
xínɡ zhènɡ ɡuī zhānɡ
  • administrative rules
  1. 他们评论在州法令之下的州行政规章的合法性。

    They review the legality of state administrative rules under state statutes .

  2. 第二部分关于商标权保护的行政规章清单

    Part II List of Administrative Rules Regarding Protection of Trademark

  3. 表A:中国有关知识产权保护的行政规章

    Table A : The Administrative Rules of China Concerning Intellectual Property Rights

  4. 档案行政规章是档案法律体系的有机组成部分,在规范和指导档案事业方面,起着举足轻重的作用。

    Archive administrative regulation is significant part of the file law system .

  5. 论行政规章对西部开发的法律规制

    Legal Adjustment of Administrative Regulations in the West Exploration

  6. 行政规章制定中的根据问题研究

    On the " According to " Question in Enaction of the Administrative Rules

  7. 多数行政规章都要经历一个被称为制定规章的通知和评论的过程。

    Most administrative rules go through a process known as notice and comment rulemaking .

  8. 行政规章的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of Administrative Regulations

  9. 行政规章的民事法源地位及问题

    Administrative Rules as Civil Law Sources

  10. 军事行政规章;

    The military administrative rules ;

  11. 行政规章研究

    Studies in Administrative Rules

  12. 为贯彻《中华人民共和国海上国际集装箱运输管理规定》而制定的行政规章。

    Rules for the Implementation of the Provisions of the P.R.C.for the Marine Transport Management of International Containers .

  13. 不仅如此,行政规章的社会作用也日益显赫。

    Not only that , the administrative rules and regulations social function day by day is also prominent .

  14. 论行政规章监督的法学机理和机制行政法律责任的规范分析&兼论行政法学研究方法

    The Theory of Law and Legal Mechanism on Supervising Administrative Regulations A Normative Analysis on Administrative Legal Obligation

  15. 因此,我们必须正视现实,承认行政规章是法。

    Therefore , we must face the reality , the acknowledgment administration rules and regulations are the law .

  16. 此外,各有关部门还发布了大量的环境保护行政规章。

    In addition , departments concerned have also issued a number of administrative rules and decrees on environmental protection .

  17. 出租人应将共有权、行政规章制度和内部章程交付给承租人以供参阅和遵守。

    LESSOR shall deliver to LESSEE the condominium and administration bylaws and the internal bylaws for information and compliance purposes .

  18. 国务院制定了人口、资源、环境、灾害方面的行政规章100余部。

    The State Council has formulated more than 100 administrative provisions on population , resources , environment and disaster control .

  19. 将行政规章纳入司法监督范围之我见行政规范性文件的审查监督制度研究

    My Views on Bringing Administrative Act into Judicial Supervision ; Administration Normative Documents Study on the Examination and Supervision System

  20. 期间,经历了一个从无到有,由行政规章到法律层面的过渡进程。

    During this period , it experienced one to grow out of nothing , an administrative rule to a legal system .

  21. 交通肇事责任的判定,行政规章和《刑法》都是强调因果关系,并无不同之处,两者相互承接。

    Both administrative regulations and " Criminal Law " emphasize on the causality in judgement of liabilities in causing traffic trouble .

  22. 对于工程采购采购缺乏非招标采购方式的问题,应当通过制定行政规章进行完善。

    As for the problem of devoid of non-tendering procurement methods in construction procurement , special administrative regulations shall be enacted .

  23. 但是,行政规章的低效益性要求我们革新传统的行政立法观念。

    The inefficiency of administrative regulations , however , forces us to seek reform of the traditional thinking on administrative legislation .

  24. 若缺少成文法或者行政规章的规定,州法院通过颁布法律规则裁决民事纠纷。

    In the absence of any controlling statute or regulation , state courts adjudicate civil disputes by promulgating rules of law .

  25. 中国海关对进出口集装箱及所装货物进行监督管理所遵循的行政规章。

    Rules of the Customs of the P.R.C.Governing the Supervision and Control over Inland and Outland Containers and the Goods Contained therein .

  26. 在我国城市中,北京市是中国大陆率先通过行政规章明确要求具有一定规模的建设项目必须开展交通影响分析的城市。

    Beijing is the first city that be required to do TIA for some scale project by governmental regulations in Chinese Mainland .

  27. 以下三个部分是中国现行有效的、关于知识产权保护的行政规章。

    The following three parts were the administrative rules regarding protection of intellectual property right , which were still in force in China .

  28. 我国虽有多部法律规定了行政规章问题,但仍不能确认其法律地位和身份。

    Although our country had many administration rules and regulations question , but still could not confirm its legal status and the status .

  29. 方法对不同时间发布的相关法律、法规、行政规章中的有关内容进行比较、分析。

    METHODS : The concerned contents of the related laws , codes , administrative rules and regulations issued at different time were analyzed comparatively .

  30. 行政规章混乱的状况很大程度上是由于规章制定所参照的明确依据和标准的缺乏。

    The confusion condition of the Administrative regulations is largely due to the lack of clear standards followed by the enaction of administrative rules .