
  • 网络citizenship
  1. 社会课程是一门通过让儿童认识社会,培养其公民素质的课程。

    Social studies is a curriculum to let children know the society and to cultivate citizenship .

  2. 诚信作为公民素质的一项基本要求,已经成为社会文明、经济繁荣和国家强盛的重要标志。

    Integrity as a basic citizenship requirements have become civilized society , economic prosperity , and an important indicator of national prosperity .

  3. 北京精神文明建设委员会(CommitteefortheConstructionofSpiritualCivilisation)表示:公民素质和城市文明程度已经有了跳跃式的提升。

    Citizens ' quality and the city 's level of civilisation have been raised in leaps and bounds , says Beijing 's Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilisation .

  4. 道德素质是公民素质的核心与灵魂。

    Moral quality is the central part of the civil quality .

  5. 既能提高公民素质,又能促进社会进步发展。

    It should enhance citizens ' quality and the social development .

  6. 科学素质是公民素质的重要组成部分。

    Science Literacy is an important component of citizen accomplishment .

  7. 礼仪教育是公民素质教育的重要内容。

    Ceremony education is an important part of citizen education .

  8. 提高公民素质是数学最广泛的应用

    The Application of Mathematics on Improving the Quality of Citizens

  9. 高校图书馆在公民素质教育中的引导作用

    Guiding Function Of College Library In Citizen Diathesis Education

  10. 思想素质和政治素质虽是公民素质的重要组成部分,但不是全部;

    Thought quality and politics are one part of citizen quality , not the whole .

  11. 因此英语教育已成为我国公民素质教育的一个重要组成部分。

    So English education is also an important component part for the citizens'education of our country .

  12. 公民素质、公共规范和公德意识是社会公德培育的三个关键点。

    Civil quality , public standard and the consciousness of public morality form the three critical aspects .

  13. 其独特的教育价值在于养成人文精神、提升社会认识和保证公民素质。

    The special value of history lies in cultivating humanism spirit , enhancing social ideology and ensuring civil quality .

  14. 同时为大学生公民素质教育提供理论思考和具体建议。

    At the same time provide theory consideration and concrete suggestions to the civic diathesis of college students education .

  15. 提出应致力结合家庭、学校和社会的力量,共同营造利于大学生公民素质发展的健康环境。

    A healthy environment beneficial to students'quality development should be created by the joint force of family , university and society .

  16. 诚信教育对于当代大学生而言,既是一种人格品德的教育,又是一种重要的信用资源教育,还是一种公民素质教育。

    Integrity education , for the contemporary college students , therefore , is an education both on personality , morality and quality .

  17. 加强大学生公德教育,应从加强大学生公民素质教育、社会责任素质教育和民族精神教育入手。

    Strengthening social morality education of university students should start with strengthening quality education , social quality education and national spirit education .

  18. 以发展学生的公民素质、健全其人格为德育目标;

    2 , set up the goal of moral education & to develop the students ' qualities as citizens and strengthen their personalities .

  19. 河北省经济的振兴和社会的进步,亟待公民素质的提高和观念的更新。

    Economic Development and social progress of Hebei Province , needs urgently improvement of citizens ' quality and the renewal of the citizen concept .

  20. 基于教育的本质要求、公民素质的培养等诸方面的原因,本文认为,应该纠正纪律实践片面追求管理价值的取向,而以发挥育人价值为最终目的。

    As far as the requirement of education and the cultivation of people are concerned , discipline practice must bring education value into play .

  21. 提高大学生公民素质的路径有很多条,而高校公民素质教育是提高大学生公民素质最重要的路径之一。

    There are many ways to advance college students ' citizenship quality , and college citizenship quality education is one of the most important ones .

  22. 逻辑教育已成为一项至关重要的公民素质教育,但当前的逻辑教育效果并不如人意。

    Logic education is of vital importance for enhancing the citizen 's quality . However , the effect of current logical education is not evident .

  23. 总之,舆论监督环境的优化与社会政治、经济、文化环境的不断改善,公民素质的不断提高是良性互动的。

    In a word , there is well interaction between the healthiness media supervision and the optimized environment of social politics , economy and culture .

  24. 培育成熟的市民社会是必经之路,一个成熟的市民社会必然需要一批具备较高公民素质的公民。

    Cultivating mature civil society is the only way to a mature civil society that will inevitably need to have the high quality of citizens .

  25. 在此宏观背景之下,具备一定水平的生物科学素养就成为未来国际社会对公民素质的基本要求之一。

    Under this macroscopic background , Having the certain level of biological science quality has became one of the essential requirements in the international society .

  26. 这才是我们推广该项赛事的宗旨:作为营建公民素质的一部分。

    ` ` That ` s the basic purpose for us to promote the competition : it ` s part of citizenship building . ` `

  27. 影响农民工社会融入的主要障碍有制度障碍经济障碍、公民素质障碍和文化障碍。

    The key obstacles to the agricultural laborers ' society melting are composed of institutional barriers , economic barriers , citizen quality barriers and cultural barriers .

  28. 全面提高公民素质必须系统研究公民基本素质要求的指标体系及素质教育的切入点。

    It is necessary for overall raising the citizen quality to systemically study the target system and the cutting - in point wanted by the citizen quality .

  29. 作为一个社会政治组织、民众的公民素质非常严谨的国家,日本的反思,特别是后续行动,胜于任何空洞的说教。

    Japan is a nation of extremely cautious people , and that re-evaluation – and particularly the action that follows – is of more value than any empty preaching .

  30. 本文从哲学、社会学、教育心理学等方面对公民素质教育、基础教育以及基础教育目标模式进行了理论上的探讨。

    The paper takes a philosophical , sociological and educational psychological perspective for its research on the citizen 's quality education , basic education and objective pattern of basic education .