就着热茶享受各种口味的月饼,孩子们则提着灯笼跑来跑去。

    Adults will usually indulge in fragrant moon cakes of different varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea , while the little ones run around with brightly-lit lanterns .

  15. 人们为了在万圣节前夜吓走这些游魂,便用芜菁、甜菜或马铃薯雕刻成可怕的面孔来代表提着灯笼的杰克,这就是南瓜灯(Jack-o'-lantern)的由来。

    To scare these souls away on Halloween , the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips , beets or potatoes representing " Jack of the Lantern , " or Jack-o-lantern .

  16. 孩子们提着小灯笼,于是这个节日就像是一场灯笼竞赛和展览。

    Each child carries a small lantern in his or her hands and the holidays become a combination of an exhibition and a competition .

  17. 为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞计食物。

    And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla .

  18. 小伙子提着一只灯笼,因为他走的那条小巷很黑。

    The lad carried a lantern because the lane he took was dark .

  19. 元宵节的时候,孩子们都提着彩色的灯笼。

    Children carry colorful lanterns on the Lantern Festival .

  20. 和同伴们一起的时候,孩子们都要放鞭炮,玩游戏,并且手里都提着五颜六色的灯笼。

    Children set of firecrackers , play games and carry colorful lanterns in hand as they visit friends .

  21. 元宵节的晚上,人们会提着各式各样的灯笼上街。

    Tracy : On the night of the festival , people go on streets with a variety of lanterns .

  22. 在那一天,每个人提着五彩缤纷的灯笼齐集到大街上举行盛大的灯会。

    On this day , everybody would carry colorful lanterns and then gather in a public place for a big " lantern fair " .