
  • 网络Two methods;Duka
  1. 用李亚普诺夫第二法分析暂态稳定性

    Analysis of Transient Stability Using Lyapunov Second Method

  2. 结果表明,不同柱高、柱径和流速下由两种方法计算得到的轴向返混系数数值相当,这也验证了此二法的准确性。

    Results show that axial dispersion coefficients obtained by two methods were almost equal , which can prove these two methods to be correct .

  3. 方法:经单因素考察,通过正交设计优化出双氯芬酸赖氨酸盐缓释片处方,按中国药典1995年版所载,溶出方法的第二法测其释放度。

    Methods After the single factor was checked , the optimal formulation of Diclofenac acid lysinel ( DAL ) slow release tablets were obtained by employing orthogonal design . The degree of drug release was determined according to the method given in Chinese Pharmacopoeia ( 1995 ) .

  4. 用国产R型活性染料与耐碱性分散染料在中性浴中作涤棉针织物一浴一步法染色可达到二浴法染色的要求。

    Domestic class R reactive dye and alkaline stable disperse dye were introduced to T / C knitted fabric dyeing in one neutral bath .

  5. 一种考察CCR的ABR业务二值法流量控制方案

    A Flow Control Scheme Considering CCR for ABR ATM Service Using One Bit Indication

  6. SHPB数据处理中的二波法与三波法

    Two-wave and Tri-wave Method in SHPB Data Treatment

  7. 二孔法电视胸腔镜下结合OB胶治疗肺大疱破裂后气胸

    Treatment of pneumothorax due to ruptured bulla by VATS two holes combined with " OB " Glue

  8. 为探讨淡水无核珍珠的细微生化组分和结构特征,建立有效鉴定方法,试验运用红外吸收光谱(IR)与园二色谱法(CD)等波谱方法对其进行分析检测。

    The biochemical composition and structureal characteristic of fresh water pipless pearl were determined using , two methods : Infrared Spectroscopy ( IR ) and Circular Dichromism spectra ( CD ) .

  9. scalb(x,y)用2y乘以x,scalb是“scalebinary(二进法)”的缩写。

    Math . scalb ( x , y ) multiplies x by2y ( scalb is an abbreviation for " scale binary ") .

  10. 方法:采用近交系雄性DA大鼠与LEW大鼠互为供受体,改良二袖套法建立肝脏移植模型48例。

    METHODS : Forty eight ROLT models were established by modified Kamada two-cuff technique , with inbred male DA rats and male LEW rats served as donor and recipient respectively .

  11. 用Singer法测定HYD活性;采用磷酸苯二钠法检测ACP。

    The activity of ACE was measured by improved Kennedy assay , HYD activity was measured by Singer assay , and ACP activity was measured by di-sodium phenyl phosphate .

  12. 介绍了用SHPB装置获得聚碳酸酯冲击压缩应力应变曲线的实验研究,并采用二波法获得了PC材料的应力应变曲线。

    This paper introduces the experimental study using SHPB apparatus for acquiring polycarbonate ′ s stress-strain curve under compressive impact loading . The stress-strain curve was obtained from incident wave and reflected wave under impact loading .

  13. 结论二孔法电视胸腔镜下结合OB胶治疗肺大疱破裂后气胸具有操作简便、减少手术创伤及术后疼痛、费用低、复发低等优点,但需严格掌握适应证。

    [ Conclusion ] The advantages of VATS combined with " OB " Glue treatment are procedures convenient , less operative invasion and postoperative pain , low cost , less postoperative complications or recurrences . but must master strictly the indication .

  14. 磁暴二倍法预报地震的探索

    Earthquake forecasting by a method of doubling the magnetic-storm interval

  15. 改进型的二段法自动模糊推理算法

    An improved algorithm of automated fuzzy reasoning with two-phase method

  16. 变型二浴法在羊革中的应用

    Distorted two-bath method are used in the sheep leather

  17. 基于简化局部二元法的人脸特征提取

    Facial Feature Extraction Based on Simplified Local Binary Patterns

  18. 结论大鼠原位肝移植二袖套法较三袖套法远期存活率高,并发症少,是一种稳定可靠的大鼠肝移植模型。

    It is a reliable and steady operation for orthotopic liver transplantation in rats .

  19. 二段法A/O生物膜氧化沟

    Two-Stage A / O Biological Film Oxidation Ditch

  20. 杂草生态和生态防除二段法防除直播田杂草技术研究

    Research on Technology of " Two Segments Method " Against Weeds in Direct-Sowing Rice Fields

  21. 在实现超椭圆曲线密码体制中起关键作用的运算是除子标量乘,一般采用的方法是二元法及其各种改进的二元法。

    The general methods applied for computing divisor scalar multiplications are Binary method and its improved versions .

  22. 其中路径识别采用硬件二值法和黑线中心提取算法实现,并通过试验验证效果良好。

    Path to identify which hardware and binary black center line extraction algorithm , and test results .

  23. 圆度和回转运动误差的时域二点法分离技术

    A Time Domain Two Point Method for In-Situ Measurement and Separation of Roundness and Rotating Error Motion

  24. 目的:建立一种双波长双试剂二点法测定血糖的方法。

    Objective To establish a dual wavelength , dual reagents and two points method for detection of glucose .

  25. 改进的二袖套法在手术成功率和术后短期存活时间方面与文献报道的相比有明显的优势。

    The results have evident superiority in operation success rate and survival rate after OLT than the record of literatures .

  26. 从预应力筋的实际作用机理出发,提出了预应力效应分析的二阶段法;

    Based on the mechanism of prestressed bar 's action , a two-stage method was advanced to simulate the prestressing .

  27. 结论应用迷你腔镜器械和二孔法技术行胸交感神经切断治疗手汗症安全、可行、有效,而且美容效果显著。

    Conclusions Sympathectomy using mini-endoscopic instruments and two ports approaches is safe , feasible and effective with good cosmetic result .

  28. 平均存活天数缝合法、三袖套法、二袖套法+肝动脉重建吻合法分别为67.2±5.6d;

    Average survival time in suture technique and three cuff technique , two cuff technique + rearterialization shows 67.2 ± 5.6 days ;

  29. 双酚A经过重氮化引入羧基,再经碳化二亚胺法与牛血清白蛋白偶联,成功合成了双酚A人工抗原,为其免疫分析方法的建立打下了基础。

    The artificial immune antigen of bisphenol-A has been successfully synthesized and it made possible to establish immunoassay of bisphenol-A. the isotopic method ;

  30. 通过比较可以发现:用四负载法预测的结果较二负载法和三负载法更接近实验结果。

    The comparisons showed that , the four-load method may get better agreement with the experiment results than the two-load and three-load methods .