
  • 网络Titus;Tito
  1. 林后十二18我劝了提多,又差了那位弟兄同去。

    Cor.12:18 I entreated Titus and sent with him the brother .

  2. 提多占过你们的便宜吗。

    Did Titus make a gain of you ?

  3. 对盾叶薯蓣水提多糖WEP的提取工艺过程进行了优化。

    The extraction process of WEP from D. zingiberensis were optimized .

  4. 丹尼斯?提多是世界上第一位到太空旅游的观光客。

    Dennis Tito is the world 's first ever space tourist .

  5. 灵芝菌丝体碱提多糖对小鼠细胞免疫的作用

    The Effect of Ganoderma Mycelium Alkaline Extraction on Cellular Immunity in Mice

  6. 而那些真正富有的人别提多开心了。

    And the truly rich couldn 't be happier .

  7. 林后八23论到提多,他是我的同夥和为著你们的同工;

    Cor.8:23 Whether concerning Titus , he is my partner and fellow worker for you ;

  8. 虽然丹尼斯?提多饱受太空晕机之苦,不过回来时倒是精神奕奕。

    Though Dennis Tito suffered from space sickness , he arrived back in good shape .

  9. 但那安慰丧气之人的神,借着提多来安慰了我们。

    But God , who comforts the downcast , comforted us by the coming of Titus .

  10. 对她的剪纸作品,大家别提多喜欢了!

    People just love her paper-cuts !

  11. 研究灵武长枣在纤维素酶的辅助下水提多糖工艺的最佳工艺参数及其抗氧化作用。

    Processing conditions of polysaccharide in Lingwu chang date were optimized with mono-factor analysis and orthogonal test .

  12. 有时我抱着他,看着他甜蜜的笑容,别提多美了!

    Sometimes I hold him , looked at him a sweet smile , more than indescribably beautiful !

  13. 提多从太空返回地球

    Tito Returns from Space

  14. 通过实验对所提的多移动机器人协作方法进行了验证。实验结果证明了所提多移动机器人协作方法的有效性和高效性。

    The experimental results validated the system efficiency of multiple mobile robots cooperation methods presented in the paper .

  15. 你只是一个又肥、又大的,讨厌鬼,讨厌鬼,穿着巨型短裤,别提多大的鼻子

    You 're just a big , fat , minging minger with huge knickers and a ginormous schnozzle !

  16. 保罗提醒提多要教导这些不同年纪的人如何为主而活,并如何彼此相处。

    Paul tells Titus to teach each of these groups how to live for Christ and with each other !

  17. 当美国芝加哥人艾丽•拉维在国外生下漂亮的双胞胎女儿时,她心里别提多高兴了。

    Chicago native Ellie Lavi could not have been happier when she gave birth to beautiful twin girls overseas .

  18. 多谢神,感动提多的心,叫他待你们殷勤,像我一样。

    But thanks be to God , which put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you .

  19. 公元前80年由提多书大帝宣布落成的罗马竞技场,可谓是超级穹顶的最早原型。

    Inaugurated in a.d.80 by the emperor titus , the Roman Colosseum is the earliest prototype of the modern superdome .

  20. 提多的名字虽然没有在这里出现,但保罗却多次用「你」这个代名词来提及他。

    The name of Titus may not appear here but several personal pronouns refer to him in these closing verses .

  21. 过了十四年、我同巴拿巴又上耶咯撒冷去、并带著提多同去。

    Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem , this time with Barnabas . I took Titus along also .

  22. 辛普森说,“当这些孩子了解到因为自己的努力而将这些狗重新塑造成人见人爱的宠物时他们别提多自豪了。”

    Says Simpson ," They take a lot of pride in knowing they 've molded these dogs into good pets . "

  23. 很可能,他后来曾带同提多到过该处,还将他留下,要他完成工作。

    He must have gone there later with Titus whom he left behind to complete the work begun during his visit .

  24. 我们没有任何证据说明,马吉安知道这三封信,提摩太前后书和提多书。

    We don 't have any evidence that Marcion actually knew about these three letters , I and II Timothy and Titus .

  25. 我们把那柳条编成帽子,戴在头上,玩起了游击,别提多快乐。

    We weave that wicker into a cap , Wear it on the head , has played a warfare , Indescribably happy .

  26. 经过一个星期的努力,当我顺利跳过第一个的时候,心里别提多高兴了!

    After a week of effort , when I successfully skipped the first time , and my heart more than indescribably happy !

  27. 他还在提多书中说,他反对,教授割礼和犹太神话的人,他如是说。

    And he also in Titus says that he 's against people who are teaching circumcision and Jewish myths , he calls them .

  28. 加二3但与我同去的提多,虽是希利尼人,也没有被勉强受割礼;

    Gal.2:3 But not even Titus , who was with me , though he is a Greek , was compelled to be circumcised ;

  29. 现在写信给提多、就是照著我们共信之道作我真儿子的.愿恩惠平安、从父神和我们的救主基督耶稣归与你。

    To Titus , my true son in our common faith : Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior .

  30. 保罗不单与巴拿巴同去,而且还带同一位年轻的希腊信徒提多同行(3节),当时的提多还没有受割礼。

    Paul had brought with him not only Barnabas , but Titus also ( v.3 ), a Christian Greek , who had never been circumcised .