
sài wài
  • beyond the Great Wall
塞外 [sài wài]
  • [beyond the Great Wall] 中国古代指长城以北的地区。也叫塞北

  • 我们都想从铁道两旁看到一些塞外风光。--翦伯赞《内蒙访古》

塞外[sài wài]
  1. 其中,边塞诗中体现的士人事功追求又细化为:人生襟怀抱负、难脱乡愁情结、同情塞垣苦和塞外风景异几方面。

    Among them , Frontier reflected in the taxis personnel power to pursue subdivided into : open-minded ambition in life , away with nostalgia complex , the sympathy plug Yuan bitter and beyond the Great Wall scenery different aspects .

  2. 塞外明珠金港城黄河岸畔好家园&记兰州金海湾房地产有限公司

    Lanzhou Golden Gulf Real Estate Co . , Ltd

  3. 结果除1例死于继发性脑梗塞外,19例病人低血钠症状恢复。

    Results In this series , 19 cases were cured and 1 died of secondary cerebral infarction .

  4. 棉花是朝阳的特产之一,素有“塞外银花”之称。

    Cotton is one of the Chaoyang specialty known as " Beyond the Great Yin-hua ," said .

  5. 这帮家伙最近不那么“野”了似乎停止了自相残杀并且开始追随这个塞外之王

    Somewhat less wild these days . Seems they 've stopped killing each other and started following this King-Beyond-the-Wall .

  6. 结果除早期的3例死于脑水肿和脑梗塞外,其余18例水电解质代谢紊乱均得到纠正。

    Result Among the patients , cured cases in clinic were 18 and 3 cases died of brain edema and infarction .

  7. 表面活性剂驱引起的伤害除了磺酸盐型沉淀,乳状液堵塞外,表面活性剂富集相也能引起油层的伤害。

    Formation damages in surfactant flood are mainly caused by sulfonate precipitation , emulsion plugging , as well as enrichment of surfactant .

  8. 这帮家伙最近不那么野了似乎停止了自相残杀并且开始追随这个塞外之王

    Somewhat less wild these days . Seems they 've stopped killing each other and started following this King Beyond the Wall .

  9. 位于塞外燕山山脉中的河北省隆化县温泉村的温泉地热,是极有开发利用价值的资源。

    The geothermal field locating at Wenquan Village of Longhua County of Hebei Province in Yanshan Mountains provides valuable resources for exploitation and utilization .

  10. 西汉以来就是山西北部的一个重要县份,也是太原通向塞外的交通枢纽。

    Since the Western Han Dynasty in northern Shanxi Province is an important county is also leading to formation of Taiyuan , transport hub .

  11. 吉林省通榆县地处内蒙古东部,科尔沁大草原东陲,是一个历史悠久,环境优雅的塞外古城。

    Tong Yu County in Jilin province is located in the eastern Inner Mongolia , east Chui horqin grassland ; it is a long history and beautiful city .

  12. 血管铸型标本除1例病变广泛、波及下牙槽动脉造成其闭塞外,其余6例下牙槽动脉及其分支连续性完好。

    It was discovered on the casting specimen that the continuity of inferior alveolar arteries remained intact except one case where the artery was obliterated due to lesion involvement .

  13. 比如,他的诗歌对塞外民情风俗的描写,直到今天,也还是我们了解唐代边疆地区民俗的重要资料。

    For example , his poem on the formation of the customs and sentiments about , until today , were important information we understanding the Tang Dynasty folk border areas .

  14. 果然,没过几个月,那匹迷途的老马又从塞外跑了回来,并且还带回了一匹胡人骑的骏马。

    Sure enough , not a few months , Naya gone astray from the formation of Maradona running back , and also brought back a non-Han nationalities riding the horses .

  15. 清代及民国时期,随着塞外移民的展开,内蒙古汉族人口大幅上升,形成与蒙古族交错杂居的格局。

    During Qing Dynasty and the Republic China period , with the Han immigrants pouring into the Inner Mongolia grassland , the coexistence pattern of Mongolians and Han nationality came into being .

  16. 不仅仅只有唐代存在边塞诗,而且自汉代以来,每个朝代都会有抵御外辱、表现塞外风光、英勇征战的边塞诗歌。

    Not only in the glorious age of tang dynasty existed , and since the han dynasty , every dynasty have to resist outside , to reflect the scenery beyond the great and heroic in frontier fortress poems .

  17. 谁都很难想象,一千六百年前,先民们在敦煌选址开窟时,这里曾经是一片草木扶疏的塞外绿洲。

    One can hardly imagine that , when our forefathers chose to carve a cave at Dunhuang 1,600 years ago , the site was a stretch of oasis with lush grass and trees north of the Great Wall .

  18. 我至今难以想象母亲如何走过了那遥远的行程,她从塞外离家上火车,在沈阳转车,需准确地找到开往辽东的列车。

    Till now I still hardly image mother how to go across the long way , she left home taking train outside the Great Wall , took change at Shenyang , that need to accurately find the train to Liaodong .

  19. 其间,她走过辉煌的发展历程,但也受到过排挤、遭遇过扼杀、遇到过冷漠、然而她仍顽强地存活下来,成为塞外一朵夺目的艺术奇葩。

    During , she passes through the magnificent development process , however but also received has pushed aside , encounters has strangled , runs into , her still tenaciously to survive indifferently gets down , became area north of the Great Wall eye-catching art rare and beautiful flowers .

  20. 一方面太原本身成为唐代文学创作的对象,其都市与军镇合一、塞外与水乡兼具的特点,在唐代文学中塑造了独特的都市形象。

    On the one hand , Taiyuan itself becomes the object of literature in the Tang Dynasty , urban and military town combination , beyond the Great Wall of both the characteristics of the rivers and lakes in the Tang Dynasty literature to create a unique image for the city .