- spoiler

Transient aerodynamic response of an airfoil to a rapidly deploying spoiler is numerically investigated by solving two-dimensional unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations .
When a spoiler is raised , the wing on that side drops .
It is shown that there are optimum blockage ratio and vane number for PDE .
Numerical simulation of the compressible unsteady flow induced by an oscillating spoiler
Study on a Thrust-vector Control Technique of the Ejection-rocket with the Spoiler
Study of vortex motions induced by oscillating spoiler attached to flat plate
Unsteady Flow Around Airfoil with a Rapidly Deploying Spoiler
The Flow and Heat Exchange Process in a Rectangular Straight Channel with Spoilers
The effect of flap height on wall pressure distribution
Vortex shedding and time mean pressure behind oscillating spoilers
Separated Aerodynamic Characteristic Calculation for Airfoil - Spoiler
In this paper , adding forward , radial and reverse spoiler on the casing pipe .
The influences of gap with different height on pressure distribution are in the same manner .
Through solving the unsteady flow fields of an airfoil-flap , the mechanism of buzz is intensively studied .
This paper discussed the application of a flow visualization method in the study of unsteady separated vortex flows .
Another common method is the semaphore spoiler which the French have used on most of their anti-tank missiles .
The structure of wingtip vortex and the affection of tap on wingtip vortex is investigated in this paper .
In this paper we study the Re range , reverse spoiler integrated heat transfer enhancement effect is best .
A vortex panel method is presented to simulate low speed inviscid separated flow past an airfoil with a spoiler .
Ailerons are smaller than on the older jets , and they are aided by spoilers mounted on the tops of the wing .
Introducing a helm-gear , this topic adopts a spoiler technique on a thrust-vector control to accomplish a real-time control onto the rocket-motor thrust-vector .
Solenoid operated spoiler Baffles : Baffles providing controlled air vectors into and through the fume hood shall be constructed from the same material as the liner .
By measuring the thrust and lateral forces of solid rocket motor during firing conditions , the thrust vector control performances of jet tab TVC and movable nozzle TVC were studied .
Finally , The ignition tests with and without spoilers under the static conditions and the ignition tests for the spoiler joint-operation driven by the simulated signals under the dynamic conditions have been conducted .
The effects of blockage ratio , vane number and space of turbulence generator on detonation wave as well as the change of pressure peaks between two vanes located in upstream or downstream were investigated .
With the internal cooling of the trailing edge of high temperature turbine blade as the application background , the flow and heat transfer process was experimented in the duct with sequence and staggered rectangular fins .
Under the same inlet Reynolds Number , the performance of the passage with slant fins is 2.6 times of that of the passage with staggered fins , and 6.6 times of that of the smooth rectangle straight passage .
It is found that the structure of wingtip vortex in earlier stage will be influenced by the taps , but in middle stage or later stage it will be influenced very little . Compared the actuality of the structure of th
The tilt direction spoiler can not only strength , size of longitudinal vortex generated by the impact , will affect the direction of the vortex , so the spoiler different tilt direction has the effect of heat transfer enhancement is different .
When the relative gap height ( the ratio of flap height to gap width ) is in the range of 0 8-2 0 , the mean pressure will reduced 30 % if the flap height is smaller than the thickness of boundary layer .