
zhí xínɡ ɡōnɡ wù
  • Performing official duties;performance of official business
  1. 昨天有一名警察在执行公务时受伤。

    A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday .

  2. 他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。

    They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty .

  3. 他去年在执行公务时殉职。

    He was killed in the line of duty last year .

  4. 汤姆在执行公务时受了伤。

    Tom was wounded in the pursuance of his duty .

  5. 我在执行公务时,遇到过三教九流各色人等。

    I meet a wide range of people in the prosecution of my duties .

  6. 正在执行公务的公务船舶;

    Official ships that are on official mission ;

  7. 她由于妨碍警察执行公务而被捕。

    She was arrested for obstructing the police in the performance of their duty .

  8. 任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。

    No organization or individual shall obstruct frontier inspectors from lawfully executing their duties .

  9. 你们在妨碍警官执行公务!

    You 're interfering with official police bidness !

  10. 你在妨碍我执行公务。

    You are violating my territorial bubble .

  11. 要以妨碍执行公务及侵犯罪逮捕了!

    Arrest for being obstructing and voience !

  12. 他因妨碍警察执行公务而被逮捕。

    He was arrested for obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty .

  13. 逮捕的理由是妨碍执行公务。

    He was arrested for obstruction .

  14. 公路监督检查人员执行公务,应当佩戴标志,持证上岗。

    In performing their duties , road supervisory and checking personnel should wear signs and show certificates .

  15. 论警察执行公务的法律保护&一种警察执法权益保护的法律进路

    On Legal Protection of Police Law Enforcement & A lawful way of police law enforcement right protection

  16. 保护警察执行公务是维护法律尊严、确保社会公共利益的需要。

    Protection of police law enforcement is necessary in guarding dignity of law and insuring social public interest .

  17. 你没必要跟我急吧?我只是执行公务而已。

    You have no call to get snippy with me , I 'm just doing my job here .

  18. 非经常进入大学校园执行公务者,需于每次进出校园时,缴付泊车费用。

    Occasional carpark users are required to pay parking fee each and every time when entering the University .

  19. 国家机关为执行公务使用已经发表的作品;

    Use of a published work by a state organ for the purpose of performing its official duties ;

  20. 市长呼吁对那些杀害正在执行公务的警官的人处以死刑。

    The mayor is calling for the death penalty for anyone who kills police officers in the line of duty .

  21. 新南威尔斯州首席部长奥法雷尔说,这个改变将帮助警察正确执行公务。

    The New South Wales Chief Minister Barry O'Farrell says the changes will help the police do their job properly .

  22. 日本共同社消息称,日海上保安厅以“涉嫌妨碍执行公务”为由逮捕了中方船长。

    The Japanese coast guard arrested the Chinese ship captain on suspicion of obstructing public duties , said Kyodo News Agency .

  23. 这比在其他职业上要难得多,因为警察是在非同寻常的条件下执行公务。

    This is a harder task than it would be for many other occupations because the police function under unusual conditions .

  24. 计划生育行政部门及其工作人员依法执行公务受法律保护。

    The administrative departments of family planning and their functionaries shall be under the protection of law in their execution of laws .

  25. 哈利王子受到控诉,说他违反军规,身着英国陆军制服执行公务时还蓄着胡子。

    Prince Harry has been accused of breaking military rules by wearing a beard while on official duty in a British Army uniform .

  26. 其立法思想旨在以较为丰厚的廪禄且辅以重典的双重作用下,减少乃至杜绝宋朝吏员在执行公务过程中贪赃行为的发生。

    The legislative intention was to reduce , even eradicate the officials ′ corruption by means of a dual deal-fat salary and severe punishment .

  27. 但是他说,地方法院立刻驳回了他的观点,理由是警方只是在执行公务。

    However , he says local court officials dismissed the idea out of hand on the grounds that the police were just doing their job .

  28. 在执行公务时,应当穿着识别服装,佩戴统一标志,并出示统一印制的行政执法证。

    While performing their official duties , they shall be dressed in identifiable uniforms , wear unified symbols and produce unitarily printed law enforcement certificates .

  29. 公职律师是指依法取得律师执业证书,专门为行使国家权力、执行公务的机构、组织提供法律服务的国家公务员。

    Public office lawyers are lawyers having obtained practicing certificate and exercise state power in accordance with the law who offer law service to public affairs .

  30. 为联合国执行公务而死亡、受伤或患病的赔偿规

    Rules Governing Compensation in the Event of Death , Injury or Illness Attributable to the Performance of Official . Duties on Behalf of the United Nations