
  1. 应用ANSYS对整体壁板及损伤后双面修补壁板进行有限元分析。

    ANSYS is used for the analysis of the integral panel and the double-face repair panel .

  2. 基于UG的飞机整体壁板类零件数字化展开

    UG-Based Digital Development of Aircraft Integral Panel Parts

  3. W片的双折射大型整体壁板用扁挤压筒受力的有限元分析

    Birefraction of W Flat Stress analysis of multilayer flat container for extruding aluminium sheet with flange by FEM

  4. 气垫船铝合金整体壁板应用初探

    Application of aluminum alloy single - piece bulkhead for ACV 's

  5. 整体壁板挤压模应力分析和提高强度的措施

    Stress analysis of integrated wallboard extrusion mould and related design problems

  6. 整体壁板蒙皮曲面几何展开方法研究

    Research on geometric development method of integral panel skin surface

  7. 某型火箭整体壁板增量压弯成形试验

    Incremental Bending Forming Test of Integral Panel of a Rocket

  8. 铝型材整体壁板挤压的进展和应力分析及举措

    Development of Whole Wallboard and Stress Analysis with Corresponding Measures

  9. 基于特征矩阵和神经网络的铝型材整体壁板外形识别

    Shape Recognition of Aluminum Wallboard Profile Based on Neural Net and Feature Matrix

  10. 时效成形是一种用于制造飞机整体壁板零件的成形工艺。

    Age forming technique has been developed to manufacture integral wing-skin panel components .

  11. 整体壁板结构裂纹转折特性研究综述

    Research on Crack Turning Characterization of Integrally Stiffened Structure

  12. 铝合金整体壁板橡胶填料辅助滚弯成形试验研究

    Research on formability of rubber filling roll bending process of integral panel skins

  13. 整体壁板时效成形的回弹预测及模面补偿技术

    Prediction of Springback and Tool Surface Modification Technology for Age Forming of Integral Panel

  14. 有限元法在机翼整体壁板成形中的应用

    The Application of Finite Element Method in the Forming of Aircraft Wing Skin Panels

  15. 5083铝合金整体壁板耐腐蚀性能研究

    Research on Stress Corrosion Cracking and Exfoliation Corrosion Resistance of 5083 Alloy Integral Panel

  16. 整体壁板结构纵向连接接头的优化设计

    Research and optimization design of a riveted longitudinal lap joint in integral panel structure

  17. 机翼整体壁板数字化制造技术

    Digitized Manufacturing Technology for Integral Wing Panel

  18. 塑料辅助网格式整体壁板滚弯成形实验研究

    Experimental research on the plastics filling roll bending process of integral panel skins with grid-type ribs

  19. 基于特征映射的超临界机翼整体壁板板坯快速建模技术研究

    Rapid Modeling of a Supercritical Airfoil ′ s Integral Wing Plane Panels Based on Feature Mapping

  20. 网格式整体壁板自适应增量压弯预测

    Research on the Parameter Forecasting of Self-adapting Incremental Bending Forming on Integral Panel Skin with Grid-Type Ribs

  21. 焊接整体壁板的产生降低了零件制造成本,并提高了整体结构效率。

    The production of welded panels reduce the manufacturing costs and improve the efficiency of the overall structure .

  22. 整体壁板成形是大飞机制造的关键难题之一。

    The forming of integral panels is one of the key issues in the manufacture of large passenger aircraft .

  23. 大型整体壁板用扁挤压筒的温度场及热应力分析

    Analysis of temperature field and thermal stress of multilayer flat container for extruding aluminum sheet with flange by FEM

  24. 蠕变时效成形技术是为制备大型整体壁板类构件而发展起来的一项新技术。

    Creep age forming technology has been developed as a new technology as it can produce large integral panel components .

  25. 采用逐点增量弯曲的方法对网格式带筋整体壁板进行了试验研究,并进行了有限元模拟。

    In this paper , the incremental bend forming technology and finite element simulation are applied to form the panel .

  26. 复杂结构的整体壁板成形要满足飞机气动外形和疲劳寿命的要求,成形难度极高。

    The forming of complex integral panel requires meeting the need of aircraft gas figuration and fatigue-life , and the forming is very difficult .

  27. 蠕变时效成形技术主要用于大型飞机整体壁板的成形,是利用金属的蠕变特性,将成形与时效同步进行的一种成形方法。

    Creep age forming technique was mainly used for large aircraft panels , which took the advantage of the creep characteristics of the metal .

  28. 本文采用部分正交升阶谱板、梁组合元素分析正交加劲整体壁板的稳定性。

    The stability of integrally stiffened plates is analyzed by combining the partially orthogonal hierarchal beam elements and thin plate elements in this paper .

  29. 随着飞机向着“体积大”、“速度快”方向发展,采用多轴数控加工、具有气动外形复杂结构的整体壁板类构件日益增多。

    As the spacecraft is getting bigger and faster , the panel type components with aerodynamic shape complicated structure using multi-axial numerical control processing are increasing .

  30. 网格式高筋条整体壁板毛坯展开中结构特征映射方法研究与应用张拉成形网格结构成形过程径向位移分析

    Structural feature mapping in blank design of integral panel with high flanges and grid ribs Analysis of radial displacement during forming process of Stretch Forming Latticed Structure