
pī zhǔn shū
  • instrument of ratification;authorisation
批准书[pī zhǔn shū]
  1. 收到批准书或加入书的日期;

    Date of receipt of the instrument of ratification or accession ;

  2. 凡提及批准书均应理解为包括接受书和同意书;

    References to an " instrument of ratification " shall be construed as including references to instruments of acceptance and approval ;

  3. 批准书和加入书应递交总干事保存。

    Instruments of ratification and accession shall be deposited with the Director General .

  4. 筹备设立批准书;

    The letter of approval for preparation for establishment ;

  5. 任何批准书、接受书、核准书、加入书或参加文件的交存;

    Any deposit of instruments of ratification , acceptance , approval , accession or adhesion ;

  6. 参加入围的公司必须具有自我品牌的注册权和拥有权,有合法的批准书。

    The invited companies must have their own trademark registration and possession , and letter of ratification .

  7. 本条约应于五个国家递交批准书或加入书三个月之后生效。

    This Treaty shall enter into force three months after five States have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession .

  8. 批准书应于各缔约国协商确定的日期交存于布鲁塞尔。

    The ratifications shall be deposited at Brussels at a date to be fixed by agreement among the said Governments .

  9. 批准书、接受书、赞同书及加入书应向联合国秘书长交存。

    Instruments of ratification , acceptance , approval and accession are to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations .

  10. 本公约只对其批准书已由局长登记的国际劳工组织成员国具有约束力。

    This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organization whose ratifications have been registered by the Director-General .

  11. 代表处应当自领取批准书之日起3个月内迁入固定的办公场所;

    The representative office shall move into its official premises within three months from the date on which the approval document is issued ;

  12. 交换关于巴拿马运河的永久中立和经营的条约及巴拿马运河条约批准书的议定书巴拿马签发证书计划

    Protocol of Exchange of Instruments of Ratification Regarding the Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Treaty

  13. 任何非本公约缔约国的国家所提交的本议定书的批准书,具有加入本公约的效力。

    Ratification of this Protocol by any State which is not a Party to the Convention shall have the effect of accession to the Convention .

  14. 情节严重,拒不停止招生的,由审批机关撤销筹备设立批准书。

    F the circumstances are serious and it refuses to stop the enrollment , the examination and approval authorities shall revoke the letter of approval for preparation for establishment .

  15. 国际劳工局局长应将各成员国就本公约所交存的所有批准书、受书和退出书的登记情况通报国际劳工组织的全体成员国。

    The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all members of the International Labour Organization of the registration of all ratifications , acceptances and denunciations under this convention .

  16. 本条约将于换文[互换批准书]之日起生效,有效期10年。

    The present treaty shall come into force on the date of the exchange of the instruments of ratification and shall remain in force for a period of ten years .

  17. 批准书应交存国际联盟秘书长。该秘书长应将收到批准书事宜通知签署或加入本公约的各国。

    The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations , who shall notify their receipt to every State signatory of or acceding to the convention .

  18. 第(2)款范围之外的实体应自其交存批准书或加入书之日起三个月之后受本条约约束。

    Any entity not covered by paragraph ( 2 ) shall become bound by this Treaty three months after the date on which it has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession .

  19. 对于在修正案通过前登记了其对本公约的批准书的成员国,应将修正案的文本送交他们以供批准。

    In the case of Members whose ratifications of this Convention were registered before the adoption of the amendment , the text of the amendment shall be communicated to them for ratification .

  20. 首次交存的批准书应载入由参加国代表及比利时外交部长签署的议定书内。

    The first deposit of ratifications shall be recorded in a proc è s-verbal signed by the representatives of the Powers which take part therein and by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs .

  21. 在本公约修订案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书,应视为适用于经修改后的本公约。

    Any instrument of ratification , acceptance , approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention , is deemed to apply to the Convention as amended .

  22. 任何其他履行本条第一款规定的签署方,在交存批准书、接受书或核准书之日起成为银行成员。

    Any other Signatory which complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph , shall become a member of the Bank on the date on which its instrument of ratification , acceptance or approval is deposited .

  23. 第(1)款所指任何实体均可交存:批准书,指已签署本条约的;加入书,指未签署本条约的。

    Any entity referred to in paragraph may deposit ( I ) an instrument of ratification , if it has signed this Treaty ,( ii ) an instrument of accession , if it has not signed this Treaty .

  24. 谈提请批准逮捕书的规范化制作

    The Standardized Making of the Application Submitted for Approval of an Arrest Book Bar

  25. 一系列严重的经济后果使得经济储藏最终不具有有效性成为了一个不批准京都协议书通过的论据。

    The extreme economic consequences of such changes undermine the validity of economic preservation as an argument for not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol .

  26. 对于旧中国批准的协议书,中华人民共和国决定不予承认。

    The government of the PRC has decided not to recognize as Binding on China the Protocol ratified by the defunct government of China .

  27. 欧洲出版商协会已经批准了该请愿书,发言人HeidiLambert说,与此相反,出版商要求更严格执行现行立法。

    Instead , publishers want stricter enforcement of existing legislation , said Heidi Lambert , a spokeswoman for the European Publishers Council , a trade group that has endorsed the petition .

  28. 决定批准的,颁发批准书;决定不予批准的,应当作出书面决定并说明理由。

    If the application is approved , an approval letter shall be issued . If the application is not approved , a decision shall be made in writing and the reasons shall be explained .

  29. 批准的,发给筹备设立批准书;不批准的,应当书面说明理由。

    If the application is approved , a letter of approval for preparation for establishment shall be issued ; if the application is not approved , reasons shall be provided in writing .

  30. 局长应将经大会批准的修正案通知给其对本公约的批准书在大会批准修正案前业经登记的每一成员国。

    Amendments approved by the conference shall be notified by the Director-General to each of the members whose ratifications of this Convention were registered before the date of such approval by the conference .