
  • 网络disturbance variable
  1. 本文将其中一个扰动变量视为缺失数据,利用EM算法得到模型参数的极大似然估计。

    The maximum likelihood estimates ( MLEs ) of the model are computed with the EM algorithm .

  2. 该方法将励磁调节器的影响和与系统的耦合关系包含在可测扰动变量中,使得控制器的设计只与本地发电机及其调速系统的参数有关,GAHC是一种设计简单、安装方便的分散控制器。

    The design of the controller is simple , because the effect of the exciter and the complex relation with system are included in the measurable disturbance .

  3. 本文提出基于系统稳态模型的模型自适应MPC策略,利用稳态模型在不同操作点上被控变量对操纵变量及扰动变量的相对变化率的变化,来刷新RMPCT控制器中各通道的模型增益。

    The Model Adaptive Strategy for Multivariable Model Predictive Control based on system steady model is proposed , by the relative gain variation of controlled variables to manipulated variables and disturbance variables based on the system steady model , the channel 's gain of transfer functions are modified .

  4. 此外,当扰动变量形成Baire空间时,分别证明了在Baire分类意义下变量扰动和序扰动的联合锥弱有效解集在连续意义下的稳定性。

    In addition , this paper also proved that the joint cone weakly efficient solution sets are stable in the sense of continuance with ( respect ) to the variable perturbation and order perturbation respectively on the contents of Baire category when the perturbation variables form Baire space .

  5. 同时,由于风暴尺度系统对扰动变量和扰动振幅比较敏感,其误差结构和增长率各不相同,所以在作风暴尺度集合预报时选择合适的扰动变量和扰动振幅就显得尤为重要。

    Because the storm is very sensitivity to the perturbation of different variable and amplitude , so it is very important to choose an appropriate perturbation variable and amplitude for storm scale ensemble forecasting .

  6. 该方法借助单控制体模型得到控制方程,将扰动变量代入控制方程得到零阶和一阶方程,最终由压力分布表达式推导出动力特性系数。

    Substituting the perturbation variables into the governing equations , which were obtained by using a single-control - volume model , yielded the zeroth-order equations and fist-order equations , in the end the dynamic coefficients were gained from the expression of the pressure distributing .

  7. 基于EM算法和完全数据对数似然的条件期望,分别研究了ZIP回归模型在加权扰动、解释变量扰动和响应变量扰动下的局部影响诊断问题,得到了相应的诊断统计量。

    Based on the EM algorithm and conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function , this paper develops the local influence analysis of the zero inflated poisson regression models under the the case-weights , perturbation of explanatory variables and response , respectively , and the corresponding diagnostics statistics are obtained .

  8. 钢球磨煤机是一个具有大滞后、非线性和不确定性扰动的多变量对象。

    Steel ball coal grinding machine is a time-delay , nonlinearity and uncertainty of disturbance multivariable objects .

  9. 但是由于其具有很强的非线性、缺少稳态操作条件、反应过程的不确定性、未知扰动、过程变量的限制和有限的在线测量信息等特性,不易建立准确的数学模型。

    However , it has features of high nonlinear , uncertainty , disturbances , limited process variable and online measurement information .

  10. 研究传导机制可以深入细致地分析货币政策扰动对经济变量的影响。

    Researching the transmission mechanism can help us to analyze the perturbation impact on economic variables of monetary policy deeply and carefully .

  11. 针对一类数学模型不完全确知并包含外部扰动的非线性多变量系统,提出一种模糊神经网络(FNN)自适应控制策略。

    A kind of fuzzy-neuro network ( FNN ) adaptive control law was proposed for a class of nonlinear multivariable system that include unknown functions and external disturbances .

  12. 导出了三维扰动波的原始变量形式的抛物化稳定性方程(PSE),研究了三维空间模态TS波的非平行边界层稳定性问题。

    In this paper , the nonparallel stability of 3D TS waves for the spatial mode in the boundary layers is analyzed using parabolized stability equations ( PSE ), which are new effective approach to study the evolution of disturbance waves in the weakly nonparallel flows such as boundary layers .

  13. 具时变扰动动态的多变量控制系统性能评价

    Performance Assessment of Multivariable Control System with Time-Variant Disturbance Dynamics

  14. 将连续系统从模型取状态方案推广到含有可测扰动的离散多变量系统。

    The scheme taking state from model in serial system has been developed into multivariable discrete time system which has measurable disturbance .