
  • 网络Detector Plan;Einstein Probes
  1. 算上这项耗资15亿美元的探测器计划,美航局目前有7项火星任务。

    With the unveiling of the $ 1.5-billion rover plan , NASA now has seven current or planned missions to Mars .

  2. 这一周来,科学家们举行会晤,讨论一个在太空空间中建造一个更加敏感的探测器的计划。

    This week scientists met to discuss plans for a more sensitive detector that could be built in space .

  3. 中国媒体报道中引用了航天专家的话,说中国科学家已做好探测器,计划用于我国2020年第一次火星任务中。

    Chinese scientists have completed the construction of a rover , which is planned to be used in the country 's first mission to Mars in 2020 , Chinese media reported , citing space experts .

  4. 科学家本周宣称,爱因斯坦广义相对论的两个预言被美国国家航空航天局的“引力探测器B”计划证实。

    Two key predictions of Albert Einstein 's general theory of relativity have been confirmed by NASA 's Gravity Probe B mission , scientists announced this week .

  5. 2021年的其他任务还包括:今年,火星探测器天问一号计划实施中国首次火星“绕、落、巡”探测。

    China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting , landing and roving this year .

  6. 这个漫游车重达一吨,令之前所有的火星探测器相形见绌。按照计划它将在火星表面进行为期两年的探测行动。

    The one-ton rover , which dwarfs all Mars landers that came before it , will now spend a planned two years exploring the Martian surface .

  7. 嫦娥四号探测器将会是全世界首个在月球暗面着陆并进行研究的探测器,计划将于明年升空。

    The Chang'e-4 probe is set to be the world 's first to land on the dark side of the moon to carry out research , and its flight mission is scheduled for next year .