
  • 网络detectivity
  1. 研究了GalnASSb探测器单层增透膜的生长,测量结果表明生长增透膜后可以使探测率有20一40%左右的提高,器件的卜V曲线基本上没有变化。

    The antireflective film is studied . Test results show that detectivity is improved 20 % - 40 % after growing antireflective film on detectors .

  2. SPRITE探测器探测率的等效换算

    Equivalent Conversion of Detectivity of SPRITE Detectors

  3. 但目前有机紫外光探测器由于入射电极ITO在短波长的强烈吸收,使得深紫外光探测器的研究受到了限制,而且其光响应度和探测率等光电性能还有待进一步的提高。

    However , the detection of deep-UV light has been limited cause the strong absorption in the short wavelength of the incident electrode ITO of organic UV PDs .

  4. 根据IV实验结果和暗电流理论,拟合计算和分析了各种暗电流机制对器件性能的影响,且获得了器件的响应光谱和探测率。

    According to the I V experiments and the dark current mechanism , the effect of all kinds of dark current was calculated and analyzed . The spectral response and detectivity of the device were also measured .

  5. 该探测器配有四通道的前置放大器,整个组件具有3.15×10(10)cmHz(1/2)/W的平均探测率和优于±3%的响应均匀性。

    The detector is fitted with four-channel preamplifiers through which the detectivity reaches to 3.15 × 1010cmHz1 / 2 / W , The uniformity of responsivity better than 3 % .

  6. 入瞳的最小可探测率为10-12W/cm2,光谱分辨率为2%,测量速度为10条谱线/s。

    The least power detected at the entrance pupil is 10 - 12 W / cm 2 , spectral resolution is 2 % and the measuring speed is 10 spectral lines per second .

  7. 提出用波段探测率D(Δλ)~的概念来表征在105K下特定波段10.5~12.5μm工作的探测器性能。

    The concept of spectral band detectivity D ~ _ (△λ) is presented to characterize detectors operating at 105K for a given spectral band from 10.5 to 12.5 μ m.

  8. 所以,为了提高器件的响应率和探测率,必须对QWIP器件的表面做一些特殊结构或器件,譬如45度磨角,一维、二维周期光栅,无序光栅,C-QWIP等。

    Therefore , in order to enhance the responsivity and detectivity of the device , we have to fabricate some special structure or device such as edge coupler , grating , random reflector and Corrugated QWIP ( C-QWIP ) .

  9. 在相同条件下测量了器件辐照前后及不同退火温度、不同退火时间下的体电阻、响应率、探测率和响应光谱。

    The responsivity and detectivity of devices declined under the same conditions .

  10. 详细分析了一维热电薄膜型微传感器的优化设计模型,探讨了热阻、灵敏度和探测率与传感器几何尺寸之间的关系。

    A one-dimensional optimal model for thin - film thermoelectric microsensors is analyzed in detail .

  11. 闪电成像仪虚警率和探测率模拟计算

    Simulating Calculation of Lightning Detection Efficiency and False Alarm Rate for Lightning Imagery on Geo-satellite

  12. 电压响应率和探测率的非均匀性分别5.2%和8.3%。

    The non uniformity of the responsibility and detectivity were 5.2 % and 10.3 % , respectively .

  13. 采用这种补偿技术,使卡计零漂减小两个量级,能量探测率提高20倍。

    Using this technique , " zero drift " is reduced by two orders of magnitude and detectivity of energy increased by 20 times .

  14. 神经网络为交通事件自动检测技术摆脱传统方法探测率低、误报率高的状况提供了新的解决思路。

    Neural network provides a new method to solve the problem of low detection rate and high false alarm for Automatic Incident Detection ( ADD ) technology .

  15. 资源遥感对红外探测器有较高的要求,如高探测率、高可靠性、低功耗、多谱段、探测率均匀性好、探测器元间串音小、可在较高温度下工作等。

    The high demand is applied to the infrared detectors for resources remote sensing , such as high detectivity , high reliability , low power , multi-waveband , good uniformity of detectivity .

  16. 实验首次发现,微波烧结获得的细晶粒陶瓷的介电损耗远小于传统工艺制备的样品,这一特性对于制备低噪声、高探测率的热释电材料具有重要的应用价值。

    It was discovered for the first time that the microwave sintering samples have lower dielectric loss comparing with conventional sintering samples , the result is significant for preparing the higher Signal-to-Noise pyroelectric sensor .

