- 名index method;method of index number

Method of Topological Indices in Quantitative Study of Structure Property / Activity Relationships
Application of Comprehensive Index Method and AHP Method in Comprehensive Assessment of Geologic Hazards
API index and comprehensive pollution index are methods to report and assess city 's air quality .
Sharp index also used as comparative studies , the empirical results show that the overall performance evaluation .
Electrical load forecast based on Lyapunov exponent method with rule of acceptance and rejection
The ecological risk of single pollutant such as Cr , Cu and Zn in the two lakes was low level .
The primary software design of safety evaluation in fire explosion index is coded in Visual Basic language . This software is for the safety evaluation of chemical engineering device .
R & D Efficiency Evaluation Based on DEA and Malmquist Index
Method : The combination effect was quantitatively determined by using the method of median-effect principle and the combination index .
Two methods are briefly introduced in the quantitatively characterize of the spatiotemporal chaos : Lyapunov exponents and power spectral analysis .
In the process of markerassisted introgressing QTL , index selection method was used to make background selection .
The miscibility of PVC blends in tetrahydrofuran ( THF ) were characterized by solubility parameter , dilute solution viscometry , refractive index and glass transition temperature , etc.
Through the research , it can show : four kinds of appraisement methods all belong to the Comprehensive evaluation model , their conclusions of the water quantity evaluate also are basic consistent .
Oxidation resistance of Sialon containing MgO based castables has been studied by the methods of oxidation index and thermal weight test .
Water quality in various monitoring sections and urban sections were overall evaluated by using integrated pollution index based on analysis of recent two years ' water quality monitoring data in 7 cross sections alongside Badong area of Three Georges reservoir .
With lead pollution index and accumulate index method , the Pb content in urban green earth soil of Changchun city generally between the light and moderate pollution levels . 2 .
The quantitative structure-activity relationship ( QSAR ) models were developed for the toxicity by using the molecular connectivity index method .
Results from ecological risk index method indicated that about 80 % of the studied area reached severe and very severe harm degree and Cd and As were the main elements of potential harm .
Compared with the Method of Superposition Index , improved nethod of W is more scientific , reasonable , visual and comprehensive and it is the prime model for environmental quality assessment of surface water .
Method Occupational stress and work ability were carried out with revised occupational stress inventory ( OSI-R ) and work ability index ( WAI ) in 2 270 workers .
The results of integrated pollution index and the potential ecological risk assessment were indicated that Cd was the main pollutant in soil in Dalian , and pollution of Zn and Pb was serious in some locations .
Based on the research of spatial variability of heavy metals , combining with potential ecological risk index method , the comprehensive quantitative pollution assessments on Cu , Zn , Cd and Pb of sediments were carried out .
In the mode , the Synthetical Index method and RAC were firstly used to analysis , evaluate and calculate the risk of the objectives .
Topological Adjacent Electronegative Index for Prediction of the Physicochemical Property of PCDEs
The trend analysis of water quality in Fuxi river was made by using average-index assessment method and Spearman coefficient of correlation method .
Predicting Physicochemical Properties of Polychlorinated Diphenyl Ethers ( PCDEs ) with Molecular Connectivity Indices
A modified fingerprint classification method is proposed based on the fingerprint singular points , in which the singular points are extracted with a new Poincare Index method .
It makes the ADC as the base of the total arithmetic , and combines exponential arithmetic , arrangement-analysis arithmetic , using the guideline of attacking to ground , and then builds the model and analyses it .
Regarding LPG in the gas factory as the research object and using DOW chemical fire and explosion methods to evaluate and research the gas factory , and then make sure of the danger degree after taking safe compensation measures .
In this thesis , the application of such the tools and methods as risk breakdown structure , risk assessment code , risk matrix and Borda method are introduced .