
zhǐ dìnɡ ɡuǎn xiá
  • designate jurisdiction
  • designation of jurisdiction;designative jurisdiction;designated jurisdiction
  1. 重大、复杂的案件,可以由海关总署指定管辖。

    For grave and complex cases , the General Administration of Customs shall designate jurisdiction .

  2. 第三节移送管辖和指定管辖

    Section 3 Transfer and Designation of Jurisdiction

  3. 第二部分,分析刑事指定管辖制度的现状和问题。

    The second part has done analysis on the current situation and issues of the designated jurisdiction system .

  4. 指定管辖作为审判管辖中的重要组成部分,是对法定管辖的有益补充。

    As an important part of trial jurisdiction , designated jurisdiction is a useful complement to the statutory jurisdiction .

  5. 针对刑事管辖中的特殊情形,我国法律规定了指定管辖制度。

    For the criminal jurisdiction of the special circumstances , our legal system provides for the designation of jurisdiction .

  6. 由共同上级人民政府卫生行政部门管辖或者指定管辖。

    Has jurisdiction over or assigns the jurisdiction by the common higher authority people 's government administration of public health department .

  7. 本部分在第二部分的基础之上,分别针对刑事指定管辖制度存在的问题进行改革和完善。

    On the basis of the second part , some suggestions have been put forward to reform and improve the matters in the designated jurisdiction system .

  8. 协商不成的,报它们的共同上级人民法院指定管辖。

    If the dispute cannot be resolved through consultation , it shall be reported to a people 's court superior to the courts in dispute for the designation of jurisdiction .

  9. 第二十一条对管辖发生争议的,报请共同的上一级行政机关指定管辖。

    Article21if a dispute arises over jurisdiction between administrative organs , the matter shall be reported to their common administrative organ at the next higher level for designation of jurisdiction .

  10. 对海事行政处罚案件管辖发生争议的,报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。

    Where a dispute arises over the jurisdiction of a case of maritime administrative punishment , that case shall be submitted to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction .

  11. 最后,建立刑事审判指定管辖异议制度,赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人正当的权利,保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法利益。

    At last , a system of objection to the designated jurisdiction in criminal trail should be established to endow the criminal suspects and defendants with proper rights and guarantee the legitimate interest of theirs .

  12. 然后,规范刑事审判指定管辖指定程序,应由控方启动指定管辖程序,而且只能指定次数以一次为限,最终由法院以裁定书的形式来指定。

    Then standardize the procedure of the designated jurisdiction in criminal trial . The procedure should bi started by the prosecution and the jurisdiction can designate only by the court in the form of award finally .

  13. 受移送的海事管理机构如果认为移送不当,应当报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。

    If the maritime administrative agency to which the case is transferred deems that the transfer is improper , it shall submit that case to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction .

  14. 第二十二条有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。

    Article 22 If a people 's court which has jurisdiction over a case is unable to exercise its jurisdiction for special reasons , a people 's court at a higher level shall designate another court to exercise the jurisdiction .

  15. 管理专利工作的部门对管辖权发生争议的,由其共同的上级人民政府管理专利工作的部门指定管辖;

    Where administrative authorities for patent affairs have a dispute over their jurisdiction , the administrative authority for patent affairs of their common higher level people 's government shall designate the administrative authority for patent affairs to exercise the jurisdiction ;

  16. 从本质上来说,指定管辖制度是一种由公权力启动的解决管辖争议的手段,其蕴含着程序正义与诉讼效率两方面的价值目标。

    Criminal system designated jurisdiction is essentially a change initiated by the public power governing system and a means to resolve jurisdictional disputes , which not only contains the intrinsic value of procedure like procedural justice , also contains a procedure for such litigation efficiency Extrinsic value .

  17. 为完善该制度,一是要建立发回重审与指定改变管辖并存的制度;

    In order to perfect it , firstly , system of remanding and changing jurisdiction should exist at the same time .

  18. 每一缔约国应签署《业务协定》,或指定在其管辖下的有资格的公营或私营实体签署《业务协定》。

    Each Party shall sign the Operating Agreement or shall designate a competent entity , public or private , subject to the jurisdiction of that Party , which shall sign the Operating Agreement .