  17. 实验表明,本文所提出的火灾火焰检测方法能有效地消除噪声,较准确地识别火灾火焰图像,探测率高且能有效排除其它因素的干扰,具有较好的实用价值。

    Experiments show that the proposed fire flame detection method can effectively eliminate noise , accurately identify the image of fire flames , possess high detection rate , rule out other confounding factors , and enjoy huge practical value .

  18. 通过测定被试完成实验主任务的反应时间和正确探测率,研究人在不同任务权重下对目标颜色、形状、位置的辨认情况,为人机界面设计目标编码提供科学依据。

    This work investigated how human identify target color , figure and location under different task weight by measuring response time and detection rate what participator react to main task to provide standards for target code in human machine interface design .

  19. 结果表明10.6μm室温光导探测器的最佳探测率可高于1×10~8cmHz~(1/2)/W,已接近一般的热敏型探测器性能。

    It has been shown that the optimized ambient temperature photoconductor cah achieve a detectivity higher than 1 × 10 ~ 8 cmHz ~ ( 1 / 2 ) / W at 10.6 μ m , approaching the performance of slow thermal detectors .

  20. 多晶硅横截面积和金横截面积的比值接近最佳比值时,探测率呈最大值3×108cm·Hz1/2·W-1。

    When the ratio of the size of cross section of silicon to that of the metal ( gold or aluminum ) one reaches the optimum value , the maximal detectivity of 3 × 10 8cm · Hz 1 / 2 · W - 1 is obtained .

  21. 还描述了红外探测器的波段响应率在遥感技术中的应用,并讨论了用波段探测率(和波段响应率)替代峰值探测率(和峰值响应率)的可能性和优越性。

    The wave band responsivity of the detectors in remote sensing is discussed . The possibility and the superiority of the wave band detectivity D ( and the wave band responsivity ) to be used instead of the peak wavelength detectivity D and the peak responsivity R are also discussed .

  22. 通过Matlab实例仿真,验证此法的探测成功率在70%以上。

    The search method was simulated and validated by Matlab . The success probability of the method is more than 70 % .

  23. TCD检测成功率的相关因素系列研究&绝经对TCD探测成功率的影响

    Research on the Relative Factors of the TCD Detection Successful Rate : The Effect of Menopause

  24. 为此,研究了无线传感器网络一个固定区域内连通性问题和探测覆盖率问题。

    Therefore , the connectivity problem and coverage problem of wireless sensor networks are discussed in this paper .

  25. 我们在理论上提出了基于金属双栅结构的反射式光学传感器,用于探测折射率的变化,并讨论了如何优化其性能。

    A reflex optical sensor with high sensitivity based on DMG for detecting the change in refractive index is proposed and its performance theoretically is discussed .

  26. 基于光学布洛赫方程组,我们对探测极化率的实部和虚部分别进行了解析和数值求解。

    Both ( approximate ) analytical and ( full ) numerical calculations will be performed for real and imaginary parts of the probe susceptibility based on the optical Bloch equations .

  27. 目的:确定短声可代替纯音作为刺激声作同侧声反射阈测定,并了解探测音频率对声反射阈的影响。

    Objective : To define that click can substitute for pure tone as a stimulus to measure ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds , and to find out the effect of probe frequency on acoustic reflex thresholds .

  28. 通过节点个数、节点速度和节点密度分别对该算法的探测准确率和探测时间开销进行仿真,并对本文提出的算法和传统节点探测算法进行仿真结果比较。

    Simulating the rate of detection accuracy and the overhead of detection time of algorithm respectively from the number of node 、 the speed of node and the density of node , and compares the simulation results between the algorithm proposed in this paper and traditional node detection algorithm .

  29. 结果20例患者核素法、染料法联合探测SLN检出率100%(5353枚),无假阴性。

    Results Combining the two methods we detected all the SLNs in the 20 patients , the detection rate reached 100 % while the false negative rate was 0 % .

  30. 通用串行总线(USB)主要用于外围设备和PC机之间的连接,由于它具有热拔插、自动探测、传输率高等优点,现已逐渐应用于虚拟仪器的通信接口。

    Universal Serial Bud ( USB ) is often used to connection PC and peripheral equipment , Because it has such advantages as plug and play , automatic detector and the high speed on transmitting , USB was used wider in communication interface of virtual instrument .