
Chinese Sentence with a Nominal Predicate Whose Subjects Refers to a Person or Persons
The fifth chapter analysed the application value of the Cognitive nouns referred to people .
The structure of nouns referring to people in the modern Chinese language can be generalized as a
In this part , we mainly discussed the problem of Double-Reference phrase formed by personal noun and personal pronoun .
Currently , the Chinese vocabulary is experiencing an active period , and nouns referring to people vary with the development of the Chinese vocabulary .
Person nouns in the modern Chinese language are a research field worth further exploration . and will be discussed more in combinative , chronological and comparative ways .
The first chapter mainly introduces the present status of the research , the significance of the selected topic , the research methods and the object of the study .
The second chapter is the definition and classification of the Cognitive nouns referred to people , which made a detailed instruction to the definition , and made the systematic classification from two perspectives .
The composition of the Double-Reference phrase that formed by personal noun and personal pronoun that demonstrating the same and distinguish of different form of the phrase are restricted by semantics , syntax and pragmatics .
It is hoped that the preset study in this paper on person nouns in the modern Chinese language will provide useful insights into further study of object nouns , person verbs and the adjectives .
The meanings of nouns referring to people in certain context are dynamic rather than static , resulting in many temporary speech elements which are manifested in phonetics , words meanings , grammar and rhetoric .
After new words being coined with noun 's morpheme , the dialects gradually became grammatical as a sign of relational meaning morpheme .
" Comparison of human to human " is the comparison of two kinds of people with similar characters with the use of proper names or common nouns by the extension of word meaning .