- 【法】raiding disrupting finance

It also moved to rescue the insurance firm American International Group , the failure of which Mr. Bush says could have caused a severe disruption in financial markets and threatened other sectors of the economy .
Thirdly , the domestic loans stimulated speculation and disrupted the financial .
The eurozone 's prestige could suffer further now that political turmoil in Greece is unsettling financial markets .
Alongside the debate about the timing of rate hikes , there is growing concern that whenever the Fed moves , it will disrupt financial markets .
Trust industry distorted the financial market ; there were many drawbacks in trust industry operating area , such as capital resource , financial investment and internal management system ;
Illegal absorb public deposits refers to the individual or enterprise or other organization without the approval of the financial regulators , open to the public to illegal absorb deposits or in disguised form absorb deposit to disrupt the financial order behavior .
Disrupting normal price relationships across the financial system .
He says the epidemic has roiled financial markets and provoked alarm that the world economy may be in for another major economic shock .
Once it is short of exact management on it , great losses will be brought to the investors and even the national financial system will be disturbed .
At the same time , the act itself disrupt the destruction of normal financial seriously .
The above behaviors increase the operating costs and risks facing theof banks and disrupt the normal order in the financial industry .
The unjust competitive behavior has disturbed greatly the normal financial order , damaged the goodwill of bank , which is easy to cause financial venture .
And the formal financial order is ruined by the less efficiency of the normal financial departments , the prevalence of the folk finance which impacts the function of the monetary policies .